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well, kids' rooms are so much fun to do andthey're also challenging, because you don't wanna do something that your child is gonnaoutgrow quickly. so this is an example of a really fun toddlerroom that i think will go on for a number of years after he outgrows some of the accessories. the first thing is we have this great stripedaccent wall. and it's very easy to do, all you need isa little painter's tape and you can paint whatever you want. and you can see that the colors have beentaken from the stripe in the pillow, which also coordinate with the real whimsical patternon the bed.
the other big problem sometimes is storage. so here we've got this wonderful storage unitfrom ikea, very affordable, with the baskets inside, that you can put clothes, underwear,socks, toys, whatever you want. and then the art in the room are very, veryaffordable prints in ikea frames. and this is something that you wanna be verycareful about. you don't wanna invest too much money in yourchild's room at this age, because what you invest in, you wanna make sure will last fora while, and that they won't get tired of. we've got his name on the wall. his name is zach.
and again, this is very affordable. you can get just simple canvases from michaels,spray paint them, and stencil the letters on, or even get a little more fun and artistic. so the sky's the limit with kids' rooms. just make sure that, whatever you do, yourkid likes it too.