wallpapers in living room

today's video is sponsored by chromebooks so i thought it would be the perfect opportunity to show you how imake my cell phone wallpapers so i've grabbed my chromebook my new toy forthis season and i'm at my local coffee shop so let's grab a coffee or teadefinitely you should grab a muffin if you've got one and we're gonna have somefun making artful wallpapers hey guys i'm shayda campbell and on thischannel we do all things creative so if you're new here consider subscribing nowtoday it's the start of the month of may and it's the start of the week so ithought it'd be the perfect time to get out of the house get out of the studiowe're out and about at a little coffee
shop in charlottetown and i'm just gonnashow you guys how to make your own cell phone wallpaper it's sort of a nice wayto refresh your phone this is something you could download online but it'sequally easy and way more fun to make it yourself just a fun digital craft youcan do it over the course of a cup of coffee or tea so let's get started nowbecause i'm going to focus on showing you around adobe draw one of thechromebook apps i don't want to get bogged down with illustrating thingsperfectly so we are going to make this really fun and we are going to do ourbest to paint a wallpaper that's in the style of maude lewis a canadian folkartist and folk art is kind of having a
moment right now if you think of work ofdinara mirtalipova or rifle paper co they're very popular and it's also theperfect thing for a cell phone wallpaper so let's get started here i'm on mychromebook and i am just gonna open up adobe draw and the first thing when i goto create a new piece is i'm able to choose from a whole plethora of sizesand i'll just choose 9 by 16 which is of course the ratio for a cell phone andyou can see there i've got a nice blank canvas now and it's already sizedand ready for me and then if you look at the menu on the left here i've got abunch of different pen heads so there's a whole bunch of different sort of nibswith an eraser right at the bottom and i
tend to just use the top nib the roundone is kind of like a sharpie once you choose your nib it takes you intoanother menu the top thing being size and you just drag your pen or yourstylus up and down to change the size next is opacity same thing up and downto change the opacity of your pen or your color and then of course the coloris at the bottom once you click that you open up this color wheel and you canmove it around and get any color of the rainbow you can also go in here and sortof look up the rgb scales or change the hex number actually right in the number ofthe color that you want or the code of the color that you want i tend to usethe wheel most often unless i want to be
sure that i'm getting like true white ortrue black so to start i've chosen a nice light shade of blue and i'm makinga border around my canvas then all i have to do is click in the middle ofthat perimeter that i've laid out and it will do a color fill so anytime you wantto fill something in just click and hold and then i'm making another layer i'vegot my layers palette on the right hand side so pens are on the left layers areon the right so you just click that little plus button anytime you want toadd an additional layer and any time you use the eraser it's gonna erase fromthat layer only so think about that if you want to erase and you're working allin one layer not only are you gonna
erase what you're drawingbut you're gonna also erase your background right so that's why we makethese extra layers to make erasing and and just to keep things clean and alittle bit easier for you the artist so i've switched my pen color back to whitehere and i'm gonna start by drawing some blossoms i'm gonna do a littlestrawberry field inspired sort of folk art wallpaper and part of the reason i'mdoing folk art is just because it is so graphic and punchy especially that styleof maud lewis it's almost childlike it's very whimsical and i just thought itwould be really fun as a beginning a beginner project a sort of intro tousing adobe draw on the chromebook and
you can create something that is youknow it is a little child dish but it's gonna look beautiful as your cell phonebackdrop and you can just see here that i'm changing up the color of the pen ialso will change the size it's really easy i just for size or opacity i'mdragging my stylist up and down to change the size and then for color iclick on the color and my wheel comes up and i'm able to switch things up so herei'm going to start doing some strawberries so i've picked a nice shadeof sort of a cool pinkish muted red and i'm just doing these little cute littleheart-shaped strawberries the very nondescript shapeand i'm just layering a few of those i'm
also doing most of my pen work in aslightly translucent color and that's so that i'm able to create some shadingwithout having to change color and you can really see that on the strawberriesnow for the green stems i am using an opaque nib and it's just as easy asclicking on opacity and dragging your stylus so it's very easy to go back andforth between a nice translucent color and a very opaque color when you learnto draw on a chromebook or a tablet you want to cut yourself a little bit ofslack there's only a slight learning curve i would say before you start sortof forming your own habits and figuring out how you create your own style on thechromebook but it's nice to sort of
start with a project like this that'svery graphic and punchy and fun and you're not trying to make anythingperfect you're just creating this fun little colorful illustration you can seehere with the leaves how i do an outline and then i just click in the center andi get a nice color fill so that's one aspect of the program that's very easyyou don't have to color everything in and i'm just going on and on here we'reputting a few more blossoms and i've used a very very simple color palette ofa cool red and green anytime i want to get my color back that i've already usedi can just go into color and go to history so that's a very nice feature isthat i don't have to guess or remember
the hex codes or anything like thatthey're all saved there in the history of the project and the last thing yousee me doing here is just adding a few little seeds to these strawberries andthat's it my project is done it came together really simply and beautifullyand quickly and that's the nice thing about the chromebook is when you'redrawing tablet is also your computer and your internet browser you can answeryour emails and you can illustrate and design a business card over a cup ofcoffee and so i'm really finding it easy to distribute my artwork and it's easyas well to save you can click and you're able to save into your creativecloud you're able to send to your own
computer to send to photoshop orwhatever and then a nice feature is that you can send this directly to instagramyou can instagram it or put it in your story and i often do that where i'mworking on something and i'll be able to send it directly into my insta storiesso easy to share and distribute i'm going to send that and save it i'm gonnaget rid of the maybe cuz i know not everyone will want this as a monthlywallpaper you might want to leave it on your phone all summer and i also haveanother one over here that i did this morning just some classic botanicals ithought that would be kind of another cute one and these will both beavailable over on my blog
shadyacampbellblog.com column so after the videoyou can head over there and check them out well thank you guys so much forwatching today and thank you to chromebooks for sponsoring today's videobe sure to go grab your cell phone wallpapers enjoy them i will see youfriday with a new video don't forget to subscribe