interior decoration bedroom 2015
>>hi, i'm nathan turner, los angeles- baseddecorator, and shop owner, and author of nathan turner's american style. these are my tipsfor creating a serene and relaxing bedroom. keep it neutral. there are more neutrals outthere than just white. variations of beige, gray, putty, stone. the benefits of goingneutral are that it's not gender specific and creates a wonderful backdrop for everybody.another tip is to choose a fabric you love and use it in a big way on the curtains, onthe duvet, and the pillow shams. and what this does is creates interest without overwhelminga room. give the room another function. a great idea is to put a desk instead of a nightstand and it gives you a little workspace or even just a bench to put at the bed. soguys, this is not rocket science. you can
do this at home too. put a neutral on thewalls, take a great fabric that you love and use it in a big way, and then give the roomanother function, but it still makes it really pretty.