mismatched bedroom furniture ideas
the job of any vacation rental is to create an atmosphere that encourages guests to relax. here are a few design tips to help your property live up to its full vacation rental potential. it's hard for guests to relax when they're surrounded by clutter. i always recommend removing nicknacks or personal items from shelves and furniture. and be sure to empty drawers, closets, and anywhere else guests may stash their belongings. replacing furniture can be expensive, so i suggest keeping expensive pieces like sofas and dining tables, while replacing smaller mismatched items like side tables and chairs.
or paint mismatched furniture in one color that brings the entire space together. if you're like me, you hate arriving at your destination to find old school bed spreads. they're difficult to put in the washing machine so they often go unwashed. i lose sleep just thinking about it. instead, hosts should opt for hotel-style duvet covers. after use, they can be easily removed and put in the washer-dryer. there's nothing like a fresh duvet to encourage a good night's sleep. lighting is key to creating a relaxing mood in any space. i always recommend replacing harsh, overhead fluorescent lighting.
i prefer using table lamps. they add a decorative touch to any room and are very affordable. you can even find great table lamps at garage sales and instantly update them with just a new shade. small design tricks like this go a long way to help your guests slow down, relax, and finally put their feet up.