minimalist modern living room

- hey guys, i'm excitedto finally take you on a tour of my beautiful, modern, and moderately minimalist new bedroom. if you watched my living room tour, you know that i partnered with havenly, an online interior design company, to design my living room. and because i had suchas wonderful experience designing that room, ipartnered with havenly again
to design my bedroom. now, i've already shown you the process of what it's like to work with an interior designer online on my living room tour video. so if you're interested in the process and the behind the scenes, make sure to go back and watch that video. but as you can imagine,
i have definitely learned a thing or two after designing both ofthese rooms from scratch, so today, after the bedroom tour, i'm gonna share with you three tips i have for making an apartmentfeel more like a home. i know many of you arecurrently living in apartments, so i think you're reallygonna love those tips. but for now, let me show you around my gorgeous new bedroom.
when i started this project,i knew i wanted a fabric bed and my designer recommendedthis modern, low headboard bed from interior define andsince i'd already purchased my white living room sofafrom interior define, i was pretty confident that iwould love this bed as well. my design goal with the bedroom was to create a luxurious,hotel-like space, so for bedding, i went with crisp, white, super soft, and 100% organic cotton sheets
from boll and branch. and to break up some of the white, i added stone colored pillowcases on larger king-sized pillows, which are great to prop up against, and a gray cable knit throwat the foot of the bed. (relaxing music) now, equally importantis what you don't see, which is my new 100% organicmattress from naturepedic.
and so far, i've hadsome of the best sleep that i've had in ages. i initially wanted a whitedresser for the bedroom, but not being able tofind something i loved that fit between those two windows, we opted for this solid mapledresser from crate and barrel. it's a bit more traditional in style and actually came with black knobs, so to give it more of a modern flare,
we swapped the black knobs for these gorgeous hand-paintedones from anthropologie. on top of the dresser, ikept things pretty simple, and have glass shadow boxes from west elm, a low geometric planter from cb2, and this glass art, whichis a personal memento from a trip to italy several years ago. i had requested that mydesigner find a small chair so that it would be easierto put on and take off shoes
in the bedroom and i'm lovingthis simple yet elegant mid century, modern chair. now, you guys know i lovegreenery so on the other side of the dresser iadded this standing planter from west elm and my designerselected these hanging planters from cb2 above my chair. as soon as i saw these hangingplanters on the design, i instantly fell in lovewith them and now i can't wait for my plants to start trailing down.
so with a dark dresserand not wanting my room to feel too dark, mydesigner was able to keep things light and airy withthese sleek and sophisticated white and brass night standsfrom restoration hardware. for lighting, we went withthese very cool triangular lamps from lulu and georgia that have a concrete base and brass accents. (lively music) on one nightstand i havemy sunrise alarm clock
which i've had for over10 years and i swear by it and on the other side ihave a potted aloe plant and another personal memento,which is my nefertiti sculpture from a trip to egypt. for my drapes we chose thesegray, belgian linen drapes from pottery barn and hardwarefrom restoration hardware. i also went with blackoutdrapes which not only keep the room nice and dark butthey also help to muffle some of the street noise which
is a huge bonus for good sleep. one of the first things yousee when you walk into my room is this floating woodfloor mirror from west elm. it's beautiful, it makesthe room look spacious and of course, helps me toget ready in the morning. the gallery wall above mydresser seamlessly ties together my socal, modernand minimalist vibes with hints of ocean, sand,greenery and soft human touch. and similar to my livingroom, we mixed and matched
the frame colors for alittle more visual interest. i already had the artworkin the top left and chose all of the other gorgeouspieces from minted. but i think the truly epicartwork is the one above my bed, an extra largebeach print that just makes me so happy to wake upto every single morning. as you can see, icouldn't be more thrilled with how my bedroom turned out. it truly is a cozy bedroom sanctuary.
so on that note, let me sharewith you three design tips for helping to make yourapartment feel more like a home. it's common in apartments thateither vertical or horizontal blinds are already providedbut blinds on their own can have a very coldand sterile feel to them so i highly recommend that youadd curtains to your windows which will not only softenthe room but add texture due to the drapey nature of the fabric. curtains can also make aroom look larger because
you can place them higher than the window, drawing your eye up oryou can add double panels to each side of the window as i always do, which makes the windows seem wider and the room more spacious. there's nothing morethat screams transitional apartment living more thanblank, white walls everywhere. and yes, you can stillhave a minimalist apartment but a cozy and homeyminimalist apartment with a few
key and intentional pieces of artwork. artwork can help toexpress your personality and entirely change the moodand ambience of the room and whether you're goingfor a more sophisticated and classic look or abohemian and eclectic look, the right pieces of artcan strike that perfect balance and harmony for the room. now this tip should come as no surprise. if you've been followingme for any amount of time
as i love plants and greenery. plants instantly make anapartment feel more lived in and not only do they add apop of color but they add character and texture in thesebeautiful, organic shapes that add interest to any room. plants provide many healthbenefits for indoor living as well and some even help toclean and detoxify the air. they add life, theyhelp to bring an element of the outdoors in and they certainly help
to make an apartmentfeel more like a home. i hope you guys enjoyedmy bedroom tour and all of the details for the furniture and decor that i purchased can befound on the full blog post on my website and if you'reinterested in working with havenly, which i highly recommend, i'll have a link to them as well. alright, that's it for me today. i will see you guysagain in the next video.