mirror placement in living room

hey, there's nothing like mirrors to add alittle magic to the home. you watched us design and build this house in 150 days, but thework is far from over. we're about to jump into my favorite part of the process of bringingall this together. join me for an exclusive look right here on ehow home. if you've everhad to design a small space, an interior, and you need to make it look larger, you'veprobably discovered the power and beauty of mirrors. yes, the reflective quality of mirrorscan do multiple things, magical things to a space. first, they can make it feel larger.they can bring light in and reflect natural light around the room. take this entry hallfor stance -- it's really not that big. in fact, it's very small. but by placing thismirror, which is really a take off a window,
with the muntins you can see radiating inthe mirror behind it, makes this room feel larger. i even added another mirror in thishall just over here. this is a victorian hall tree probably from about 1890, maybe 1880.and you can see, a mirror is mounted here in the center of this. i love how twiggy thisthing looks. it's caste iron and we painted it this lovely gray. let me show you someother examples of mirrors. this piece of furniture you see here, the mirror is built into itso you have this beveled piece of mirror, which perfectly fits this wall in the house.now come in here, let me show you where we have mirrors as vessels. and then you takea large bottle like this which was for making wine -- this is actually mirrored glass ormercury glass, and you see it reflects everything
in the room. fantastic. these are really popularnow, all sorts of mercury glass objects. so think about that. hey, if you're enjoyingthese segments, we'd love to hear from you. i'd love to know how you use mirrors. andmake sure you subscribe to ehow home.