interior design for dining room with picture

interior design for dining room with picture

hey, i'm ann myrick and today i'm going toshow you how to accessorize a dining room. and i would say a lot of times just have fun.i'm a decorator and a lot of times people will say well ann is that done? people dothat and the thing is it really doesn't matter what people do, it matters what you do andwhat you like. and you know, dining rooms can be very formal and only be used two andthree times a year. or dining rooms can be used for children's projects, for every nightdinner. i mean there's just an extreme of how different they can be. so make the diningroom work for you. this is a small little dining room and i used. i liked to focus onwhat i have so i used a small table and then i brought in these two colorful chairs. thisis just, i already had this, this was a bread

basket where i filled it with spanish mossand put yarrow in it. so sometimes i will, if i want some color on the table i will usethat. there isn't a lot in this dining room so there isn't a lot of extra tables thati can put a lot of things on. i will say that a lot of times i think people tend to puttoo much in their dining room and then tend to just kind of overkill the dining room.they buy sets of furniture, the set has three and four pieces and in the small room theycram it all in there and sometimes it's better just to have a nice table, nice chairs andlet that be it. another way is if you have a fun collection of vases you can use greatcandlesticks, really look in your cabinets, see what you have. but i had this great funcollection of mccoy and a lot of times i'll

put just greenery from outside plants in here,or i'll fill them up with interesting pieces. so just have fun, walk around look in yourcabinets, see what you have and just have fun playing until you work it so much youget to the point where you really like it. this is ann myrick and that's how to accessorizeyour dining room.

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