round dining table interior design

the luca dining table is a beautiful, beautifultable collection for arhaus. i think a lot of what makes it an interestingpiece is the combination of materials. the tables actually have a wood base, butare flanked on the top with a gorgeous, warm, bluestone. the luca round dining table is a beautiful,pedestal-style dining table. it’s handcrafted from both reclaimed pine anddouglas fir. the combination of these two woods actuallyprovides the most strength and stability for the table and really gives a beautiful showcasefor the bluestone top. the luca round dining table is available inthree different finishes and three different
sizes so we have a 39-inch, a 48-inch anda 54-inch luca round dining table, and each one of those sizes is available in three finishcolors. it comes in the natural reclaimed pine color. it also comes in an aged white and an agedblack. both of the painted finishes have a lot ofdistressing and a lot of texture while the reclaimed pine color is very warm, kind ofbrowned, really highlights the pine in the actual base. the rectangle dining table gets a lot of itsinspiration from spanish-style trestle tables. the base is actually made of reclaimed pine,which has quite a history and really gives
a lot of look and interest and texture tothe actual dining base. so you really get that really rich look ofdifferent materials creating one dining table.