bedroom wall graffiti ideas

bedroom wall graffiti ideas

angela fracasso: this is angela in anotherpart from and this is the segment about the surface preparation. thewall paint that's already on the wall, you can go ahead and use. you don't have to repaintover it. this wall is a semigloss which--i actually don't normally prefer to use semiglossbecause it's harder to get the paints to go more solid onto the wall. if you are paintingwith fresh paint, i suggest you use a satin or an eggshell sheen. you can even use a flatsheen. it just makes the paint go on a lot better and also helps with the mixing thepaint and things like that. you can just go into your room and you want to wipe down yourwalls and just get rid of all the dust. you don't have to use any chemicals or can just use a damp cloth and wipe the

wall down, and then the wall's ready for youto project up your images or to draw your images on the wall. i really haven't had anyissues with textured walls. i've done them on [sounds like] wholly smooth walls. i'vedone them on the orange peel walls or just smooth walls. it doesn't really make a difference.

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