bedroom wallpaper designs

bedroom wallpaper designs

anaglypta wallpaper - paintabale wallpaperfor traditional or contemporary interiors anaglypta wallpaper is an embossed wallpaperthat is usually quite thick and heavy as it is able to be painted. it is printed withraised designs and is usually ornately textured. we love this wallpaper and think that anaglyptais due for a comeback. it is stunning paper, and painted this paper can bring pattern,depth and warmth to a room. this design of wallpaper has not changed since 1930. but don't think that this type of wallpaperonly comes in traditional designs because that's not the case. there are some amazingcontemporary wave designs as well as many others that look great when painted.

anaglypta wallpaper is the perfect choiceto hide less than desirable walls. if your walls are worse for wear then a good solutioncould be anaglypta wallpaper. it's a great way to hide blemishes or cracks in well as hiding minor imperfections anaglypta will also add texture being a heavy paper anaglypta is not a readyto hang wallpaper. it does requires a strong adhesive and more drying time than regularwallpaper. it can be used in it’s natural state which is white but the beauty of anaglyptais that you can paint it to look like copper or any faux finish for that matter. any colour paint can be applied, it’s justa matter of hanging the wallpaper first then

allowing it to dry completely before applyingpaint. this is very important to ensure a perfect finish. it can also be used in areas that could potentiallyhave water splatter such as kitchens and bathrooms although a high gloss marine paint would beneeded there. plus it's a cheaper option than tiling. this brand of wallpaper is called anaglypta.have a look at this more traditional design called alfred before it has been painted and now with a navy blue paint applied. perhaps it's the more contemporary look you'reafter then take a look at this caiger design in it's standard white textured look and afterit has been painted in a neutral taupe colour.

it completelt changes into a stunning modernwallpaper with up to the minute colouring. ok hear are a couple more examples of traditionaldesigns before and after being painted. the first is called hamnett, this design is howardand this one is wildacre. this modern herringbone design looks greatin white and could be painted any colour to compliment your decor, shown here in blue. there are also quite a few raw plaster effectdesigns to choose from that look very contemporary when painted such as this design called zirconbefore and after being painted and this one called topaz for a clean straightlook. and of course don't forget how awesome thesewallpapers look left naturally in their white

state as can be seen here with this designfrom anaglypta's supaglypta collection called spencer. so far all the wallpaper we have seen hasbeen from various collections from the anaglypta brand. but there are also some great designs fromgraham and brown's superfresco anthology collection which has some really nice contemporary designsas well as your more traditional styles. take a look at this ultra modern design calledcurvy. it looks great just as it is but you can imagine how stunning this design wouldlook painted. here is an example of it being painted pink but think outside the squarefor a moment and imagine an all over charcoal

black or metallic silver or a fabulous shadeof blue that would look amazing in a beach house. what about a deep chocolate brown withgold highlights? that's the great thing about anaglypta wallpaper,you can really just let your imagination go wild. ok here is the buckingham design from grahamand brown being used on a ceiling. wow! now you can see how versatile anaglypta reallyis. here are a few more examples of bold moderndesigns that look great as is or painted to match any decor. eden, pure, mistral and thisretro design simply called "geometric" if going for a faux finish it is best to uselayers of colour. start with your background

colour and wait until it dries then lightlybrush or sponge on the second colour highlighting the raised or embossed design. metallic paintsalso look great over anaglypta wallpaper. anaglypta wallpaper is also a great way toadd beautiful detail to ceilings at a fraction of the cost of authentic tin ceilings. ifyou’re restoring a heritage house or just want a traditional look then this wallpaperis ideal. here's a clever way to individualise yourdoors by using anaglypta wallpaper. what a great idea. there is a link below for instructions. so you can see there are many uses for thisamazing wallpaper from the contemporary to the traditional. one last image is from williamhallett american bar and bistro in new york.

they have created a wonderful atmosphere fortheir bar by using ananglypta wallpaper on one wall and having the original exposed brickson the other. the atmosphere instantly becomes warm, inviting and cosy. so easy to achievewith anaglypta wallpaper. oh and don't forget that if you ever growtired of your wallpaper or change colour schemes just repaint it. there is a link below in the description boxto purchase anaglypta wallpaper at affordable prices. we have also included links in the descriptionbox below to images and instructions on how to do faux finishes.we hope you have found this information helpful

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