tips for decorating your dining room
hello my name is denise robinson on behalfof expert village i'm here to talk about the loft. how to take a space a large space anddivide it up into small living quarters. we're in our dining area and i'm going to decoratethe shelf that will set behind the table you see it has 4 shelves and the bottom shelveshas a small refrigerator. now keep in mind that we're working with an area that's 21x 19 feet and that's total area of all the areas that we're going to design. first thingwe're going to put up is a coffee maker on the top part of the shelf, okay and next we'regoing to put a container with some utensils on that same shelf. and no coffee maker iscomplete unless you have a coffee mug, so we're going to set that off, now that's onedrink. now the next drink on the next shelf
if for our happy spirits (hahaha) put a decanterthere with matching glasses, this is my partners prize possession. set that off to the sideand of course you got to have something to put in it, 2 bottles of your favorite alcoholand put that off to the side. now that you put this together you can stock up your refrigeratorwith some beer, something else cheese something you like to eat in the bar and this is thestart of our dining area.