simple dining room table christmas decorations

simple dining room table christmas decorations

won't you tell me if you really care cuzi won't get so hey what's up hello guys it is me page and today i can't believethis is gonna be my first video and my series for christmasing with page and ifyou do not get the title a little you don't know i do cover songs on thischannel and vlogs and et cetera and i'm going to be doing a lot of cover songsthis month so i'm going to combine some of my diy such beauty videos into mychristmas single page series so this video is like a diy christmasdecorations easy hacks or whatever and i hope you guys like this video thumbs upand make sure to comment down below any more ideas i should do for christmas inwith paige and vlog lease is coming up

soon if you don't know i film everydayblogs on friday saturday and sunday and i post some on the weekdays on a randomdays so i hope you guys catch up with everything and i love you guys so muchand out and let's just go starts with you so the first thing you do is make mychristmas tree so if you don't know if i said if this already um this video issponsored by target so all of these decorations i bought our target from thedollars i shouldnt also from this christmas section and all of thesedecorations i bought were really inexpensive so if you can see already i am kind ofstruggling right here i do not know how

to like even do a christmas tree rightnow this is not even funny so enjoying struggling oh my gosh it was really hardto do i just thinking up there what's your father will be pacing this is thefireplace oh really i'd better school please don't then i just hung up all ofmy sparkly like colored pastel decorations and these are like myfavorite decorations i saw on target and i thought that's a cute and omg they had a mochi orbit so ibought that and i'm going to put that on my tree so this is the finishing touchesafter i did my journey so the first diy is this diy photo tree guys if you don'tremember if you're one of my subscribers

for a long time ago i made this diyabout a year ago and i'm actually inspired to do this again because i havemore pictures and so what you need for this diy is 10 photos double sided tapeand finally scissors so the first thing i did is go on photos and grab somephotos and put them on my desktop and then i made a template for my christmastree so i can hang them on the wall and i did five photos on the bottom which is10 photos equal and i used two photos on the bottom for the end of the tree andthen i just drag them to word and i just printed them out just holding youthen after would it printed out i just started cutting it as perfect aspossible i tried my best to not like

take out half of the picture book cankeep it in a nice rectangle now it's time to use the double-sided tape sowhat i did is that i took some like a small but like long piece ofdouble-sided tape and then i just took the piece off and it's that simple andthen she's like regular tape and then you just stick it on the photo and theni just started hanging up my pictures again so this is the finished product whenyou're done now you can just take pictures on instagram and pictures andbe like trihard much so the next day i why is easy i wife's water pillows nowthis might sound weird but i found out

this idea because when i was on when iwas looking for some pillowcases i couldn't really figure out what to usebut then i lived in my closet and just made my sweaters in two pillowcases likewhat the heck so what you need is is how many soldiers you're going to use i haveto your pillows on these two sweaters and i recommend to use christmas colorsif you're going to make your pillows like christmas colors so i got a greenand red sweater two pillows which of course you need and to hair ties areoptional so what you're going to do is first lay out your pillow and thenyou're just going to grab the sweater you're going to use and then he's goingto put this one of your sweater on the

end and then you're going to put it overyour pillow like simply what i'm doing right now so when you put the pillowover the sweater what you're going to do is just leave the ends as is as ifyou're wearing sweater and your isn't put that over so you don't see the whitepart and what you're going to do is obviously that has a print you're justgoing to turn that into a not like a really big bow when you're going to talkin the extra pieces so we'll be seen anymore and that's what your pillowlooks like then you're just going to repeat with the other and i this sweaterwas kind of really hard to do because i had to use a hair tie because hissweater was really loose and not really

like how my sweater i used for the otherpillow was so i have to use hair ties and i a super-secure it so it won't falloff the pillow then this is what your final fellowshipnow is just hear me like randomly modeling the puzzles like i'm a modelthe victoria secret or something now the next day why is these parliaments in ajar so what you need is bigger small ornaments and a mason jar so what you dois lay out your mason jar and the wrong way is just stacking all the lakeorleans together and then it looks really pretty bad and yeah that's whatit looks like in the end but the right way to do is what you do is take fourlarge ornaments you take off the thing

where you put like the hook on and thenjust take it out and put it in and you just put the bottom and then small stuffon the bottom and just layer it all together with small bag and medial it'llactually look really really cute so this is what it looks like when you're donethe next day why is this tumblr and pinterest hot cocoa station so what youneed is cute looks hot cocoa mix marshmallows peppermint bark which isoptional and decor which is so why do you turn make hot cocoa station isdislike laundry mat thingy and what i did is first put this on santa mug andthen i put some of my peppermint shaped marshmallows inside the mug then i tookthis may lessen its peppermint bark on

it and then of course i put somepeppermint bark on it so then of course i need some hot cocoa but not any kindof hot cocoa peppermint hot cocoa and then i got this like cute a red momentcandle that is red and finally i put the sign the cruises merry christmas on igot from target and of course i forgot to get the sweater mode that reminds meof alicia so this is what the diy funny looks likeand this is my favorite diy of all time because it's hot cocoa station is nearmy bed sizes as meri can be so the final diy is these tumblr pictures on a stripshow what you need is tumblr pictures so there's cute clips string and sorrydidn't have this in the clip because i

forgot so to get the pictures you haveto go on google and type in tumblr and then you just go on tumblr and do thespecific draft that's right now type in xmas not christmas because christmasphotos will not pop up other pictures well so then i just chose a random likepicture website bang on tumblr and you can see that some causal 10 likechristmas photos so i chose xmas presents and then i just went on it andchose a random picture and then i just copy and just copy the image and then iwent onward and pasted and then what i did is wrap the text on so i can be ableto like move the picture and stuff so i chose square and i just move the pictureand then i just printed it out and i

just did a couple of pictures so it canbe like a collective the pictures so after i print all my pictures i justhave them in a bunch of sheets and you can see that i added three pitchers onone sheet and then what i did is just cut out all the pictures and try to getthem as alien as possible and make them all cute and stuff and i just did mymagic and boom i have all of the pitches of any kind of balance so what ibasically did is just take my tumblr photo and grab the clip and is hug it onthe string and i didn't really have a clip of where how i hug machine is kindof obvious and then i just hung up all the pictures up and didwhy individual and i thought this is

going to look like a really weird diybut it's actually really cheap and affordable and this is like my secondfavorite cuz i just love tumblr photos so when you're done this is what yourtattoo i supposed to look like so i think this is like very pinterest andinstagram worley so and i also hung some of the pictures on the other side of mybed and it actually looks really cute with this like chopper to center so ifyou can't buy any of these stuff for these day why it's your some easy waysto decorate so what you can do is put some candles out a nice shower so what idid is got nectarine cruelty which is the summer sun but it's cute um buttercream mint of spice wreath and these

bethany mota gold candles which arereally cute in pinterest and finally my favorite champagne on candle so this iswhat the tower of candles are supposed to look like so another way to decorateis this to put these candy canes down at least case and i think this puts a nicespice and also i got these holiday decorated eos and just put those on topof those pinakin box another festive way to decorate is to get to garland andsome holiday lights put together and then it just makes everything look goodand i've put my lights in garland in my bathroom a safe andrew lee another qwait to decorate your bathroom is to put a mini christmas tree in it and i dothat and decorating it with some blue

ornaments on my mirror i also decoratedwith these i'm jealous no man and they actually look really cute about a verypinterest way to decorate your room is to get a wreath in then and he's justhanging a sign mice's blah blah days till christmas and i just put 41 daystill christmas a huge way to decorate your room is just change your sheets andi just change sheets and tv snowman want and let'sjust take a moment right now and just see this clip kumbaya kumbaya you mightthought where i got that so just after my sheets on my bed like usual hey mybed actually looks really festive right now yeah

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