modern bedroom closet designs

i'm going to show you how to install a timberwalk in wardrobe. tools required for this job will include our drill, all our protectivegear to wear, spirit level, our hammer, screwdriver, pencils for marking, and a sawhorse for whenwe need to do a little cutting later on in the project. so we'll be starting in the cornerwith our corner storage organizer. i've laid out all the parts and checked by the partslist that nothing is missing and we are going to start from the base working upwards. the first part is to put in our kick boardto the front, which will also become the base support. these are done by first tapping inthe locking cans. the second part is to put in our locking pins, which they will screwinto some pre-drilled holes and then our kick
board sits straight on top of those pins.once in place they just need to be turned, the actual can, and that locks onto the that's one in place we just now repeat the process. so we've got the two front kickboard base supports in place and now we just need to put the rear one in to hold the backsteady. and the last part of our base support sits at the back and that's just screwed inthrough the first part that we put through, and that's our base finished. now that we've got our kick board slash basesupports in place, we can now turn it over and start building the walls and buildingup. one thing to watch for is that you've got your nice white edge to the front of thecabinet, rather than having the raw edge which
sits at the back. and again the beauty withthese systems is they're all pre-drilled and everything should line up. okay, so we'vegot exactly the same process for the other side of the cabinet, again keeping our whiteedge to the front and we just need to attach our back panel. pre-drilled holes at the backhere which helps us align everything up. that's our back in support, done. next we're ready to put our top on, but beforewe do that we'll grab our shelves that we can adjust into here later but we'll actuallypop them into the base of the cabinet now. the reason we pop these in first is it willmake it a lot easier at the end to just lift them up and adjust them to the heights thatwe want them at. okay, now we're ready to
secure in our top shelf. the tricky part aboutthis is being able to have it in position and screw and hold everything at the sametime. so what we'll do is we'll pop out the screws through here on each of the walls andwe're gonna rest our top shelf on that, so that's giving us a set of helping hands, andnow our hands are free to put some screws in. okay, now that we've got all the screwingthat needs to be done to our cabinet done, we can now pop in our adjustable pop the shelves in, we've got our little support pins and the beauty of these is youcan fit your selves to whatever height you like. so that's our first cabinet built. thesecond cabinet that sits on top of this is
exactly the same and the same process to the way we get that to stay on top of here is by some dowels. they are pre-drilled toa depth that you basically just tap them in gently until they stop tapping, which is abouthalf way of the depth of the peg. okay with any job we do around the home we need to besafety conscious. so with getting the top cabinet on top of here i've enlisted the helpof one of my friends, tony, to give me a hand. and that's the top now inserted and lockedinto place. so we're about to start our second organizer and what we're going to do firstis put the frame work together and we've got our base and one of our side panels. becauseof the dimensions of these boards it's probably easier to just lay it on to the ground likethis and you're not having to carry the weight
of it all. so that's our first side on, wejust repeat the process for our second side making sure that our shelf supports are allon the inside and the last bit that we need to put down at the bottom is just the kickerboard, which again is all pre-drilled and two screws for this one. so we've just got the top of our base partto pop in now, again all pre-drilled. okay, now that we've got our frame work altogetherfor our base cabinet we just need to flip it over so that we can put a back panel ontoit. and just remembering when you're doing this that we want the white to go face downbecause that's what you'll see from the other side and then begin to nail it into where we're nailing into is just basically
into the frame work and none of those fixingswill be seen at all once we're finished. so now that we've got our base cabinet togetherincluding the backing onto it, we need to insert our dowels so that we can stick ourtop cabinet straight on top. with the closet the top half is exactly thesame as the bottom half, other than it doesn't have a base shelf in it and then it's justa case of lifting it up onto the dowels that we've already put in. so just to make surethat the top's firmly down on the base, if you give it a couple of good knocks and makesure that it's all flush the whole way around. we can now push it back into position. okay,so in the base of our cabinet we'll be putting in some drawers and the beauty of the drawersthemselves is they come pre-cut. you can just
slot in your base panel, again making surethat the white is going to be facing into the drawer and then your top flap comes overand there's already dowels located here just for tapping straight in. just like that. we now need to put on our runners. there'sa little slot and a locator on the runner that drops in and at the bottom there is anotherpin that aligns to a hole. then we just tap it into place. and exactly the same for theother side. the only thing to be mindful of is there are left hand and right hand once the runners are on we can now just lay the box flat. the locators are in andthere's just two screws to put in. ant that's our draw runners now on. if we now lift thebox up, you'll find two holes in the front,
this is where we attach the handle. the handlesimply just drops into the slot and is fixed from the inside with the bolts provided. sothat's the handle now firmly in place. we now just now need to attach the runners tothe cabinet itself. so these, again, now you'll find that on theinsides they're always marked left and right, so just make sure that you put the right oneon the right side. so in the very bottom holes that's where we'd locate our first runners.okay, now we've attached both our draw runners inside of the cabinet it's just the case ofgetting our drawer and sliding it in. now that we've got our drawers into the base ofthe storage closet, we can now put our pins into the holes up here and put in our twoadjustable shelves. the next step is we're
going to put two chrome rods for hanging spacewithin the wardrobe. so what i'm measuring here is where i'm goingto locate the broad flange. there are three screws in each cabinet with the center screwbeing at dead center, so that's what we'll use as our middle point. so before attachingour second flange to the other side, we need to cut our rod to length. so we've got ourmeasurement for the top rail, and when cutting it we'll cut it about a centimeter shorterand that will allow you to maneuver around a lot easier and there is no way at all thatit can fall from the brackets. so once we've got that cut to the right length, we can getour second flange and pop on to this side. with the flange that we've already got locatedwe can put this end in and then attach this
to the other side. and then there we are withour first rod in. so to get the second on in we'll just do exactlythe same process. okay, so we've got both our bottom and top rails in there for ourclothes hanging and now we can get down to the last finishing touches, the main one puttingour little screw covers over our screw heads to tidy everything up. so just push straightinto the top of the screw head and leave you with a nice white sided cupboard. the finalthing we're going to do with our walk in wardrobe is put a shelf across the top. that will dotwo things. that will stop any dust from coming through onto our clothing but also give ussome added storage above. the last thing i'll do just to make this safeand secure is pop a couple of screws. so we're
screwing down directly into the uprights,making sure that we come right into the center so that there's no splitting. so now we'vefinished putting in our walk in wardrobe and i think we've utilized the space here quitewell with plenty of storage and plenty of shelving.