modern bedroom design gallery
hello and welcome this is disha and i'mhere to help you transform your house into a home a month ago when i told youabout my collaboration with livspace and asked you to send me all your design anddecor related queries i received a lot of queries from you guysand the editor from livspace has clubbed together the similar queries and hasanswered them. in this video we have solutions of five design related queriesand all the other queries we are going to answer in next video. now littleabout livspace. livspace is an e-commerce based interior design company that designs, delivers and installs interiors. in case you want to know more about livspacethen you can check out the link that i
have already added in description boxbelow. first query is asked by vidooshi. vidooshi has asked could you please suggest what kind of wardrobe will not make a room look smaller rather make it look spacious and what is the idea internalconfiguration of such wardrobe. vidooshi we have answer for your query. for internal configuration you can check out the link that i have given in description box andhere is livspace design solution. use sliding doors. most urban homes don't have the luxury of space to accommodate swing open or hinged wardrobe. a cupboard designed with sliding door is not just contemporary in design and cool to lookat. this serve the purpose of being space efficient.
you save the space usuallyused up by the hinged wardrobe's door. next, you can use lofts. lofts provide more storage for things that are not accessed on an everyday basis likesuitcase, boxes and memorabilia and many other things like thatand you can use mirrors also like get mirrored door for the wardrobe and thirdpointer is go minimal in your approach. the lesser the clutter the more spaciousyour room looks and in case you want hinged wardrobe then you can check out the linkthat i have added in the description box. you'll get lots of design there. secondquery is asked by hibna akbar. she has asked my bedroom is really small eleven bynine square feet so wanted to know how
to place the cot and wardrobe and howto decorate it so that the room looks spacious. hibna, actually without properlayout it is not possible to give you proper answer but to make your bedroom look spacious here are the few pointer that you can follow. so first point is- keep it light. use of light color will make your room look bigger and secondthing- embrace minimalism. that means declutter yourhome and keep minimal furniture whether it is a furniture accents or accessoriesit's always better to go minimalistic when it comes to decorating a smallbedroom like one bedside table instead of two and space saving furniture. keeponly the bare necessities when it comes
to confined room and leave as much freefloor space as you can. third point is- keep it low. low seating doesn'tjust give off a boho vibe but is also a great option when you want to makingyour bedroom appear bigger. fourth point is- create an illusion. if you have a barewall or a door in your room try adding a mirror to that space. mirrorscreate the ultimate illusion of a bigger room. fifth point is- drapes go high. that means hang your curtains high. so that's how you can make your bedroom lookspacious which is very small. now the third query is asked bypriyadarshini balu. priyadarshini has asked can we use white quartz in the kitchencountertops. is it easy to maintain?
here is livspace design solution.yes, white quartz can be used in the kitchen. it is more economical than marble yet is a stunning countertop option. it is moredurable than even marble and does not have a porous surface. it also offers arefined and sophisticated look to the kitchen no matter if your kitchen istraditional or contemporary in design, it fits right in. the only drawback is thatit may get discolored over time but with due diligence and daily maintenance youcan keep quartz looking as good as new. the next query is asked by usha reddy.usha has asked, i want to renovate my kitchen, it has closed layout i want tohave open kitchen. i have problems with
my back i can't bend. i find that inmodular kitchen one needs to bend for utensils or spices. can you help mewith pantry section too. and here is your design solution usha from livspace. inmodern homes, an open kitchen designs perfectly suits our informallifestyle and promote sociability while whipping up meals. as far as getting ergonomically feasible storage option, the designers can help with internalaccessories and a pantry unit that won't require a lot ofbending. and usha, i have added two links for you that will give you ideadecor ideas for open kitchen and also shelving ideas for open kitchen. i hope you find it helpful. now we are moving to
the next question which is asked byfrozenrose. she has asked what should be the colors of wall so that the roomthat has brown sofa looks full of energy. here is your design solution fromlivspace. there are multiple ways to make a brown couch look lively. you canuse contrasting shade on the wall to highlight the couch like bright blue or yellow. you can use contrasting accessories like cushions, throws, rugs to draw attention to the couch. and if you have white walls you can still highlight the couch withfocused lighting options. and framing. this is the most important part. male sure that the couch is placed so that it makes a proper frame with the window orbookshelves or wall or wall accessories.
this way you can make the couch pop. so that's all for today and we will be coming up the next episode of design solutions verysoon. in case you have any design or decor related query then leave in thecomments below. till then take care and consider subscribing to my channel ifyou haven't already see you bye!