art for living rooms

david and liz, parents to three energeticboys, recently found their dream home in the midwest. now the couple wants a finishingtouch for this wall, but with a modest budget and opposite tastes. i don't like it. i likeit. finding the perfect focal point won't be easy. that's why they called. the art hunter.[music] so we have this big blank wall behind us. do you have some vision in your head ofwhat that's gonna look like now? i want something that kind of has some bright vibrant colors.i live in a house with all boys. so anytime that i can add a pop of feminine color isa plus for me. is there anything that you would love to see, or hate to see on yourwalls? i like painting traditionally. i tend to have more traditional tastes and davidtends to have more modern tastes. talk a little
bit more about blending your styles, and howdoes that work. usually it's whatever liz wants. that's not true, that is not is usually whatever david wants. this house is a hundred years old. we love the originalwood, love the original floors. we wanted character. when you walk in to the front doorit's one of the first pieces of art that people will we'll see. and we want it to have a happy,warm, fun kind of vibe to it too. so we have a bunch of family coming in in a couple days,and we would love for the piece to be on the wall when they're in town. liz and david havegiven me quite the challenge. i'm up to it, and i'm gonna bring them some great options.when i'm trying to find the perfect piece of artwork, i never want to limit i look at nationally and internationally
and i start online. if you're using a reputablesite you can get great quality, but sometimes they'll also email the artist for additionalimages of the art. so i have a few options to show you. i'm really excited. here is thefirst, what do you think? sure. i don't like it. i was gonna say, i like it. i don't likethe brown. okay, so, more options. what do you think about this? it's kind of cool. idon't like it at all. i think it's too soft. what do you think about this piece right here?i love that, that's super fun. i love it. not so much. not so much, let's- why not?i really really like that! it's too dark, kind of on that lower left quadrant. i thinkthe pink is a little too pronounced. okay i've got my work cut out for me. great. youcan do it liz. i will do it. good. with the
couple [unknown] apart, liz scrambles to ordera piece of art and get it delivered fast. the artwork arrived today and i've got toget it installed today so i'm going to get it framed in the next few hours. i hope ican get it done. when i'm looking at frames, i really want to look for a wooden frame thathas a simple profile. it won't distract, but it will compliment the artwork. we need toput a spacer, so we need some depth. okay. you always have a great selection of whites.who knew there'd be so many whites. i know there's so many of them. need something likelooks pretty darn good. i like that. that's very nice. with just an hour left, liz arrivesto install the work. right now i'm measuring space for two nails. because of the size ofthe piece, it needs to have that extra support.
i'm using a **** instead of a hook and nailbecause the wall is made out of plaster. notice the density of that, a hook and nail wouldn'treally hold into the wall the way a **** will. i think their gonna love this, i'm so excitedto show it to them. now it's time for liz and david to see how the finish touch transformstheir space. i love it. it looks so good. yay. good, i love it. it's awesome. it's good. i'm so glad. i love it. i think it has that great energy that you guys were talkingabout. it has little bits of femininity in it. and yeah, it's a great pop of color too,right? it's awesome. it's beautiful. it's perfect. yeah, it's perfect. it looks great.should we see what the boys think? yeah, let's do it! all right, michael and ben, come here.what do you guys think? cool. yeah. what is
it? [laugh] what do you see in there? i seea. [music] and look at that white, it's like a snow monster. [laugh] i hope you guys enjoyyour stays. thank you. thanks so much, see you later. later. for liz and david, findingthe right piece of artwork was all about the right energy, a little bit of femininity,and the perfect amount of compromise. time to go hunt for some more art. [blank_audio]