living room ideas sims 4

hi everybody its kayla and welcome back to speed build saturday. hey get it cuz i'm doing a room build on a saturday it's funny because i always do builds on sundays i have this like speed build sunday thing going on but recently i've been wanting to build more and so i did a build last saturday and sunday and i'm doing a room this saturday and a build tomorrow. i'm just building a lot, okay i just feel like it so i built this room. i'm okay it's an opposite twins bedroom hear me out ready cuz like one of them it's like very dark and spooky and the other one it's just like rut and black themed and other ones like pink and blue themed i
don't know. i don't know what i just it was kind of fun. i saw the two beds, and i was like hmm interesting and so i made this opposite twins room thing i don't know i actually had a lot of fun building this like i haven't had this much fun decorating a room in a long time because usually when i do my builds i always like do the same kid's room i just the same like you've seen it probably like my classic like green kids room and i never really put effort into bedrooms when i'm building because i just build so many of them that i'm like a and it's hard when you don't really have a sim in mind either
it's hard to explain but like i just had a lot of fun doing this would be 45 minutes - which is a long time for a room build like it should take me like 20 probably because this tiny tiny room took me 45 minutes like that's ridiculous like let's be honest. that's that's a long time for this tiny tiny room, but oh well here. we are but again guys. don't worry speed build still coming tomorrow this is just an extra build video this week because i like to build right now, so don't worry about that but this reminded me see building this. i felt kind of sad this is super lame ready and my siblings are gonna watch this. oh, it's okay, but like i've been missing my siblings a lot this week, which is so sad this sounds so sad, but like i'm in college and so
is the first week of semester back and so i spent like all of december at home? and i was like around my siblings a lot, and then now i'm back here and it's like oh i miss brett and shanna you know plus we like went to chicago for christmas and stuff so it been a lot of time with brett just like hanging out with my brother um and it made me realize like this is super weird, and i've always heard this but i never really like realized it until now, but you always hear when you're younger. they're like oh, don't worry when you're only gonna be friends of your siblings and you're just like okay sure i'm never gonna like my siblings. i hate my siblings like that's how i felt when i was younger
but now that i've like been away from them more i just i realized that like we kind of our friends now like my brother and i are friends like isn't that cool and like i missed my brother and before like two years ago when i live in those like well. i hate my brother. no offense brett. love you, buddy, but just being away his has made me like him better i mean you know what they say distance makes the heart grow fonder am i right ladies. yeah, i don't know oh my god i made that joke yesterday. i say am i right ladies a lot like as a joke and some of my comments yesterday it was like you know you have boy viewers right and it was like yeah that's the joke you say am i right ladies to a group of people that aren't all ladies like that's why it's funny
and i called my like when i played star dew valley i streamed star dew valley yesterday or i guess thursday, um with some of my friends and i called it lil pharmacy farming with the boys and it was me my friend steph stephosims, ollie and jack like it wasn't all boys but i called we were we were calling ourselves the boys like b-o-i-s like. that's the joke i don't under anyway, please don't hate me in the comments um but yeah, i miss my brother what he is uh you know and my sister too
i miss my siblings. it's just it's weird to like spend so much time with them and then to just like come back here and then be alone so much cuz like i'm in my dorm all day not talking to anyone you know well that's not true i talked to my friends on discord a lot but like i don't know it's weird although when i came back so my brother and i both have a very similar schedule of spending a lot of time playing games alone in our rooms and so when i was back from my so back from school right i was home for a few days
then i went to the uk and so i didn't see him at all when i was home before i left for the uk okay and then i left for the uk and i came back didn't see him for like two days and then i went outside and he was like playing basketball in the front yard, and i was like hey and then he's like oh you're back i was like yeah, brett i've been back for like three days nice to see you though. it wasn't three it was like a day, but it's still like i just didn't see him but then he was like oh you're back, and i was like yeah, i got back on tuesday it's wednesday like come on brent get your head in the game
now it's kind of funny, but i don't know i just this is me trying to get brownie points with my mom by saying these things. no, i'm kidding i they're not gonna watch this though, which is sad they don't care. they don't watch my videos i don't think they've ever actually i don't think my siblings have ever seen a single one of my youtube videos i wonder no wait. oh one time i caught shanna watching my like best of simsie 2017 video because i heard like my twitch clips playing and i was like what is she's watching me but she just was like you
i think i came out my room, and she was in the living room watching it and i was like i got to my videos and she was like she made some joke about how like because it was called best of simsie she's like. there's no best of simsie. like these aren't funny so wow love my sister .right guys what a pal um oh god. this is terrible *laughs* this is such a bad voiceover too- i'm sorry i'm just rambling about my siblings i missed them okay and earlier today i was looking through pictures. i was with my friend hattie on discord um you guys know hattie on youtube obviously, and we were just like sitting on discord, and we were sending each other like bad baby photos and stuff um not just like from when we were younger like 13 ish age
and so i was looking at pictures earlier my siblings, and i when we were younger and wishes i'm feeling okay i miss my siblings. that's the moral a story here. okay, just let me be i'm sorry. i'm rambling a lot it's a mess, but yeah, baby pictures though. i found some really you know what? there's one particular photo that i really really really want to show you guys it's this photo of me in full-body pink camouflage. oh my god. i'm wearing like this pink camo t-shirt and these pink camo pants and i'm like holding this this basket of pumpkin seeds i'm gonna put it in the screenshots of this video
so you can see how it's like tuck her in there if you want to look at that but i found it earlier and i was like cry laughing over it because it is the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen like why did i wear that who let me wear that just wait until you see it oh, my god. also. oh fair warning. okay, so i had this thing usually about mismatched flooring it's i've ranted about before i have it. i have a lot of issues with it, but in this room i put wooden floors and carpet because had hattie was like it'd be cool do it and hattie you guys we know how we guys we guys know hatsie
she's like a pro sims builder and so i trusted her judgment there with the wooden floor on the left and the carpet on the right but it really bothers me a lot, so i'm not sure about it but i tried so that's why there i knew i was gonna get comments about it. they'd be like kayla you said you hate mismatched flooring it usually i had this thing about mismatched woods like if it's of like a black wood there and a brown wood next to it that would bother me so much, but the carpet and the wood is probably okay but it's also all one room and so it's weird. i don't know i'm feeling very stressed can you tell but i think on that note i'm gonna go ahead and go
make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe and do all those fun youtube things in case you guys didn't know posting videos every single day and so i will see you all tomorrow with another speed belt hey bye everybody. *wii music plays* see i have a really hard time with short voiceovers because i feel like there's just less time to recover from your mistakes and so there's more pressure because in like a 30-minute voiceover. you can just ramble if you mess up it's okay, cuz you got 20 minutes to keep going and move on but in a seven-minute one you don't have much time there's no room for error. you know