modern bedroom doors pictures

- hi guys, welcome back to my channel. in today's video, i am finallyfilming my bedroom tour, my bedroom storagesolutions, and i'm also doing a casper mattress unboxing in this video because we recently got a new mattress and we've been sleepingon it for a few weeks so i also wanted to show you that. sorry it's taken me solong to do this video. i wanted to get everything perfect
and i think we're nearly there now. there's a few otherbits i'd still wanna get but i'm pretty happy with our room. i'll also try to linkas many product as i can in the description bar below, so if you like the look of anything, definitely check the links 'cause i'll put it thereif it's still available and i also have a discount code for you.
casper mattress are letting my viewers have 10% off their mattresses, so if you're looking for a new one and you want a really good one, you can get 10% off byusing the code cloud10, but again all the information will be in the description bar below. i'm gonna start up by showingyou our new casper mattress. i ordered this online and itcame with in just two days
and when it arrived, i couldn't believed the size of the box that it came in. the box just seemed so small considering we have a super king-size bed. our bed is ginormousso at first i was like, "they must have got our order wrong." but no, it's a super king-sizeon it so i was like, "fine." we carried it upstairs, mymom and i managed to do it ourselves so it's not tooheavy and once i unboxed it
and i unrolled it onto the bed and undone the plastic packaging, it just-- it's obviously beenvacuum packed for delivery and then it just startedto rise up and grow. feels amazing. it's a really luxuriousmattress to sleep on and i really enjoy sleeping on it. i wish i'd had it when i was pregnant, 'cause when you sleep on it,you feel a bit weightless.
it has a memory foamtop and then it also had open cell latex foam in it,which helps to regulate the air and regulate your body temperature. so if you're a hormonal womanlike me, it's great for that. and it also actually wonthe witch's best buy, the indie best buy, and alsothe good housekeeping institute to try and test it as well. so i'm not the only one who likes it. so yeah, definitely check it out.
i will put the discount code below. now i'm gonna get on andshow you the rest of my room. right, so as you walk into our room, you will see that tothe left is our ensuite which i'll show you in a bit and then to the right is our bedroom. and there is gray squishycarpeting throughout our room, it's from a local company. i love it.
then you will see ourabsolutely giant, enormous bed. so as i mentioned, the bedis a super king-size bed, we decided to go for it thebiggest bed that you can get because we have threechildren and there's always one sleeping in the middle of us. whatever we do, someone comes in, so we got the biggestwe could and i found it on a website called theenglish bed company, and i basically ordered this one
because i really likedthe headboard on it. i really liked the button hole detailing and the great carpetthat you could choose. the bedding and this throwis all form john lewis. and then the cushions areall from random places. mostly primark and homesense as well. they don't really all matchbut i kind of like that. my favorite feature of the bedis the storage underneath it. we decided to pay a bitextra and get a gas lift bed
because our house is quite small and storage is so important to us. so this is the best bit about it. ahh. so it may not look organizedbut this is organized chaos. over here i bought thisclear boxes from dunelm's and they've been greatbecause i have been able to packaged up all of the boys shoes. we have three children andi really wanna make the most
of being able to hand downedthe shoes to each boys. so i have caleb's future shoes there, jackson's future shoes here, and then some of their summer shoes. these are my summer shoes and all of my going out shoes here. i've already done some christmas shopping so i've got some bits there. and there's some luggage and winter coats.
and then over on this sideis basically all mine. this is my lighting forblogging which is a great place to keep it 'cause it's quite large. then i have all of mywinter jumpers and jackets and also some of mysummer clothes in here. and this box here, youmay not be able to see it, but all of that is my swimwear. so yeah, this is just amazingbecause we keep so much stuff. for the paint color on our walls,
we went with the color calledlaura ashley dove gray. when my husband workedout that it was cheaper to get the sample from laura ashley and then get it made up by dulux because he's like sensible like that. so that is what we actually did. we have this color throughout our house. we love it. i think it's just reallycalming for a bedroom as well.
and we also went for this,like two tone effect, which i think is really nice because it matches upwith our vanity unit. so you can see we have alsopainted that the same color and then it matches up perfectly and similarly, we got alight that kind of matches up when you look in to the room as well. next to the bed over here wehave some wedding pictures. we thought this would be aperfect place to hang them.
and over here, on this wall,i just have a really simple print that says "love you" on it. i do wanna get a second printthat the same size next to it, but matt wasn't sure about this one so i have said that hecan choose the next one, which is obviously why thereis nothing there at the moment. then on either side of thebed, instead of getting bedside tables, we got thesewhite floating shelves. they're a little bit shabby chic looking
and then we also got these little lamps and they are touch lamps. i've just got a littlecoaster here which is marble and it says "emily" on it. this was in my stocking last christmas and i really loved it. and yeah, we didn't get bedside tables because we wanted good access to our power and because we actuallyhad our electrics redone,
we got these plug socketsthat had cables right in them, so it's great for chargersand things like that. and this is matt's sideof the bed with his lamp. then in terms of cupboardstorage, this cupboard over here is matt's and all ofthis cupboards over here are from my stuff. when we bought this house,this was the only cupboard that was actually in our room and it had really annoying doors that came right out,
so there was like no space next to the bed and then obviously we got a huge bed, we were like let's getsliding doors on it. so our carpenter made these sliding doors, which has been amazing. and now this is all of matt's stuff. he has all of his shoes hanging up there and then he has two racks of shirts and jumpers and jeans and whatever.
we originally had loads ofspace at this part of the room, so we also got our cupboard to build us this huge made-to-measure cupboards. they're made out of indiabut they looked like they are like shaker-stylewood and they're fabulous. this is all for me. so here, i have all of my handbags and rubbish like that, for holidays. over here, i have all of matt's hats
which, you know, he loves the hat. there's a lot up there and then in here, i have all of my shirts hanging up and jumpers and things like that. and then i got this setof drawers from ikea. on top of my set of drawers,i bought these two baskets from dunelm's i believeand i've literally just got handbags and sunglasses in there. and then in my drawers,i have all of my t-shirts
that can be folded and you know i love to marie kondo things. and then in this bottom drawer here, i have all of like my gymwear and also my lounge wear. again, in the marie kondo way of folding. then in this cupboard,i have all of my dresses and longer coats because thereis lots more hanging space and it's a bit longer. and then down here, i haveour two laundry baskets.
so we have our lights and our darks and i keep them all in one, like the boys don't have separate laundry, they know to put theirclothes all in here. and then behind here, thereis more of matt's shoes. i'm seriously gonna have to do an intervention with him soon. he does not stop buying trainers. and we also had this full-lengthmirror cut for our doors
so that we would have afull-length mirror in the room. this vanity unit is just from ikea. i've had it for eight years,it originally came in white but it got a bit worn so we decided to just paint to match the walls as well. and i think it makes itlook really expensive. over here next to it, ijust picked up this basket at home scents the otherday, which just houses all of our straightenersand curlers and things
because i used to hide them under here but actually the wireswere always spilling over so i wanted them to have a place. then i've got a couple oflittle baby photos of the boys. this was actually fraser at three days old and then this is them when-- i think fraser was liketwo and a half there, caleb was like six months. then i literally justgot this little thing.
it's so cute. it's actually fromzoella's lifestyle range i believe from house of fraser. it's for a ring so you can just put them on the little cactus space. i've got some bracelets on it as well. but i just love it that you could put earrings there as well. but i also bought one ofzoella's trinket tray.
how cute is this? it's like a little sleepy cloud and i like just puttingsome earrings there. then i've got some clear storage here which i picked up again in home scents. i love this clear storage things that are just perfect for makeup. so i've got all of mymakeup displayed there and i can actually do mymakeup here which is great.
although all of my makeup is on show, it actually adds a littlebit of color to this area in the room so i really like it. for our windows, we wentahead and got shutters. we have wanted them forso long and we decided to just go ahead and get them. they're not actually wood, theyare composite of i believe, but we love them. and in every bedroom upstairs,
we decided to get electric blinds. so you get a little clicker like this and the blinds go up or down and i really like that there are no cords. for our lighting, we have one main lights that is in the middle of the room, but then we also have thesespotlights that light up our wardrobes, so thatwe can see everything that is inside our cupboardswhich has been really great.
and we ended up putting thelight switch within our wardrobe because we lost the wallspace when we built this. they just put it insidethe wardrobe and everything is dimmable as well whichis really, really nice. and then over here, we have our ensuite and i'll just quicklygive you a show around. if you want more of anin-depth throw around, i'm happy to do that. we have this floating sinkover here which has loads
of like fake tan and storage in there. then our mirror in oursink and i love this mirror because it has great forward lighting which is really good for when i do makeup. we had an actual moltonbrown thing mounted onto the walls so that itwill be up off of the sink and i really like that. we've got these shelves overhere which are kind of built-in which are great and theylook like they go on
for so much longer than theydo because of the mirrors. and i got this little box herefrom ikea which is a really, really handy thing 'cause you can pull everything out and actually look at it. i just got this one from homesense and i'm definitelygonna try and fill it up and organize some ofmatt's fits a bit better. these two shelves are for matt. and the led lights onour shelves are always on
and i love that because italways looks really glitzy even at night in ourshower with those tiles. so again, we had a shelf built here with some of our bits on it. this is just our shower, you know, pretty standard here's our toilet. wow. amazing. and then over here, i'vegot some more storage. i love this clear stuff.
again, it's just great for makeup, like it fits a lipstick perfectly and also these little joemalone perfumes perfectly. it's got some little drawers for jewelry and stuff like that. i just got this littlething for cotton buds from primark and i love it already. we keep our toothbrushes over here, some mirrors and some facewash and stuff like that.
that's our radiator. yeah, i just really likehaving like nothing over here. it's just quite nice and clean. so yes, that is our little ensuite. right, that's it for this video. i really hope you likehow we redid our bedroom. let me know in the commentsbelow what your favorite bit was and don't forget if you want10% off of a casper mattress, the code is cloud10 and i'llput the links down below.
thanks so much for watchingand i'll see you soon. bye guys!