the living room band

- so last week, i transformed my bedroom into the ultimate tech bedroom. and after seeing that, you guys wanted to see myliving room be transformed, so i did it. but wait, wait, wait,i can't reveal it yet because there's one veryimportant thing missing here. (grunting) look at this.
i have this beautiful lgoled 4k tv, the c7 model, 65 inches of pure beauty. but this is not the onlything i have here today. i have something thatgoes perfectly with it. here we go, i've also gotthe lg sj9 sound bar to go with the tv. these guys go perfectly with each other, so big thanks to lg forsending these my way. but now let's open themup and see what's inside.
one off. one step closer, guys. okay, man, i know i'mgonna struggle with this. this tv is bigger than i am. that was easy. you guys don't even knowi've been waiting for this. let's open that box. there we go. take off the styrofoam.
whoa. oh my god. that is so thin. guys. i did not know it was gonna be that thin. oh my god, i better beextra careful, guys. there's some properinstructions on how to-- yeah, i'm gonna read it, guys. hmm, okay.
i really hope i'm doing this right. okay, okay. alright, i put the tv onthe console, let's take off this styrofoam and reveal it. take this off nicely. i don't like that sound. look at that! - oh , would you look at that. - so before i dive intowhat this tv can do,
let's hook up that sound bar,clean this whole place up and then we'll have theultimate living room setup. (upbeat music) so here is my living roomand, obviously, the very first thing that you see whenyou walk in this room is this big and beautiful65 inch lg 4k oled tv. so of course i had to planthe rest of the room around this thing. this room is basically the tvroom so i want to make sure
it's comfortable and loungey,i want to make sure that when i come to it i have thebest tv viewing experience i can have while stilllooking really good. so i'm gonna start withwhat the tv and sound bar is on top of, this beautifulwest elm tv console. i absolutely white and wood together. i think that is such abeautiful combination. the wood on here, also, i'm in love with. i love that it feels like it's real wood,
it looks amazing. but not only does it havelooks, inside of this thing there's amazing cable management going on. so you can kind of see if youlook in there hidden in the back there's little holesand cut outs throughout the pieces inside where thecables can distribute nicely and that, my friends, is thebest type of cable management where you can't see it. you guys probably already sawsome of my gaming consoles
here, like my xbox one s and,guys, i'm so happy i went with the white one. i was gonna get the blue gears of war one, but this white one justblends in so nicely in this setup. now you guys probably alreadynoticed that purple splash of color going on in the backof this, of course we've got a hue light strip in there. let's go for a nice warm,oh yes, let's go for warm
color here 'cause thatbrings me to the rest of the lights in this room. on this side there's a lotof lights going on 'cause i like being, i feel like itwelcomes you into the room. like, you see all theselights and you're just like, "it's tv time." now this area reallymakes me want to sit here for hours 'cause i'vegot this sea of pillows, this little ottoman for myfeet, my mac book over there,
and i mean, that mixed withthe color scheme that's going on here too, littlesplashes of gold and marble and the cream colored stuffand the little bits of dirty pink, i couldsit here all day, guys. so on video you guys canobviously see how big this tv is and how thin it is, but iwish i could show you guys how good the picture quality is. it looks so good becauseit is 4k so we're gonna get that super sharp resolution,but it's also oled so each
individual pixels arelighting up and the blacks are truly black because thosepixels actually turn off. similar to what you see onsome smart phones these days. man, i was watching moanalast night on this thing and, by the way, i think is somuch better than frozen, but you guys let me knowin the comments below, but besides that there wasa scene in moana where the stars are in the sky litup, it's a night time sky an the blacks were so trulyblack it looked so lifelike
and real, it's amazing. the colors are crazy vibrant,they just pop out at you and it can display over ab-b-billion different colors and there's hdr support, which is so cool. so usually those are the onlyreasons you would pick up a tv like this, but for methat's really only half of it because probably my favoritething about this guy is that it's running webos andi know what you're thinking, "krystal please do not starttalking about another clunky
"tv interface," but thisone's actually really good. like so good. and i'm being 100% honest when i say this, so good that i'm probably notgoing to be using my apple tv that much anymore or even mychromecast, especially 'cause the ones that i have don't support 4k. and forget about 4k supportfor a minute, even interface wise, it looks so nice and neat. if i push the menu buttoni've got all my favorite apps
down here, and remember theseare all built into the tv. i can even download more if i wanted to. and, like i mentioned before,the magic remote is so awesome 'cause i can scrollaround like a little laser pointer and it has alittle cursor on the screen and makes selecting things so easy. i mean, i can even scrollup and down if i wanted to. there's so many coolfeatures to talk about here, but one of my favorite thingsis how well the tv pulls
information from the cable box. so if you see down here,this my channels tab, and you've got all my favoritechannels saved right here. i think it's so cool how easyit is to navigate between those two. and no tv is setup is complete withoutthe proper sound so that's why i have the lg sj9 sound barthat actually has something called dolby atmos builtin, which was actually only available in theaters before,but now we get it in this
guy so we get a trulyimmersive home audio listening experience where sound canmove anywhere to get the ultimate surround sound. so not only do we have a 4ktv, but we also get 4k sound with this sound bar becauseit'll take any audio source and up convert it into ahigher resolution so you're gonna get good sound no matter what and, like most sound bars, it haswifi and bluetooth built in, but this guy also has achromecast audio built in,
so let's test that out real quick. that's some good sound, let's pump it up. wow. that sounded really good. i forgot to mention to you guys, but this guy came with asubwoofer, i put it here in the corner. i mean, look at the sizeof this thing, you get some really bumping base out of here.
so there it is, my living room setup. i always have so much funmaking these because i feel like it's a great way ofshowcasing your style with the tech that you have and,as always, i've got all the links in the description boxbelow, even the stuff that i didn't mention, likethe cool lamps and stuff. but anyways, thanks for watching guys, and i'll see ya later.