tips for decorating a living room

- oh my god! - hey everybody, i'm ashley and today i'm gonna walk you throughten tips and tricks for decorating your dorm room. i'm headed over to nyuwhere yumi is a senior ra. she reached out to me on instagram, told me she was moving into her dorm room and could really use a makeover and i knew i wanted to makethis tips and tricks video
so it worked out pretty well. i'm not gonna lie, yumihas a very cool dorm room and it's pretty spacious butall of these tips and tricks can be applied to any dorm room anywhere no matter how muchor how little space you have. let's get started. my first tip is a shopping tip 'cause you can't really decorateif you don't have decor. when you're shopping, try to find stores
that let you order onlineand then pick up the items at the location nearest your school. i did that today, i usedtarget back to college pickup. so easy, all i have to do isshow up and pick up the items. i came here to pick up what i ordered and i already have likesix new things in my cart. this is a really goodtarget too, i will say, wait, i'll show you. oh, i can't make the cart go sideways
but it's pretty. (camera clatters) i dropped you. i wanna get her a clean laundry hamper. you don't just need ahamper for dirty laundry, you need a hamper for clean laundry because if you're like me,you leave it on the bed and you don't fold it right away and then you end upsleeping on top of your
perfectly clean laundryand then there's wrinkles. so, you gotta get a clean laundry hamper so that you don't do that. boom! this cart is gettingreally full, really fast. tip number three is all aboutrearranging your furniture. i moved pretty much everysingle item in yumi's room. the biggest change might have been taking the hutch off of the desk
and using it as a book shelf and i tucked that in the hallway which she really wasn't using before. it really opened up the space. i moved the bed away from the window and then i put the couchwhere the desk originally was. that way she has aclear division of space. this is yumi's area forwork and sleep and relaxing and then she has her hangout area
where her residents and her friends can come and have a good time. with all of that furniture moving, i did sacrifice somevaluable outlet real estate and we just can't have that so i got her these bed risersthat have outlets in them so she can charge her phone,she can plug in a lamp, or whatever electrical needs she may have. good thing i prefer comforters over duvets
but for a dorm room, aduvet is the way to go because nine times out of 10,a dorm room washing machine is not going to be bigenough to wash a comforter and it's college, people aregonna be sitting on your bed, you're gonna pull an all-nighter or two, there's gonna be snacks involved and you need to wash that comforter so a duvet is the way to go and i got her this reallycute one from target
which kind of inspiredthe rest of the room. (light upbeat music) this next trick is one of my favorites, it's a pinterest classic. you can use a sheer curtainand some string lights to create a canopy headboard situation. i used a small curtain rodand some removable wall hooks to hang up the curtain behind the bed and then i put some string light between
the sheer curtain and the wall and boom, you've got areally cute canopy headboard that also doubles asperfect accent lighting. moving onto the loungearea, that navy blue couch was just not it so all idid was get a big blanket, stretched it over thecouch, and tuck it in. it totally transformed this couch and now it matches the rest of the room. i also did sort of the samething on the desk chair.
i just folded up a blanketand put it on the back to make it cohesive withthe rest of the room. for some extra seating, iopted for floor cushions. these ones were the perfectcolor, i could not say no. they're easy to put awaywhen you don't want them, take them out when you do. another item i got that can serve as extra seating is this ottoman. not only is it extra seatingbut it's also gonna double
as her nightstand andit's also gonna trickle as some extra storage. this is a tip that i use pretty much anytime i'm decorating any space because i always forget to bring a level. i dunno, when you'repacking for a home makeover or moving into a dorm room, the last thing you're thinkingabout is bringing a level. but you can actually just download
a leveling app on your phone. my mind was blown when i found this out so i need to share it withanybody who will listen. finally, one little last piece of decor. i gave yumi this wire organizer. personally, i lovecollecting little mementos, notes, pictures, and i can definitely make a cluttered mess for myself which is why i need tohave a designated area
for putting mementos,otherwise they're just gonna be all over the room looking really messy. now it's time to show yumi her dorm room. let's see if she liked it. take a look. oh my god, it's so pretty, oh my god. oh my god, thank you! (yumi and ashley exclaim) i love it, wow!
- [ashley] do you? - [yumi] the colors are amazing. - well, i hope you havethe best senior year here. you're so sweet, thank youfor letting us come over. - thank you. - really, it's been so fun doing this and it's totally made mewant to go back to school so i'm very jealous. live it up this year.
(yumi awes) - oh my gosh. - thank you guys so much for watching. if you liked this video,please give it a thumbs up. also, quick little plug,i'm currently casting for a full season of space lift. so if you don't know, i hosta show called space lift where i makeover people's spaces based on their social media accounts.
it's a lot of fun, big room makeovers, the whole shebang andi'm looking for people who need a room makeover. we're doing offices, backyards, bedrooms, closets, anything you can think of. all those casting formsare in the description so fill them out and also tag me in a picture on instagram of your space and who knows, you might justget a room makeover out of it.
like this video, subscribeto the nifty channel, fill out a casting formif you're interested, and i'll see ya next time, bye!