the living room w1

and now it's random play dance we are going to play random dance wow wooo *the corner that we have been waiting for*this is really famous and anticipated doni: what do we give you? a prize or a punishment? a prize! coni: what do you want? doni: right now, the only prize we can offer you is food yoon jisung: what kind of food?
doni: anything that you want to eat yoon jisung: if we ever meet again in another broadcast station how about catering a buffet for us? coni: you want us to pay? daehwi: that sounds great coni: that will be half of my pay doni: it's okay. today's gonna be my last day broadcasting. doni: now the food prizes that you can win are chicken, jokbal and drinks. *wow*coni: right now at 1 am in the morning!
yoon jinsung: then we'll take chicken & jokbal. doni: then, if you guys win on the first try we will give you all the prizes *woahhh* (my babies must be starving ;-;) *seriously?* doni: everything! chicken, jokbal and the drinks but everytime you get the dance wrong you will have to get rid of something #make_wannaone_not_hungry doni: come on! we can do it! so let's start random play dance
doni: music... daehwi: why am i nervous? doni: cue! wanna one's most lit song- pick me ;) *they must've danced to that more than 101 times* (great pun btw) *it took them less than 3 seconds to get their positions right* *i'm going to steal your heart tonight* doni: why does that look so easy? *great start*
burn it up -wanna one a.k.a even yo momma calls me daddy :) *confused* *blocked path* *secretly busy* *he looks suspicious* *my little ongie is lost* *it was a magnificent turn, but...* *he should've went low* bihhhh it's freaking energetic-wanna one
*harmony or...?* *chaos* *literally me trying to keep up with life* coni: jae-hwan looks suspicious *now it looks great* (they jump so high!!!) never-wanna one (do i even need to comment about this masterpiece?) *urgent* *baby daehwi is busy looking for his place* daehwi: what's going on?
*he took his place* stop daehwi: it wasn't my fault! coni: what's the problem? yoon jinsung: daniel wasn't supposed to be here daehwi: he was wrong coni: so it's daniel's fault? yoon jinsung: these were added moves that daniel practiced by himself
daehwi: but he took my place! yoon jinsung: no, you shouldn't have said that! daehwi: i'll take it back daehwi: he took my place! *worried* *dae-hwi is back to reality* daehwi: it was for 8 people coni: for 8 members? kang daniel: so who got it wrong?
daehwi: it was free style dancing *doni spotted his preys* doni: who got it wrong? bae jinyoung: this is not a dance for all the members daniel is the one who got it wrong bae jinyoung: he's not part of the dance. doni: ahhhh! doni: seriously, jinyoung is so naive! *realised his mistake*
*what did i do?!* doni: he comfirmed your mistake *what's going to happen to their meal?* daehwi: what? no, jin young doesn't even know that! doni: what? doni: wait but why are you angry at me? that was so scary! coni: daehwi you need to calm down daehwi: i didn't mean that!
doni: it's done coni: daehwi it's done doni: thanks to jinyoung we have to get rid of one of the prizes pick one item to remove chicken, jokbal or the drinks everyone: the drinks! doni: but you must feel thirsty? minhyuk: we can drink water (and stop sleeping on nu'est) lai guanin: we should keep the chicken! doni: alright... let's go!
jinyoung: i'm sorry! lai guanin (or smol bean): it's fine! yoon jisung (or ball of fluffy sunshine): we're doing great! doni: alright! let's go... start the music! (energetic - wanna one) otherwise known as 'this song saved kpop' daehwi: don't push me! *faster than before* *agile moves* (btw is it me or is minhyun lookin super fine?)
*their focused faces appear* *pleased* (open up- wanna one) omg you don't even know what's coming at ya ;) brace yourselves ;) get it danny boi 3:) *let's listen* *he's ready* *he doesn't feel embarrassed when it comes to dancing* *everyone's excited* if you know what i mean ;)
*me too!* lmao though how can ong be ong with a straight face?xd *you never feel bored from him* (show time - wanna one) can also be referred to as 'underrated but a goddamn jam' *dancing with passion* *dancing like it's the last day in their lives* *excited* wink, wink ;) (oh little girl- wanna one) a.k.a another golden track *a great dancing duo* *gentle*
*loveable* *they're amazing* *they're only watching* (burn it up- you know who sings it) *everyone's busy* *random play dance full of danger* doni: jihoon is that correct? *daehwy thought he got caught* daehwy: what did i do wrong?
*there's no mistakes* *the strongest choreography appears* *we only want to listen* *manly* *let's watch it again* *great facial expression* (hands on me- i'm pretty sure all of you know by now the atrist) do the body wave! *a broken wave* --- literally all my past relationships
*flustered* doni: minhyun!!! *we caught him* doni: what's wrong minhyun? doni: you were obviously wrong! yoon jisung: i didn't expect this at all! coni: minhyun got it wrong? doni: minhyun and woojin! minhyun: i did a freestyle dance
coni: while everyone was dancing differntly? coni: how many people hold into the hand of sung woo? doni: how's the original dance? all of you huddled in one spot! daehwi: it's supposed to look like that lai guanlin: it's part of the dance doni: that was the original dance? park woojin: he's there and- doni: oh i got it!
but why didn't you do that before? yoo jisung: cause we rushed to dance it doni: you did that cause you rushed to the dance? yoo jissung: yeah we just rushed over to touch him doni: there was no coordination to your dance cause you rushed to touch him? yoo jisung: exactly doni: daehwi who was at fault? daehwi: do you want me to say the truth? doni: yes
doni: who was it minhyun or jisung? coni: tell us honestly, i feel like jisung was mostly mistaken *no, daehwi* coni: they joined the formation late doni: that was clear coni: be honest you have to be very honest with us daehwi: the dance was right! *proud*
doni: let's watch the original dance then daehwy: wanna one fans, wasn't the dance correct? girly voiced wanna one: yes! *let's ask the viewers* *pretends like he's a fan of wanna one* daehwi: they say we're right! *avoids the problem* doni: so which dish do you want to get rid of? the chicken or jokbal?
coni: in my oppinion, i feel like you should choose chicken yoon jisung: how about you lessen the amount of chicken for us? daehwi: sounds great! doni: don't use your brain yoon jisung: give us less chicken, please doni: so which dish do we get rid of? the chicken or jokbal? give me a show of hands whoever wants chicken put your hand up! 1, 2, 3
coni: we're not getting rid of chicken doni: this is your last chance daehwi: there's no food after that, right? everyone: no food lai guanlin: we're not gonna get it wrong (awww he's so cute, and bless that noona who styled his hair) daehwi: are you sure? doni: alright, good luck! this is the last chance! music, please
(another masterpiece by dem sexy hot boys) *busy* *they got into formation in less than 5 seconds* park jihoon: nice! nice! *they dance comfortably* *we're watching you* *no more mistakes* ("another one", dj khaled said as he watched dem talented boys perform) lol soz i got to take a break xd
*where are you going?* *he's helping him with the position* doni: are you alright? *sorry* *bewildered* *a different gaze* *wanna one, burn it up!* ("another one," dj khaled repeated as he couldn't help himself but demand another song from them talented children) *quickly*
*dancing with skills* *wanna one still looking good with random play dance challenge* *he made another mistake* *a sudden freestyle dance* (dj khaled was bout to utter the sentence "another one" but the dj of the show got him covered ith this legendary track) coni: daehwi we'll catch you making a mistake soon! *excited with the song intro* *heart beat* *familiar music*
*we're proud of you!* i'll spare you the dj khaled story :p *they got used to this* yass that's my bias y'all <3 *they look cool* *11 boys who got chosen by the people!* *ultimate power* *we hope to see wanna one flourishing* doni: random play dance... success!
subbed by knk's my vitamin. hope my work pleased you especially since this is my first time subbing smth <3 yoon jisung: we're going to eat chicken!