beautiful bedroom design ideas

beautiful bedroom design ideas

ready to transform your room into a colorfulexplosion of fun? here's how to do a complete room makeoverwith 10 awesome diy room decor projects! i'm a bit weird and like to lay around the floorof my apartment. but let's be honest, it isn't always the mostcomfortable experience. so i decided to make the world's biggest pillowever! are you ready for that? let's do it! take a very large blanket. this one is so soft and i love the varietyof happy colors on it!

place it on a flat surface and fold it inhalf. grab a glue gun and glue together the longestside. you can even sew the edge with some threadand a needle, or use fabric glue. stick the top layer down while the glue isstill hot and wait a minute or two to cool down and seal the two fabric layers together. do the same on one of the shorter sides. this is perfect! we're going to leave the other short sideopen for now, because this will be the entrance for huge amounts of pillow stuffing!

take some older pillows and carefully cutthem open. grab the fluffy stuffing and put it insideyour diy giant pillow. you can even buy only pillow stuffing onlineor in a store – it's even more affordable. but i had some old pillows that i didn't needso i just decided to use those. continue throwing in more and more pillowstuffing until you reach the desired size. i want my pillow to be extra soft and squishy,which requires quite a generous amount of stuffing. when you're happy with your ginormous pillow,glue the side with some hot glue. ta-daaa! this is so comfy! you can totally stop here, i mean it is alreadyso pretty, but i decided to use this lovely

pom pom garland to decorate the pillow edges. to make this fast and neat use a glue gunand you're pillow is finished and looking pretty! what an epic diy project! you can use your pillow at home or have iton the balcony or in the garden. this is literally so comfy and i feel likei could lay here in the sun forever! it is also perfect if you have sleepoverswith your friends or movie nights. this giant pillow really gives such a cozyand cool vibe to any room. i'm already planning to make an even biggerpillow using two blankets, that would be insane. without a doubt this giant pillow will bringso much joy so grab an old blanket and have

a ton of fun crafting! who loves plain white walls. not me! so i am always on the hunt to find new and prettywall decor ideas. and let me just say – this is hands downthe most gorgeous wall decor i've ever created! we all know my obsession with pom poms. it's serious, but it's also an endless springof creativity, so i'm willing to cope with it! grab a white piece of thicker paper or cardboardand cut out any shape that you like – like a heart, a star, or your initials. so i cut out a big s for superman.

no - for sara. take a glue gun and apply a little blob ofglue on the paper. chose your first little pom pom – mine isgreen and stick it on top of that glue while it's still hot. continue adding pom poms to your wall masterpiece. pink, yellow and a ton of other colors tomake it extra interesting and bold. for a super neat result try to keep the spacingbetween your pom poms minimal and trace the paper edges as precisely as you can. after a while you will end up with the moststunning wall art ever.

i love the texture and everything about thisdiy. it is so unique and gives a gorgeous pop of colorto any room. you can buy the colorful pom poms onlinefor very inexpensive. you get a ton and can use them for so manydiy projects. what can i say, the pom pom obsession is stillhere, and stronger than ever! could this chair be even more boring?! no, i don't think so. we have to do something about it! oh yeah i have an idea.

this chair is about to get a complete makeover! take some pink acrylic paint or any othercolor of choice and color the legs of the chair. i chose pink because as you know my room isblue and pink, so this will fit perfectly with the furniture. that's exactly why i love diy-ing so much. you can chose the colors, the materials andfinishes that you like and make unique pieces for your room! okay, the chair legs are all colored, so let'sleave them to dry. now take a piece of fake fur material!

i wish you could feel how soft this is! cut out a circle which is slightly biggerthan the chair seat. flip it upside down and make four short cutswhere the chair legs are. place the chair on the furry circle like this. grab a glue gun and apply a small blob ofglue on the seat edge. fold the fabric up to stick it on the chair. do this all around the edge of the seat andcheck out this epicness! can you believe the transformation that wejust made!? i am so satisfied with the result!

from the cheapest, most boring chair we createdthe prettiest and coziest chair ever! you can even use it as a night stand or adecoration piece and place on a flower pot, picture frame or something like that! because of the furry seat, this chair becamesuper comfy as well! bingo! have you ever seen any cuter plants? because i haven't! these two grass pots are so cool and adorable. they instantly put me in a better mood wheni see them.

come on, i'll show you how to make them fromscratch. take a rounded pot or vase like this one. i'm using yellow so they will kind of looklike emojis but just pick any color you like. take a pencil and sketch the face of youremoji. i went for a super smiley one with a tonguesticking out! now take a black permanent marker and tracethe lines. if you're a super talented free hand draweryou can skip the sketching part. be my guest. i am definitely not good enough for that,especially with the rounded surface of the pot.

next take a red permanent marker and colorthe tongue. ah i love this happy face! isn't it so funny and cute!? i made another emoji with a bit differenteye shape and gorgeous happy smile! now that our pots are ready, let's sow thegrass seeds. grab a bit of cotton wool and put it on thebottom of the pot. take some grass seeds and pop them in as well. you can allocate them evenly allover the cotton. pop a bit of cotton wool on top of it as well.

to make the seeds grow, we need to water them. the top layer of cotton will protect the seedsand keep them moist. in about 2 days you will already see littlegrass peaking out, and 3 to 5 days later your emoji will have an awesome hairstyle already! wow these two are just so adorable, i can'thandle it! they give such a nice pop of color to anyroom and will brighten up your day whenever you see them. you can make different hairstyles, you cancut their hair and in a day or two and the grass will grow back up.

make lots of different emoji grass pots andsee who's hair grows the fastest! they are so much fun! a decoration and an epic toy at the same time! picture frames are the perfect decorationsfor your room or desk. not only can they be gorgeous, but if theycarry a meaningful photo of a memory or beloved person, they become even more special. go outside and find a bunch of stones. let's color them up! for the first one i'm choosing red acrylicpaint.

use a paint brush to color the entire stonein red. i love how opaque these acrylic paints are– one coat is more than enough! such a time saver! i colored a bunch of stones in blue, green,yellow and pink, which is the first one to receive a monster makeover. apply a drop of a super glue on the stoneand place a googly eye on top. this will be a one-eyed monster with spikyteeth. draw the teeth in a shape of triangles usinga black permanent marker. dip a tiny paint brush in white acrylic paintand color the inside of the teeth.

i like to leave some of that black bordervisible. how adorable is this buddy right?! i also made some smiley monsters with twoeyes, different colors and so on! make each of them a bit different. just like we people are – everyone so differentand so special! here's our monster squad all done. just two words: cuteness overload! i love them so much! take a plain picture frame.

i like the color of this one, otherwise it'spretty boring, so let's change that! use a glue gun and stick the stone monsterson the frame. you can place them all around or just in thecorners as i did. whatever you do your picture frame will turnout stunning, guaranteed! i am so impressed and happy with mine. you can use it to display a photo close toyour heart. i just placed a random school bag picturein the frame for now. still looks very cute though! the monster stones can also be used for otherdiy projects.

you can for example stick a magnet at theback and use it as a fridge magnet or a post it notes holder. be creative and without a doubt you'll havea ton of fun decorating. ever since i was little i always wished icould walk on clouds. people told me that this is not possible,but i am here to prove them wrong! we're making the most adorable fluffy cloudrugs! grab a fake furry material or a piece of acarpet. this one is so soft and cozy and i got itfor super inexpensive – just about 7 bucks. place the rug on a flat surface with a frontfacing down.

sketch the cloud shape using a pencil. i want mine to be big and puffy! that's perfect! take your exacto knife and carefully cut thecloud out by tracing the pencil lines. this was surprisingly very easy to do! when you're done, flip the rug around andcheck out this beauty! i already love it so much but if you believeit or not, we can make it even more adorable. use some felt and cut out the eyes and mouth. stick it on the cloud with a fabric glue ora glue gun.

i made heart shaped hot pink eyes and a bigsmile because i want the happiest clouds to decorate the floor in my room. this is so freaking stunning, isn't it?! rugs instantly make any space feel more cozyand warm, but this cloud rug is just a whole another level of epicness and cuteness. it literally transforms any room and givesit that happy almost fairytale-ish vibe. i made one more and even bigger cloud withflushed rosy cheeks. someone please stop me before i make 10 moreof these for my entire apartment. i am just too excited!

walking on clouds has never been easier. clothes pins can work as a great organizationpiece for your desk. you can buy pretty decorative clothes pinsin a craft store, or use the usual wooden ones and color them yourself. of course we'll choose the later, becausewe're the diy masters, duh! i'll color my first pin in blue. one or two coats will give you an opaque andneat finish. now let's create a fun geometric pattern. i'm making white diagonal lines using a smallpaint brush.

for some extra pop of color i decided to adda little yellow dot between the lines. i am using a dotting tool, but a toothpickwill do the job just as great! i made four different designs and colors onmy clothes pins. the last thing to do is pop a glue pad onthe back of each pin and you're ready to stick it on the wall, the fridge or anywhere elsethat you like. these glue pads won't damage the walls orleave colored stains, which is great! these pins look very pretty but they are also veryuseful. you can use them to hang post it notes, picturesor even bracelets and necklaces. this is such an inexpensive and easy diy thatyou should try for sure!

this glass succulent terrarium is so prettyand a perfect decoration for your room or a dining table! it looks so delicate, sophisticated and itreminds me of beautiful pink sand desert. how cool it would be if such desert actuallyexisted! prepare a rounded glass bowl and pour in abit of sand. i went for pink decorative sand but you cantake some sand from the sea side next time you're on vacation. you don't need too much of it, that's rightenough for me. now take some artificial succulents and stickthem into the sand.

i have a bunch of different ones that i gotonline. some are taller, some more rounder, but allin all they look like a lovely little squad together! here comes my last blue cactus and voila - weare done! this turned out so beautiful. and it took us like what – 2 minutes?! such a gorgeous decoration, you can put anywherein the apartment – bedroom, living room or bathroom as well! you can even make this as a gorgeous giftfor someone you love! and if you want to be fancy – use real succulents!

but good luck with that, i'm just going tostick with my fake ones! welcome home little planty. i'm going to take such good care of you. umm... i think you need some water, yeah you do. what?! how?! i don't know how it is possible but i justcan't seem to keep a plant alive. luckily we can replace a real plant with acacti made out of stones!

yes it sounds weird but the result is stunning. take a bigger oval stone and paint it green. i am using acrylic paint and a paint brush,but a spray paint would make the job even easier and faster. just a couple of swipes more and my stonehas turned into a cactus. well not quite yet, but with a few toucheswe're going to make it look spot on! dip a smaller paint brush into a dark greenpaint and make thin stripes to represent cactus ribs. this will make it so much more realistic. lastly draw a bunch of spikes in a shape oflittle white stars on top of the dark green lines.

the spikes give so much detail and dimension,i love it! i don't want this cactus to be poor and lonely,so let's quickly make a little friend. color a smaller oval stone in dark green. i'm going for a different cactus species thistime – this one has small white dots allover. to make the perfect dots, the easiest wayis to use a nail art dotting tool or a toothpick. alright it's time to assemble both of ourcacti in a plant pot. i chose this beautiful pink one! since the pot is quite deep, place in a ballof inexpensive clay or play dough to fill up the bottom.

press it down to distribute it evenly andto fill all the sides and edges. grab the bigger stone cactus and press itdown in the clay. this will create a dent in the clay, holdingthe stone up, which is exactly what we want. do the same with the smaller one. they look so cute together! grab some decorating sand and pour it on topof the clay to hide it. i love this shade of blue! it looks so nice combined with the pink andthe green. lastly i decided to stick a little fake floweron top of the bigger cactus.

it's like a cherry on top! i feel like the flower ties everything togetherand makes the whole cacti pot even more adorable! this is such a gorgeous decoration for anyroom, but also for a balcony or a garden. you can always tone it down with a neutralcolored plant pot and white sand. but you know me – the brighter, the better! i am so happy with this cutie and the bestpart is that you don't have to do absolutely anything to keep this plant alive. that's exactly what i needed! last but not least, let's make these cutedesk organizers that are so pretty and very

handy as well. you can store in sweets, paper clips, pinsor any other bits and pieces that usually lay around your desk and drawers. grab a jar in any size of your choice anda plastic animal. i went for the giraffe. take the lid off the jar and it's time tostick our giraffe on it. to do this you can use super glue or a gluegun. just make sure it holds really well. okay this cutie is attached safely to thelid so let's go grab a spray paint.

all these colors are gorgeous but i'm goingto pick the blue one. i'm so predictable, right?! carefully spray your creation until it iscompletely covered and opaque. you'll get the best result if you make severalthin coats instead of spraying loads of paint at once. and if you don't have the spray just go forusual acrylic paint. it will work perfectly too. here we go, the jar looks gorgeous so let'sfill it up with lots of yummy candy! mm... nom, nom, nom! i also made a pink elephant jar because wedon't want our giraffe to be lonely.

everyone needs a friend in their life, right. and together they look even more adorable. i filled the elephant jar with a ton of colorfulgum balls! oh yes – extra pretty and super yummy! because diy room decor can be cozy, colorful,happy and nonetheless tasty! one more thing! make sure to subscribe here and my secondchannel because we're going to have an amazing summer here and you don't want to miss out! ok, love you guys, bye!

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