bedroom wall ceiling designs

okay we are doing a skylight nightfalland puzzle piece and everything on them on the wall turning into sky and i'llshow you the colors which is why first start out i'm using pratt lambor satinno.11 - that's a dark the darkest blue there it's not black people use blastedtwice not really black it's it's dark glue and everything we put two coats onthe ceiling and then on the next is i'm going to put this color right here it'sa modern masters paint it gives it kaveh i'm going to sponge it on and and alsoi'm going to spend on the blue our modern masters metallic paint and it'sthat shimmery look it's going to be different then a little black on thecorners or some parts of the just a
light thin black on areas in thenightfall then i'm going to use the sprite texturing can to go on theceiling so we do that's the process that i go through when i do the star nightand they're going to oil dark paint for scars and everything but that's it fornow i'll show you the process of it okay okay this is the process all ideally thetwo top coats blue and then on the third coat on your roll a certain area and whystill wet and then i had white to it and this will show you right here rightso it's blended nicely and you have a little pocket in there you
a little while ago i showed you a videoon the thousand stars per second i use this stuff right here texture spray andright now let me show you what done so far i use dark blue and then put lightblue in there and what you're seeing right therethere's angle here so you don't see it all at once certain angles what camera can't focus that well youcan see the different colors there's metallic paint right there you can'tsound if you can see at the camera but it's kind of a the blue tone and it'snot dry yet
can't you can see it good right here andthen kind of disappears into that so a lot of different stuff like this thehands of god right here and it kind of the reflection changes everythinga bit some stars and moons and planets all through the paintings and this randy miller just a littlequick tip for the day anyway um you know the the water bottles you can buy at anyhardware store wherever a lot of times they're junk what i do is this is notwindex or clean or anything but this nozzles seems to be a lot better thanthe other ones i want slot longer and instead of throwing this away you canuse it this is what waters and that a
chip is when you want to leave yourpaint out for a little bit for about a half an hour an hour i usually i sprayit and have a little thin coat of water on it and it will evaporate the waterfirst and then the paint it won't be so hard so when you come backthat's all sticky so that's my tip of the day