decorate dining room table valentines

decorate dining room table valentines

3 valentine’s day ideas 2013 here are some tried and true ideas to puta memorable spin on this year’s valentine’s day. treasure hunt this idea makes a small budget go a long way.clever clues and good hiding places can turn 5 small gifts (flowers, chocolates, stuffedanimal, valentine’s card) into an afternoon of searching your apartment, car, a park,wherever. it’s fun to fake them out sometimes, too,like send them searching for a hard clue and leave nothing there but an “i love you”and another clue.

customized valentine’s basket following an obvious theme. if your fellais a gamer, get some accessories and batteries for his controllers, maybe he needs a newheadset, a new game, or get his name on a pre-sale list for a sick new game (but maybemake him pay for the actual game). for your lady, if she likes cooking, well,get kitchen supplies. if you’re at a loss, make a basket full of panties (that fit her)or a romantic basket with candles, lotion, oils, and bubble bath. indoor picnic you don’t have to cook, although it’salways nice to eat something your significant

other made specially for you. you can orderout your partner’s favorite meal and turn your bedroom or living room into a romanticindoor setting for a picnic. this is another relatively low-budget ideathat converts a room you normally don’t eat in into a candle-lit dining room.

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