painting the living room ideas

the next step in our living room project isto actually paint. what we are going to do is the walls first, which i always recommend,and then we'll do the trim and ceiling later. for the walls, we've chosen a flat finish,and the client chose a color, which is black. open your can, and that is indeed black. whati am going to do, is i am going to pour two thirds of it into the bucket here, which we'lluse when we get to rolling, and i am going to start by cutting in. we are just goingto go around the perimeter of the wall, which you obviously can hit with a roller. you wantto give yourself about a five inches, five inch border here. as you can see, i am beingvery careful, so i don't hit the ceiling. i've got a fairly steady hand; i have beendoing this long enough that i am not particularly
concerned with getting paint on the ceiling.if you feel like it's necessary you might want to use some tape, and i'll show you howto apply that when we do the trim. when it comes to painting the border trimyou don't have to necessarily worry about getting your wall paint on the trim, becausewe are going to paint that later. so you can be somewhat sloppy with it, as a matter offact, i suggest that you do; that way you are going to make sure that you get all thesurface covered in this border region here. then again, you want to give yourself aboutfive inches. ok, we just cut in this wall, now we are readyto roll.