showroom living rooms

it’s that time of year again. and ikea has released their new 2019 catalog. and the theme for this year are the differenthomes, styles and lives we live in. from the simple sanctuary to relax and escapeour busy lives, to family life packed with kids and play things, to the open, flexibleconcept to change and adapt to our dynamic lives. hi i’m david and here’s quick look atthe new 2019 ikea catalog. in the catalog they feature 7 types of homesdepending on what style you prefer and showcase ideas on how to use ikea’s existing andnew items to fill that space.
i’m going to quickly go through all 7 andhighlight a couple items that caught my eye. starting with the first home called “havenin the city.†this is a home to escape our busy lives witha soft calm setting, filled with light pastel colors and natural wood. items that can fill this type of home include:a floor lamp for a nice warm light, a new bed frame made from solid birch wood, wallstorage to hide away your clutter, and a really nice wood table and light oak conference chairs. if you prefer a space that’s a little moreunique and full of color. home number 2 is called “limited space,unlimited you.â€
and with this home it’s more about the accessoriesthat fill the space to represent our personality. colorful plates, lamps, and fabrics to bringlife to the space. you can leave everything out on a couple racks. or store them away in shelves and boxes. for those collectors who like to keep a varietyof treasures scattered across their place. home number 3 is called “where more is moreâ€inspiring different ways organize and display the variety of trinkets you’ve accumulated. you can display them in a simple and classicbook unit. to versatile racks and cupboard spaces.
or moving to the kitchen with a wine rack. and this gorgeous kitchen island with spacefor your pots and pans. prefer a space a little more in tune withnature? home number 4 is called “resourceful andloving it.†finding ways to incorporate plants and naturalwood into the space. a room divider that also acts as additionalstorage. shelfing units designed for indoors or outto keep all your tools and pottery, and of course a wood table that go along with allthe nature in your place. have a big family full of babies or kids?
home number 5 is called “full house.†focused on making a space that brings everyonetogether, but also provides everyone their own private time. at the dining table, everyone can have theirown different type of chair. in the living room, everyone can curl up ina nice comfortable sofa. or let the kids have their own space withtables that accommodate their size, and storage units low enough for their reach. i’ve always prefer the open concept, withflexible and multifunctional solutions. for that there’s home number 6 called “openup to change.â€
there’s furniture that moves where you needit. such as a laptop stand to work from the sofaand a side table for quick access to your snacks and drinks. an extended kitchen island that also actsas your dining table. to the open concept closet of my dreams. and finally, tiny living is becoming muchmore common as space becomes a luxury. home number 7 called “room for big ideasâ€looks for ways to save space in a challenging tiny room. floor to ceiling wall storage is a must inthese circumstances to take advantage of all
the available space. or go dorm room style with a high loft bedand sofa on the bottom for friends. and you can even install a barebones yet functionalkitchen complete with sink, fridge and storage. so that’s a quick look at the new 2019 ikeacatalog which is less about releasing new products but instead reimagining how to fitexisting products into the different types of homes of today. but you can check it all out in the digitalcatalog that i linked below. hope you guys enjoyed this one. you know what to do.
and i’ll see you in the next video.