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so i got my hair done and then i got my nails done and then i found this really cute outfit and let's just say that it was not on sale don't worry i just put it on your credit card she take my money now i ain't sayin she's a gold digger but you been hangin out with her go figure now i ain't saying she's a gold digger friend indeed but you been hangin out with ya go figure get out boy go ahead get out, get out boy go ahead get out get out boy go ahead get out get out boy go ahead she take my money

thinks she’s the bombmet him at the beauty salon wait is that a louis vuittonunder her underarm, hold up i just think it’s wrongyou can see in face he looks absolutely defeatedgettin’ put in his place, look at that! she’s been doing this for weekshave you seen her? she’s got that poor boy working and wrapped around her finger seems he’ll, never wise up, man that poor kidi think she told him once she had a crush or something shhhh i got a call, try not to make a soundhere you can hold my stuff… don’t put it on the ground! and later we’ll go eat, you brought your money right?i don't want any surprises like you tried to pull last time!

man it’s too good to miss thisi wanna help him out but this is better than netflix five bucks says she makes him pose for twitterit doesn’t matter what we all think, she’s still our baby sister now i ain't saying she's a gold digger but you been hangin out with ya go figure now i ain't saying she's a gold digger friend indeed but you been hangin out with well go figure she take my money 18 more, just 18 more!i found another sale online and this one’s 18 more i know this other girl at school wants it and i can’t waitto sit right next to her in class and see the look on her face it’s like watching tvplease change the channel when you think she’s done it all she takes it to a new level

she’s been taught to be responsible, do right with her money she’s taking advantage because he likes her and has money he’s walking and she went and bought a bike with his money it’s obvious she’s only hanging out for the money, money, money if you ain't no chump, holla they gon breakupthey gon breakup! yeah it's something that he needs to do'cause if he has a lot, he’ll only have a few 18 bucks, it's just 18 bucks!let's see how she reacts when her sisters show up! she take my money now i ain't saying she's a gold digger when i'm in need but you been hangin out with ya go figure get out boy go ahead get out, get out boy go ahead

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