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so here we go again it's a sundayafternoon and we are all together once more as live as live can be and can yousee what has returned behind me yes the sheep are back behind my garden comingup today we also have mr. steve talking about words and idioms to do withbuildings and of course you are more than welcome to join in on the live chatafter all it's a sunday afternoon it's just after 2 o'clock here in the uk andthis is live english live from much wenlock in england on a sunday afternoonthis is live english oh yes it sure is baby yes here we go again it's another sundayit's another fun day it's another time for you to improve your english we areonce again live on youtube
hello oh yeah hi everybody this is mr.duncan in england how are you today are you ok i hope soare you happy i hope so can you see what i'm doingtoday i have been very busy all week preparing something can you guess whatit is i'm getting in a bit of a tangle here today sorting out a certain thingwhich we will see more of later on yes i'm getting in a real mess here todayfind out later on why so here we are once again it's live english i can'tbelieve that it's sunday once more do you feel the same way as me do you feelthat this year is going by so quickly it is the end of november next week i can'tbelieve it's actually the end of
november next week and then it'sdecember december is a very busy month do you know why well there are lots ofreasons why look out the window today we are having a glorious day by the way anabsolute glorious day look at that so that is a live view at the moment out ofthe window oh my goodness what a beautiful day we are having right herenow in the uk a live picture and we can also have a look in the garden as wellwould you like to see the garden there it is a live view outside i know for afact that mr. steve was out there earlier on he was out theredoing some gardening so i hope he has prepared something for today's liveenglish stream and there it is once
again a lovely live view looking acrossthe countryside here in the uk as i mentioned earlier at the start oftoday's live stream the sheep are back they are would you like to have a lookat the sheep they have returned to the back of the house and here they areright now oh yes they are back last week they returned and so i couldn't resistshowing them today because i love it i love it when there are animals at theback of the house so there you can see the sheep are back and there are quite afew of them this year we have a lot of them there are 37 sheep at the back ofthe house now so that is the view outside i filmed this yesterday just tolet you see the sheep and there are
quite a few of them i'm not sure if theyare pregnant i'm not sure if they are already expecting little lambs i'm notsure about that but they have arrived and they have been at the back of thehouse for about the past five days so i'm very very excited to see the sheephave returned oh lovely i really love the sheep so much let's have anotherview of the sheep here we go here's another one another shot of the sheepwalking by and as i mentioned there are 37 sheep at the back of the house andone of the things to mention especially in this area the area in which i livethere are many people who own dogs and they like to take their dogs for a walkthrough this field but of course
dogs and sheep do not mix very well youwill find that the dogs will will chase the sheep and sometimes they willactually attack them and i know for a fact that at the back of the house therehave been some some attacks on on the sheep in fact i think three years ago ithink there were two sheep killed at the back of the house by dogs so i thinkthere were some dogs that were not on their leads and they they they escapedand they attacked two of the sheep and sadly they died so it is a very seriousthing but if you don't put your donks on a lead when you go for the through afield of sheep you can have some very negative results so i'm feeling prettyhappy today because the sheep are back
and i know that lots of people enjoylooking at the wildlife so i thought that's what i would do at the start oftoday's livestream i would show you the sheep yes they are back babywas i on time today really was that was that actually on time i can't believethat i started today's livestream at exactly 2 o'clock i can't remember thelast time that happened talking of live english that is what weare here to do this afternoon it's myself mr. duncan and don't forget youcan catch me every week every sunday from 2 p.m. uk time live english onyoutube and you can watch this every single sunday yes i will be here nextweek and the week after that and the
week after that as well so there isnothing to fear i will be here throughout december and into 2019 i'mnot joking so autumn is definitely here would youlike to see something beautiful something that i filmed last week okayhere it is ah somewhere over the rainbow lookingout of my window a beautiful rainbow last week i recorded this during theweek when we had some very strange rainstorms so the sun was shining andthe rain was falling at the same time and of course quite often the resultwill be a beautiful rainbow so there you can see the view from my window lastweek and a rather lovely rainbow above
the house isn't that nice and there youcan see the little bird flying by i think it's a pigeon so there you can seesomething nice filmed from the house can i say once again a big thank you tothose who appreciate and love to watch my nature videos so i'm i'm pleased toto hear from you if you have anything nice to add if you have anything nice tosay about my video lessons feel free if you have a problem with my video lessonsmaybe there is something you hate about my video lessons also you can let meknow but please be gentle with me because i am a very sensitive flower iam let's have a look at the live chat later on mr. steve will be here ofcourse and steve at the moment is
suffering from something very strangemr. steve has contracted autumn madness we will have a look at that later onalso we'll be talking about words and expressions to do with buildings wordsand expressions to do with buildings different types of buildings also thethings used to construct buildings so that's whatwe'll be doing later on also we have the mystery idiom would you like to see themystery idiom now okay then because i'm feeling very generous today here istoday's mystery idiom right now there it is so there is the mysteryidiom what do you think it is if you think you know the answer you can writeit down on the live chat talking of
which the live chat is now up andrunning let's see who is on the live chat shall weright now oh it's a busy one so far i can already see lots of people are onthe live chat let's go back to the beginning and see who was firstah i see that pedro belmont is first on the live chat hi to you pedro and ofcourse you get a big round of applause as well congratulations to youalso alamgir is here even though he retracted his message i don't know whatthe message was i hope it was nice matrix is also here jimmy is here hellojimmy nice to see you back jimmy's here oh family also martha in poland olga ishere as well sweetness is here hello
sweetness nice to see you back as wellsheeran is here hello sheeran blue thunder also we have julie ghello judy gee jimmy says the week has passed the time is going very fast iknow i agree with you i can't believe how fast november has gone by it's it'sreally really flown by matilda is here as well watching in columbia also wehave tana doin or 10-win watching in vietnam i believe also we havebelarusian i wondered where you were don't forget belarusian and pedro areboth in charge of the live chat they are the moderators on the live chatso they are in charge they will be watching very closely what you aresaying
pal meera also francisco is here helloto you as well nice to see you every single sunday yesi will be here every sunday until the end of the year and of course i will bewith you during 2019 as well ali is here hello to you ali alam is also here alsosujin hello sujin nice to see you here todayalso we have haole and race car or race car hello sir this is race from pakistanplease can you do a livestream on history and related words to history doyou know what i think that is a great idea thank you very much for yoursuggestion lovely very nice x n says how how is it going how is it going it isgoing very well but i have had a very
busy week quite busy here preparing fordecember because lots of things are happening during the month of decemberit is a very busy month louie mendez says according to the guardian newspaperthe area in which you live voted 63 percent for brexit i think you are rightthere yes that's true i think you are rightro sir said hello mr. dan cohen and all of the moderators as well isn't thatnice oh hello tomic i didn't see you theremr. duncan how is your toe you will be pleased to hear that my toe is feelingmuch better it's still slightly painful it aches now and again but it's muchbetter thank you that's very kind of you
tomic thank you very muchblue thunder your house is very cool oh okay theni don't know what that's in response to a friendly hello to everyone from mr.bruno hello mr. bruno i haven't seen you here beforeis it your first time please let me know oh mr. duncan i love the use says t assof course you he w e is a female sheep thank you very much for that the sheeplook like clouds against the green sky they do look like that don't knight ilove sheep i love watching them in the field also we have carrodus here and yescarrodus says some of the sheep are wobbling they are hobbling they arehaving difficulty walking and that's the
reason why they are doing it becausethey are on a slope so the sheep are actually on the side of a hill andsometimes they fall over and injure themselves so that's why some of thesheep are having difficulty walking because they have injured themselvesthey are slightly lame the word is lame that's a great word by the way so ifsomething is lame it means it can't move properly it has difficulty moving orwalking the sheep in our region are very different from those sheep thank youabdul farce of course there are many different types of sheep many differentbreeds of sheep some of them have white legs some of them have black legs someof them have black faces some of them
have white faces some of them are verylarge and some of them are very small young sac is here as well also emsa careis here wow so many people watching today thank you very much for yourlovely comment about the rainbow i love to see a rainbow in the sky it alwayscheers me up every time i see one hello mr. duncan this is olivia frommadagascar a big hello to magic madagascar it's nice to see you heretoday thank you very much this is my firsttime mr. duncan it is an honor to be herethank you sera sera jad so it is your first time i will give you a round ofapplause
congratulations to sarah jad for beinghere for the first time ever wow that's nice in it i love it i love it a lot sothat's the chat and now it's time to take a look at something which will giveyou an idea of how busy i have been this week i have been so busy do you want toknow what i've been doing well this video will give you a very big clue this month is proving to be a busy onefor me i have been doing all sorts of things today i'm on the roof of my housefixing some festive lights to the railings above my garagehave you noticed how important lights are during festivals and celebrationseven the word light can have a
significant meaning we can see the lightthis means that we have had a revelation if a person suddenly changes their mindabout something or they have a great idea we can say that they have seen thelight something that was unclear before can now be seen vividly and can beunderstood well that person has seen the light these are called fairy lights they aretiny lights that glow and twinkle fairy lights are often hung on christmas treesthey create a magical atmosphere with their gentle glow some fairy lightsflash or blink some are white while others aremulticolored the name fairy lights dates
back to the late 18-hundredsand became popular after they were used as a stage prop in the opera aisle anthewritten by the composer's gilbert & sullivan for the opera small electriclights were placed on the actors who were playing fairies the named fairylight stuck and is still used to this very day did you know that originallycandles were used as decorations that does not sound very safe to me dip dip dip dip dip to do it is sundayyes it's a fun day it's time to improve your english live on youtube with me mr.duncan coming very soon of course we also have my partner in crime we aretalking mr. steve did it get colder in
here is it just me i think it's you mr.steve that's what i think anyway so mr. steve will be here in around about fiveminutes and today mr. steve is suffering from something we call autumn madnessthere he is look steve is really enjoying himselfout in the autumn weather he's really enjoying playing with the leaves we willsee more of that later on as mr. steve experiences autumn madness but what isit what actually is it here's another big question for you and this issomething a lot of people in this country are asking at the moment thequestion is will it snow at the moment the temperature is starting to drop herein the uk but we haven't had any snow
yet so don't get too excited we we don'thave any snow so this snow you can see at the moment is from last winter lastyear but the big question is will we get any snow this year what do you thinkwill happen do you think we will get some snow or do you think we will get nosnow here in the uk now last year if you remember we had a lot of snow we hadthree falls of snow so the snow fell heavily three times so we had a lot ofsnow last winter more than we expected in fact so a lot of people werequite surprised by the amount of snow we have last year so that is the bigquestion that many people here in the uk are asking will it snow will we get anysnow over the next few weeks
i don't know so far there is no forecastof any snow but if you remember last year we were all very surprised by thesudden snowfall that occurred so we're not sure we there might be some snow whoknows so that is the big question what about you have you ever experienced snowhave you ever actually felt snow on your hands or your face there is something somagical about the experience of being out on a snowy day it really is a veryspecial feeling so that remains to be seen the live chat is very busy one morelook and then we will take a little look at something else so the live chat oh mygoodness so many people here today thank you very much for joining me on the livechat unfortunately i've never seen snow
in my life says pedro also alamgir sayswinter is coming again yes it is i don't mind winter as long as i'm in the housebut of course if it starts to snow i love to go out and play in the snow butnormally i like to stay indoors during the winter months we never have any snowin thailand imagine that can you imagine what it would be like if you had snow inthailand i think that would be very surprising piers ardour says hello sirthis is the first time i am watching you hello piers order it's nice to see youhere piers ardourshall heed hello sir i am watching your live programi am from kashmir please suggest good
ways to improve my english speaking wellone good suggestion is to watch my live videos and of course my recorded videosas well underneath this video you will see all of my video lessons and ofcourse you must practice english every day so if you want to improve yourenglish you have to use it you have to practice every day you do it wheneveryou have the chance so that is my suggestion anyway so thank you very muchpeers that and i suppose i should say congratulations for your first evermessage on the live chat thank you peers order wow thank you very much it'slovely to see you here on the live chat and welcome also we have rafael who saysi remember last year we had lots of snow
and this year i think we'll have snow aswell who knows it we might have a lot of snow we might have no snow some peopleseem to think that winter will get warmer and warmer as the time passes sowho knows who knows what we will get satoru know says hello mr. duncan alsooh i think we have a donation as well from analytic brain thank you very muchto analytic brain who has sent a very lovely donation there thank you verymuch and of course you can send live donations as well to help my workcontinue because i do all of this for free it doesn't cost you anything soeverything you see everything you hear is all done for free do you like eatingfood
i i don't know about you but i loveeating in fact at the moment i am in the process of losing weight i am trying toget a little slimmer because my stomach keeps getting larger and larger but doyou like food i really do like food very much and i have actually made a lessonall about food and right now we are going to take a look at an excerpt frommy food lesson and then after that it's mr. steve hi everybody this is mr. duncan inengland how can mr. duncan this the dark um oh hello mr. lomax how are you what'sthe problem mr. duncan i'm hungry can i have something to eat please of courseyou can what would you like to eat i
would like a big juicy banana if that'sokay hmm banana eh let me see i've got to beknown around here sighs there's one one juicy banana there you gois that okay for you mm-hmm thank you very much but not petit now then wherewas i oh yes hi everybody this is mr. duncanin england how are you today are you okay i hope soare you happy i hope so in today's lesson we will look at acommon item which is for each of us an important part of our daily life and ourmeans of survival today we will talk about food
there are many natural elementscontained within food such as calcium chromium cobalt copper iron sodium andzinc it is worth noting that these are present in very tiny amounts which islucky for us because the human body only requires a very small daily amount tofunction properly keeping the balance of these elements right is very importantas too much of them is just as bad as too little then there is protein whichhelps the body to function and stay well maintained protein is made up of smallorganic chemicals called amino acids these are absorbed from food duringdigestion and are used to create new proteins and other useful substancesthat the body requires
finally let us not forget one of themost important intakes that the body requires in order to function andsurvive water around 60% of your body is made up of water the water in your bodykeeps you cool it helps to keep the joints of your bones soft and supple itcarries nutrients to your tiny skin cells and it helps to carry away all ofthe waste and toxins which would otherwise build up and cause you tobecome ill water is being constantly used and lost by the body throughsweating and going to the toilet needless to say you must drink plenty ofwater everyday meals and food have different names depending on their sizewhen they are eaten and where they are
served hamburgers and other similar foodis easy to make and serve so it is called convenience food or fast foodmcdonald's kfc and burger king are all classed as fast-food restaurants a quicksmall meal is called a snack or a bite a meal where you select and serve your ownfood is called a buffet a large meal served to many people in a hall iscalled a banquet here's a good question is milk a food ora drink i would let you find out the answer to that oneremember milk and cheese contains lots of calcium and calcium is good for yourbones delicious there are many ways of expressing hunger i feel hungry i'mstarving i'm famished
i'm ravenous i've got to eat soon or iwill faint my stomach is telling me to eat wow ireally have to eat something i'm so hungry i could eat a horse cooking food has become a very popularactivity for many people and these days there are lots of cookery programs ontelevision presented by celebrity chefs althoughsome of them do tend to be quite rude and impolite such as this guy hello and welcome to go cook yourselfi'm dave nasty and i'm a chef and i'm rude to people if you don't like thatthen you can go cook yourself this is
the potato i like chopping them up intolittle pieces and then boiling them in water then i mash them with butterit's called mashed potatoes can you mash up potatoes i guess you can't cuz you'renot a chef like me i hate everyone i'm dave nasty saying go cook yourselfgoodbye did you do here we go yes it's sundayand we are live very very live and just to show how livewe are i am now saying that it is 20 minutes away from three o'clock here inthe uk yes check your watch right now it is definitely live talking which here isthe man who isn't so much a fountain of knowledge more like a dripping tap ofknowledge it is mr. steve hello hello
everybody i'm not sure i like thatintroduction mr. jim put a dripping tap of knowledge does that mean i don't knowvery much is that what you're trying to say mr. dinkdid you like my i gave you some lovely applause oh it didn't hear that becausewe can't really hear it here can we go away i could hear it vaguely in thebackground i could have you listen to it later i could hear it in my head welli've been watching the lap we're late today i'm 10 minutes later than normalmr. duncan we've got plenty of time we are on until 4:00 4:00 o'clock trying tokeep me away from the lovely viewers aren't you trying to you're taking 10minutes off next week it'll be 15
minutes then 20 and i'd be just down tofive minutes i'll be just saying hello goodbye mr. steve is worried that i amcutting his time until he disappears completelyanyway i was looking at the live stream okay before coming on in fact i wasdoing some gardening i would try to fit in an hour's gardening now before cominglive on stream because but this time of the year we can't do it afterwardsbecause it'll be dark by the time we finish at the live stream so i'll try toget in the bit of garden beforehand but i still had time to look at the livechat which jc jordi's had an operation okay an angioplasty well that's is thatsomething to your heart yes she's had
some little stents put in in her heartso that's quite a you know it's not a in substantial procedure it's not it so wehope you're well and recovering it's not a simple procedure it's very complex soany operation that you have your heart it i would imagine it's veryvery what would you say how would you describe that essential essential yes itis also a very complicated operation so wow so how are you at the moment jcgeordi are you recovering recovering yes so yes we wish jc geordi well and youknow if for what was quite a significant operation yeah i'm sorry an essentialits operation yeah so i should apologize first of all for missing the message soit was on the live chat it's on the live
chat but of course at the beginningthere's a lots of messages so you're probably but you don't see them allthey're going off the screen yes i didn't see i'm to have so apologies fornot seeing your message and i hope you are feeling much better and geoangioplasty so that's where they repair i think that's where they repair the theactual valves now i think they put little they just open up your open heartvessels with little stents so it'll so they put some they put something insideto make the the the tubes wide i think so i think that's what it is yes i'm nota heart surgeon so i don't know but well i hope you're feeling better and itsounds like you've had it done before
from what you were saying oh okay butyou are in the right place because we will always cheer you upwe will gladden your heart literally will will make you laugh carrodus sayshe's noticed a sheep and that some of them are hobbling yeah though is used agood phrase they're hobbling hobble it means that they're they've got whatone's got a poorly leg and can't walk properly so they're sort of hobble inthis sort of not walking properly though they are and we always laugh aboutthere's one hobbling there at the back because sheep are always so afraid ofeverything they run away and they injure them so they injure themselves theremust be very prone to getting their legs
injured yeswell because also as i mentioned earlier the field is on a slope field is on aslope so they keep when they run away they actually trip and hurt them thatthere is one now you can see it yes it's limping that is lamegonna be meat much meat on that leg oh okay thank you steve and gf broom saysthat when they were growing up there were sheep dogs that would herd thesheep and bring them in in the evening we're out here they still use them theydo still use sheep dogs here in fact the the the farmer that brought those sheephas a couple of sheepdogs hmm and of course they sometimes use quadbikes nowdon't they
what to round the sheep oh yes they usequad bikes i thought you were going to say that the sheep were on the quadbikes haha the sheep were riding the quad iwould love to see a sheep riding a quad bike maria says have we still got thespiders yes we have but hopefully they'll be gone soon yes because myfriend said that he got another friend who wanted to to look after them for awhile so hopefully we'll get rid of them before christmas so we've we've hadthese spiders for nearly ten months it was only supposed to be for a few weeksbut but they will be going soon and and to be honest good riddancejimmy asks are you back in wikipedia yet
oh that's a good question i did check acouple of days ago and i'm not there right so we're starting this campaignagain some horrible person i think it's a rival a rival english teacher actuallyremoved me from the much wenlock page you had a page a mention yeah an entryin the wikipedia page and a much wenlock saying that you were a notable englishteacher nobody a notable person just reminding case anybody watching didn'thear what we said last week somebody has removed mr. duncan from the much wenlockpage and we're going to appear we're going to ask again if somebody can addmr. don't come back in you need to have privileges or something don't you butyes you need to have editing priveleges
editing privileges on wikipedia so ifsomeone can put me on to wikipedia onto the not not my own page but on the muchwenlock page and then i will be there againyou rightfully belong i belong there i do a lot for much wenlock i i promote itall around the world and the main thing is that you're a notable english teacherand you deserve to have a place on wikipedia and the fact that somebody putyou in and then somebody removed you i think that's disgracefuli think it's disgrace of jealousy it's disgusting yes because it is a factthere's nobody else doing what you're doingno in england let alone just much when
that's it on so anyway just blowing yourtrumpet for you mr. duncan because please will somebody add mr. duncan backon to wikipedia and if you do we'll make a special mention tell us if you do andwe'll make a special mention and hmm well we could send a t-shirt couldn't wei will do my robot iman i will do my robot dance for you would send you alittle present yes bribery and corruption is that it steve anythingelse to mention that's all i could there were lots of comments lots of lovelycomments from people quite a few new people as well some i think thesesomebody from madagascar can't remember their name now okay we've seen lots ofprograms about madagascar because that's
a very popular place for naturalists togo and film yes not late not naturists naturalist like david attenborough sonatural ists or people that are that are interestedin wildlife naturists are people who like to taketheir clothes off and walk around in in the fresh air with no clothes so thereis a difference naturalist naturalist and naturist yesi'm not right the programs we've seen about madagascar which is an island justoff africa somewhere i believe they've got these spiny forests seven days thatmadagascar lemurs are leaping onto these spiny plants okay and we've seen thisprogram we don't know how they don't
kill themselves no well they like cactisomething like that i don't know you're in this program somebody who i can'tremember what your name is now somebody it's on from madagascar tell us aboutthese if i'm right about the spiny forests and you've got these littlethey're not monkeys they're lemurs okay i think and they've bleep around itanyway what what i do know about madagascar is there are lots of animalsthat are only found in madagascar exactly and also that's where charlesdarwin came up with the idea of the theory of evolution so charles darwingot in it was you're thinking of the galapagos islands always a galapagosislands well there's two very small
islands you seen they look very similarif you close your eyes and put your hands on your head they do look verysimilar good job i'm here galapagos islands and madagascarhe probably went there as well.did disney make a movie about the galapagosislands everyone's made a movie about that or was it or was it madagascar ithink there are special tourist trips to to the galapagos islands galapagus yeswe got into that subject but you took us there i i've been very busy this weeksteve putting putting up the christmas lights and mr. steve gave me a surprisehe's actually given me some lovely new lights to put him on the house right andthere we go can you see the new light so
these are some new lights that mr. stevehas given ie gave me a nice surprise so there you can see some new lightsthat i put up this week and they are called festoon lights festoon it's not agreat word it says festoon what does it mean do you know where it comes from nowell it comes from a feast where garland and flowers were hung in lovely stringarrangements so they were hung up and so the feast of celebration so that's whywe have festoon for lack of lack for festival festival nation festivals orspecial feasts that were held so it is a very very old word and there you can seesome festoon lights which are now outside the house i hope the neighborsi really hope the neighbors will enjoy
looking at those talking of christmas soi said by those lights mr. day your early christmas present mr. duncan thankyou get up on the ladder and put them up and that's what i know that's what i didbut talking of christmas do you think that it's too earlyyes oh okay well that was quicker i want to talk about christmas mr. duncan doyou think it's too early to talk about christmas and there you can see lastyear so these video clips you can see now they were actually filmed last yearbut do you think it is too early to talk about christmas and there you can seesome lovely festive arrangements in the local bookshop where i live in muchwenlock what else oh look there's the
square the famous square in much wenlockand you can see there are lots of christmas lights but even though we onlyhave we only have about is it four weeks or five weeks so about five weeks weeksfive weeks till christmas is it too early to talk about christmas so what doyou think do you think it is too early to mention christmas steve has alreadygiven his answer he thinks yes it is too early i don't think you should talkabout christmas - at least the 1st of december and really i think it should betwo weeks before two weeks before and no more than that that's my opinionbut of course the shops want you to buy lots of things and but i don't think youshould start mentioning it talking about
it now maybe for children i mean when doadvent calendars start on the 1st of december done well i'm yes i must admiti always get very excited around this time because i love to put the christmaslights up i'm like a i'm like a big child really is that's why i likes thelights everywhere i love the lights i love the festivity and of course lastweek the temperature in the uk was very high so i decided to do it last weekwhilst the weather was really really good yes but what you wanted to do mr.duncan with the festoon lights as you wanted to putthem on the highest part of the house love you yes you wanted to hang thosefrom the gutter right on the top of the
of the house so where the roof thelowest part of the roof i wanted to hang the lights along there on the burbs butyes but so you said oh i'm going to hang them up there and i thought there's noway mr. duncan is gonna go that high at the ladders but anyway i wasn't snowpoint of me saying you'll never do that because that would have made mr. duncaneven more determined to do it so he put the ladders up so you decided just tolet me go ahead and decide to let you go ahead and do it try not to talk over youtoday did it berate me last week for talking over you so i shall try and lookfor clues when as i can just interject with mysentences and my opinions i'll put my
map my hand over your mouth withoutwithout interrupting you or talking over you i try my hardest this week okaywe've got the message anyway anyway tell us a story i gress tell usthe story that means i digress it means i was talking about something else apartfrom the main subject so you put the ladders up and i thought mr. duncan ifyou go up those ladders and you fall off you will fall to your death yes probablybecause it was very high and you've got what happened you got about halfway upand then decided oh dear and i was quite worried because i thought i don't wantmr. duncan going up there because there's a last thing i want to do ishave to do this show all on my own
so i got halfway up the ladder and thenstarted screaming like a girl you didn't really scream i was i was alittle worried and afraid so i didn't go to the top so instead i had to put thelights a little lower down yes it's a slightly more agreeable height a heightthat if you fell you would survive so so what do you think the height that youcould fall from safely so is there a height because uh sometimes you hear ofpeople who are just walking long and they fall over in the streetand the end they die so so i suppose there is no safe height so i suppose youcould you could you could die if you fell from any height well but of coursethe higher you are your body is
physically designed to be able towithstand i mean the way we've evolved mm-hmm the human body the impactapparently that there's a sort of maximum impact that we can we cansurvive is around 30 miles an hour oh okay then if you start going i mean ifyou think of the speed you can run at and you hit your headyou can anything more that that's why people die in cars obviously the humanbody isn't designed to withstand impacts every certain species are supposed to becheering jc geordi up this is this is not very cheerful yes if you i think imean as you say if you fall on your head can withstand an impactyeah i've got it yes i don't know what
the height is but i shouldn't think it'smore than about you still carry so many times your own heights again okay stopi'm trying to that's my spot it depends on whether you fall on soft ground hardground what part of your body hits the floor first i think i think rude youknow what i should have done him when i went up the other day to put the lightsup on the side of the house i should have had a little parachute that wouldopen and then i could i could come down to the ground very safely that wouldn'thave worked mr. duncan why because you wouldn't have had timeto deploy the parachute so i you have to pull the cord deploy it so what youshould have done is put got the bed from
upstairs and put the mattress on theground and then if you fall you'd have fallen onto the mattress and that wouldhave broken your fall i could have actually strapped the mattress to myback it's not the first time i've done that in my life really yeah so we've gotsome words to lock and reform would you like to have a look at the live chat iwould have a look today yet not well not since i was upstairs no okay then that'sthe strange thing to explain so there's the live chatand there were lots of people on the live chat oh dear let's have a look sothank you very much once again to analytic brain for your your verygenerous donation thank you very much
there on the super checked we have ohyes he said something about madagascar then where no we are in the page to talkabout christmas as a bit further down there joe i'm going up firsti'll just give me a chance sorry we're not going anywheremadagascar in my family that is a joke they say that the capital of madagascaris very confusing i think the name oh yes i can't pronounce that can youpronounce that steve and tarara and - rah rah rah rah riva and and - rubberand - rah rah rah riva yes apparently that's the capital of madagascar ididn't know that i didn't know that either we want more information onmadagascar perhaps we will get that jc
geordi says yes charles darwin has beento south america in the galapagos islands and also the continental areassuch as rio de janeiro and also are you going to read that for me i tie a tie atie a polka or palco eteri palko i'm not going to try and read that again i thinkyoutube will come around and push a custard pie into my face no we are no itis too early to talk about christmas oh i think pedro agrees with you steve ohdefinitely yes so it's too early jordao says yes i think it's too earlyto talk about christmas i hate those stores for stores and theshops that hurry to make us all feel that the year has ended yes i suppose sobut i suppose that the thing is lots of
shops have to all try to make money ithink that's the reason why czech republic is suffering from temperaturesof 30 degrees where is that just right at the top oh okay let's have a lookjulie g says it is unpleasant this hot weather in theczech republic everyone is suffering 30 degrees at the moment i thought it wouldbe winter in a czech republic if it would be quite cool there now howsurprising i'm surprised i'm shocked very shocked it is already full ofchristmas decorations in every store says rosa and also who else is herehello mr. duncan so glad to join your life lesson yaroslav oh hello yaroslavais it your first time here today is it
your first hello to you wow lots of newpeople here and finally before we go to our lovely words today we are talkingabout words to do with buildings and things used to build houses and allsorts of other things buildings roofs yes that was a very generous donationthank you very much to analytic brain once again thanks a lot for that andalso a big hello to kara - what child hasn't tried to launch themselves withan umbrella yes i must admit i've never tried i've never tried to jump off abuilding whilst holding an umbrella it doesn't turn inside out yes it wouldn'tbe very it wouldn't end well i don't think so it wouldn't end well promisedbaepsae says hello mr. d'ancona would
you mind doing a live lesson about thehouses of parliament and hello and greetings from middleburg in zealandwhich is in the netherlands hello to you too promised baepsae or batsy it's a bitlike shirley bass i was going to say if you were in are you related to shirleybassey the famous singer if you are then yes i know we could do that somethingabout the houses of parliament i tell you something next week you know what iwould love to do i would love to do i would love to actually do somethingwhere we go to london and actually do a live stream from london but because ofthe situation now in londyn if you walk around with thecamera or if you are doing filming or
anything that looks out of the ordinaryyou will often be stopped by the police so it's very hard to do that now filmingaround london is not as easy as it used to be peer peers are de charlotte saysplease visit kashmir you'll love it oh i bet we wouldbecause kashmir e food is renowned for being delicious and we love a good currydon't we mr. duncan i do like curry even though the aftereffect isn't very good idon't know the specifics of kashmir food i think it's probably vegetarian ohreally oh of course yes i suppose it would beyes if it's india definitely so lots of vegetables yeskashmir food it's got a particular blend
of spices that's different to otherother parts of india i hope i'm right about that anyway i want to learnenglish but it's too difficult i live in brazilwell philippe you have come to the right place because it's english all the wayon a sunday afternoon with mr. duncan that's me and mr. steve as wellfour minutes past three o'clock on a sunday afternoon he's an interestingquestion before we get into something elsedo you ever sulk sulk it's a great word if you sulk it meansyou go into a bad mood normally over a specific thing or a reason so to sulkmeans you become very gloomy and moody
and upset over maybe one particularthing so behavioral thing so perhaps you wanted something and then you couldn'thave it and so you sulk you get into a mood yesyou become difficult to deal with hmm so if you yes that's right if you yourparents you asked your parents could i have a new bikeand they said no you a new bike and they get upset about itand go into a sulk also they've become very obnoxious and won't talk to youbecome difficult refused to do things that you asked them to do becausethey're sulking because they didn't get what they wanted hmmso that's a great word i don't think
adults sulk very but i think you keptpeople consult in relationships can't they are you sure about i think adultssometimes are worse than children especially in relationships so maybe thewife might might have one thought about something and the husband has theopposite thought and maybe the wife says no you can't do that or you can't go outtonight and so the husband will will silk hmm okay i'll stay in then hmmso yes i think adults sometimes adults can be worse than children the lad hasasked something which is right up our street right there let me just put itonto the screen before we say something is right up our street it means thatwe're but we know a lot about it and
we're very keen to talk about it if yousay something's right up your street that means that you're very enthusiasticto talk about it oh so yes vlad has said we'd like tohear about eighties music in your classes any chance some sunday well wecan't play the music carplay unfortunately because of copyright rulesyou know youtube is terrible now because you can't do anything you can't sing asong or say anything or even you can't even hum a tune anymore and you will getpunished by youtube but we can talk about the artists and the singers oh icould talk all afternoon exactly it's right up your street it'sright at my street it is it is a subject
that i'm very fond of so yes because weare we are children of the eighties we grew up during the 1970s and 1980sso mr. steve and myself we bow grew up during that time so we are veryfamiliar with music that's two things next week has a parliament and eightiesmusic okay well maybe not next week because i have something else plannednext week what's that next week we are going to have a fashion show a fashionshow yes mr. steve and myself we are going tobe beautiful sexy models but i'm used to that of course on the catwalk in myyounger years of course i was a model missus really well iii was as well he'ssadly wrong
i i used to do modelling gravity a theyall wanted me i'm not even joking that's true i was i was a i was a sexymodel in my teenage years and now gary listed oh not reallyi'm joking you have people looking you up anywayyes anyway i've got some words mr. steve is no way mr. steve has got some wordsand they are words and phrases go quick go back go back to the live chat i sawthe word mustang wait there you've got to calm down a bit steve words to dowith buildings we've done the live chat now we can't we can't just kill youmentioned a mustang okay jeff i knew it was jeff i couldn't tell but i knew itwas mr. steve sulks about his mustang oh
okay hmm well i'm not really so lookingbecause that after sell cut myself but but yes no i'm i'm i don't think you'resulk i think you pine pine yeah so if you pine for something it means you wantit to happen you you you really distraught because you can't have sothis is you not talking over yes that's meyes okay then yes you don't seem to have changed at all yes you're still talkingover the top of me so if you pine for something it means you want somethingyou desire it you you really want it with all your heart so yes so if you dothat you pine although i don't think you're sulkingso mr. steve might you
mr. steve might sulk if someone saysthat you can't have a ford mustang sam steve might sometimes sulk if he thinksthat he can't have one if i asked you to buy me one and you said no i'm not goingto i might sulk well i'm not gonna buy you just go up because okay they'retelling us about kashmira food no it's not and it contains many non veg foodit's very different from indian food well kashmir is a country on its ownisn't it i believe pierce dad says no it is not it is called where's where's juanwas one and it contains many non vegetable dishes all right okay wellthat sounds even then that sounds even better cuz i love meat exactly i like toget some meat pedro is asking to be like
elton john phil collins and pet shopboys know a little bit and yes so elton john i'm not a big fan of eltonjohn i'll be honest i'm not a huge fan i like surfies songs not many phil collinsyes okay he was very good with genesis had a few big hits do did you know thatwith genesis phil collins wasn't the original lead singer oh he was actuallythe drummer the lead singer was oh i'm trying to think who it was now and itwas peter gabriel was the lead singer lee yeah peter gabriel was the leadsinger of genesis and he left and so they had no singer and phil collinswasn't supposed to sing on any of their songs and so they said phil you've gotquite a good singing voice would you
like to have a go at singing and that'swhat happens so after their singer after their vocalist left they had to findsomebody else to do it so that's why phil collins became the singer ingenesis somebody asked further down is selling the same as angry not really nono so angry means you just get into a temper but sulking is the opposite younormally don't do any thing so you normally go very quiet oryou do nothing so you don't really do anything if you sulk you just do thisyes and your your your you're not accepting what somebody's said to youabout some bad news yes say somebody your parents asked you toyou wanted a bike and they said no
instead of just accepting that perhapsthey couldn't afford it or it wasn't your birthday or something you you youwon't accept it and then you'll try to punish them by not talking to them notcooperating with them when meals are ready not eating your food things likethat yes vitalic fight ali or vitally vitally grabar says i was very excitedwhen i saw the title of the stream i got super excited i loved buildings andeverything that has to do with diy do do-it-yourself i have i have made all myfurniture by myself great to be here antasticthank you very much for joining us today could you make me some bedside cabinetsi'll send you the sizes of i tally
because the bed where it's located it'svery difficult to fit standard bedside cabinets that you buy from a shopbecause they're too big so i want them quite narrow with a couple of drawersi'll send you the dimensions and you can make them for me thank you very much andand they would arrange transport ok that sounds that sounds like a terrible ideaah not a separate country yet we've we've got we've got to we've got to moveon a bit steve last week you were complaining that we didn't have enoughtime yeah that's it yeah region occupied by india pakistan and china yes it's noton the street it's not on the screen by the way rather there we go so whatwhat's that
kashmir isn't a separate country yetwhether they want to be separate of them going this yeah well done steve yes ialmost got it right yes you are you are literally the dripping tap of knowledgeall right so let's have a look at some words if steve will let meif i don't see i'm gonna close my eyes so i don't see the words to do withbuildings words to do with parts of buildings and different types ofbuildings as well so mr. steve is going to show us right now the first one areyou ready steve the first ones yes i'm ready okay let me just put you back onjust so we can see your lovely lovely face there it is right so the first setof words are connected with that have
the word house in them or something todo with a house which obviously is a building okay yes so house a house isdefinitely a busy one it's first first phrase is household name okay householdname gooey cheese if you describe something as a household name or aperson as a household name it means they're very popular they're knowneverywhere in households everywhere or in one specific location or everywherein a country it could be a person an object thing anything television thisphrase used to be used before in more local area so you could say somebody waswell-known performer there might be a singer or some kind of artist in a townand everybody knew them and they were a
household name or have you seen john oralice or did you see them last night in the hall performing they were excellenteverybody talking about them and then when television came along people becamehousehold names all over the country because they could see them on tv so ahousehold name for an object would be something like a hoover which is a typeof vacuum cleaner or it could be you could say an iphone is a household namebecause everybody knows about it a person you could say mr. duncan is ahousehold name in many parts of the world through his english teaching i'mnot sure about that a household names i means popular or something that'spopular could be a pop groove a foot
football could be a housenamed david beckham is a household name everybody knows about himso that's household name he's a phrase a house divided againstitself cannot stand it's like a proverb a house divided against itself cannotstand exactly well actually it was abraham lincoln oh the first to use thisphrase apparently in the us of a in 1885 when he was doing one of his famousspeeches he made many famous speeches and it means really things will work outwhen there is unity amongst all the individuals in a task so if you want toget something - if you've got a group of people and you want to get somethingdone then you've got to have unity
within that group everybody's got to beseen from the same song sheet okay and everyone must be agreed otherwiseeverything will fall down so if you want to if you want to do something which atthe time he wanted to abolish slavery then you can't have a group of peoplesaying one thing a group of people saying another say you've got to bringeverybody together yes unity the workers is is another exampleof using the phrase the workers need to form a union because a house dividedagainst itself cannot stand so if everybody is arguing arguing amongthemselves or amongst themselves then you won't achieve what you want toachieve you've got to be united and
that's just a phrase that meanseverybody's got to agree and then you can move forward with whatever it is youwant to do a house divided against itself cannot stand in other words youcan't complete what you want to do i'd say so so in in many situations you needeveryone to be united all right it or to follow the same way of thinking so youmight talk about the political situation in many countries now you can see thatthere are there is a lot of division here in the uk for example and in theusa so a lot of people talk about there are divisionssometimes if people do not join together if there isn't unity quite often it willnot stand or things will be disrupted so
yes i think that's a very good onesometimes you want to achieve something quite importantmaybe socially maybe there's a particular group of people that whenhe'd need support and standing up for but women's rights is a popular one nowbut if women who wanted women's rights to become more popular we're all arguingamong themselves nothing will get achieved so they have to be if you'vegot a cause that's important you've all got to unite and move forward togetherotherwise you're evil just fall and nothing worth a few people are sayingthat that's actually a biblical passage it could well be could rabi i looked atabraham lincoln first used it okay well
what abraham lincoln was around beforethe bible i think if it was in the bible but he he sort of used it and made itpopular yes maybe he paraphrased so another one here we go how solve ifyou've got a house of something you're looking puzzled mr. duncan hmm the houseof that is an important group of people or a reigning group of people the houseof or important people at the house of commons the house of lords in the uk orhouse of representatives it means a group of people in that case they're allvoting and passing laws that it just means an important group of people andyou call them a house of something so if you've got for example a reigning thereigning monarch of we well obviously
we've got queen elizabeth here yes butthis week a lot of people talking about prince charles he will be the next kingso yes once the queen dies we will have king chow we will but king charles andthe queen and her mother and father are all part of the house of windsor thehouse of wit so it's a group that is the current reigning familythe family that are the king and queen or king or queen of this country youcall it that the house of windsor hmm in saudi arabia you've got the house ofsaud which comes from particular king and all his descendants who who were whoare now reigning in that country today no so it's the house of something andthen in fashion and in shops you you'd
like had the house of dior you know allthe fashion house the house of dior it sounds very important if you puthouse of something because you've got house of commons house of wins are allthose important groups have then if you if you've got a company and you puthouse in front of it it makes it sound very granular important house of fraseris that is most of what house of fraser is is a shop yeah isn't it bigdepartment store in this country but quite often fashion companies will callthemselves houses house fashion houses yes so places places where the designersare and so it's one company so quite often they use it to describe a companythat's right so or
a reigning monarch so when we say reignwe don't mean rain that falls we mean rain means to rule over something sowith the spelling is different so i have a go at the spelling no okay fact okaythen do you have another one steve right so household we have 35 minutes leftwell i can't pick this one up mr. duncan house of cards so i came out of carhouse of cards oh oh how do you get ready to get that from mr. duncan youmean this house of cards a house of cards where did you get that from anywayyou must have guessed i was going to put that one up well as you can see ifyou're trying to build something or there's a tv show as well there is butthey can't put that other one back up
there we go so you're trying to buildsomething making made of cards what's through what's the one thing thatis not very good about it it's flimsy it's a flimsy structure can easily falldown and when we use a phrase house of cards remain a flimsy structure a flimsyarrangement that's in danger of collapsing we don't normally refer tobuildings we're using it metaphorically we're not literally meaning a buildingmade of cars or something where we normally referring to a company or apolitical something like that server except for example the company collapsedafter only six months in business because it was built on a house of cardsor built of a house of cards so
something that's fragile or flimsy ornot very well built or constructed yes so the company they started a companyperhaps they didn't employ the right people or the idea wasn't very good inthe first place or they sold it at the wrong price they but they weredisorganized in the way they set it all up and the company failed and you cansay it failed because it was it was built on a house of cards it was just itwas wasn't very well put together okay the proposal you can have it like aproposal so you might want to make a proposal in that in the house ofparliament and the mp doesn't do it put it construct the arguments very well andyou can say the proposal collapsed as it
was just a house of cards it wasn'tthought through properly so if you want to form something and you want it to besolid based on a solid firm foundations we're using building metaphors reallyhere so that's it a flimsy structure or a flimsy arrangement that can easilyfall down so some girls on a house of car that's it so not not the tv show nono i know there is a tv show called house of cards so it's not this in factit's not this at all it is actually this house of cards so i'd say the the actorthat was axed from the leading role in the house of cards so you could say thathis career was built on a house of car yes ironicallyironically because he was up to no good
with women no well he was up to no goodwith people yes doing something he shouldn't havebeen doing it wasn't women okay then well he was in it yes inappropriatelywhat would you say so kevin spacey allegedly built hiswe've got to say allegedly allegedly well if it's allegedly why did he losehis job so if somebody alleges something if they say something you can lose yourjob so say yeah yeah that happened that thatperson did that and then they lose their job that's not very fair is it okaykevin spacey's career fell like a house of cardsyes oh the structure upon his his career
was built you could say he had a fatalflaw in like the fatal flaw in the construction of a building sooner orlater he was going to be found out for his bad behavior hmm and he got out inhis career has fallen apart like like a house of cards i don't think anyone eversaid that i think at first i think they have lost we don't know if anything'sproved but there we go here's another one public house public house publichouse is just a place a tavern a bar where alcohol is licensed for sale socommonly in the uk they are this word public house is abbreviated to just pubp you be just pub so we've only got that bit of it i can't do it mr. duncanbecause there we go it's all back to
front what people don't understand isi'm watching myself on the monitor but everything's back to front pub that'swhat it's shortened to public house the place where you see lots of peopledrinking and having a good time you look to the window that all we look at we gothere too much wenlock and there's a pub there and look through the window andthey're all drinking away with their beer singing songs but we're never goingis it because they're all local people and it'sand they might beat us up but you can also call it a tavern a tavern tavern inpub or public house a place where they sell alcohol to peoplemembers of the public go in and pay lent
rink yeah you're my best friendyum-yum steve steve all i ever told you that you're you're my best friends toowe don't drink do we mr. duncan he's god oh he's got liver disease from all thatabuse of alcohol over many years well yes we doubt my mother always used tosay she was afraid of purpose because they used to have a reputation when shewas growing up she's she used to tell me she used to run past pubs because theywere always full of rowdy people drinking and you know you had areputation for people going in there not having particularly good reputations ofcourse that's not really the case now rowdy pubs are always rowdy i thoughtyou said randy rowdy rowdy lot of noise
going on because people are drinking andhaving a good time okay talking of time penthouse penthouse andstop talking about a magazine mr. doom isn't is that the magazine with thenaked ladies is that still going i can't i don't know a penthouse is an apartmentsituated on the roof of a building often with a terrace and it so it's usually ina block of flats and on the top it's flat on the top of the block of flatsand you've normally gotta you can have well either it's the the top the verytop part the top impartment s' or that could be a separate one built right onthe top of the block of flats mm-hmm and it's got a terrace and you can look atyou've got a lovely view so the
penthouse suite or the penthouseapartments are regarded as the best the most luxurious exclusive placesto live normally their own apartment block normally there on the top floorthat's what i said so they're on the top floor they'renormally very big and sometimes they have more than one level as well so thepenthouse can have maybe two floors so it's the luxury apartment or the luxuryroom a bigger you've got more space you've got a nice view out you mighthave a terrace i have never a lot more i have neverstayed in a payne penthouse suite ever think i did once in a hotel oh very nicebut apparently is coming it used to be
used to mean sloping roof because itapparently the penthouse on the top of a big building used to be that like theplace that covered up all the all the machinery and the lift shaft top of thelift shafts and things like that but nowadays it means a very exclusive placeto live at the top of it big block of flats or a nudie magazine or a nudiemagazine well i don't know if that even exists anymore does it so i go by nudiemagazine so i've heard well you've got the internet there is the internet stevethis is i mean do people still buy magazines anymore i don't know i don'tthink internet now my my my knowledge how i believe my knowledge of nudiemagazines with naked ladies inside it
trust mei i know very little about it how about acid house mr. duncan ohacid house i see or just acid you don't need to have the house on there you seeyou just say what acid house it's a type of music from the late eighties andearly nineties disco music with a certain disco electronic dance musicisn't it's dance music with an electronic sort of mesmerizing beat toit hypnotic sound that is normally associated with people taking the drugecstasy you for accuse the people will dance all night tearsi'm just trying to label take and oh yeah they will take ecstasy i'm justtrying to do that's acid house acid have
it stirred around around acid how it wasvery big in the 1990s and this this t-shirt this symbol was was the symbolof acid house music you're joking no i'm not joking that's what i'm saying it sowhy are you wearing her are you promoting drug use well well the smileyface was around for many years before thenso this first appeared in the 1960s and it was invented by forrest gump forrestgump invented this i saw it in the movies i don't think you should wearthat that's not really appropriate now i know that mr. duncan all right all rightyou know i think that's very bad it's very bad i'm gonna put you in thedoghouse ha ha
you see what i did there i certainlyheard what you did there doghouse if you put somebody in a doghouse it meansyou're punishing them punishing them for bad behavior where do you get out fromhave you been looking through my word night you've been looking through mywords these are actually ones that i found on my own just in case you didn'tuse them see i'm too clever for you mr. duncan so know them all to be in thedoghouse be in the doghouse it means that you'veit means you've done something to upset somebody normally the the husband is inthe doghouse with his wife because he's done something to upset his wife and hiswife's not talking to it doesn't mean
you're literally going into her intowhere the dog is it means that you're being punished it means that no nobodysomebody's not talking to you over there or they're punishing you it's a it's afigure of speech the figure of speech yes look my wife's i'm not going backhome until later because i'm in the doghouse at home or maybe maybe thehusband came back the night before very late yes and so the next morning thewife is very angry where were you last night where were youlast night you didn't go back home and to i'll shut up i'll do what i like don'ttell me what to do and then you'll be
nagged at a bit yes so then the husbandwill be in the doghouse yes it just means that you know if you if you if adog's been naughty you go go into your basket go into your basket you send thedog in there for punishment or into the kennel or into the kennel yes so therewe go in the tree in the doghouse you could be in the doghouse with your bossat work okay well because she didn't do that projectyes exactly he didn't finish the project on time and the boss has told me off whogot to be careful i'm in the doghouse with my boss at the moment it means thatyou're young you're not you're not being looked upon particularly favorably yesyou are you are you have a black mark
against you a black mark and you mighthave to do something so for example if the husband is in the doghouse with hiswife because he was laid back or had too much to drink the night before or wasn'thome in time to take her out to have a hair done or to go back to the partythen you might have to buy some flowers or some chocolates too to get yourselfback in favour and out of the dog home you seem to have a lot of knowledge ofmarriages only yeah that's pretty good for a person who isn't marriedthat's pretty you can know about it that's pretty amazing you you seem tohave a lot of insight well that's all the house ones okay then that i canthink of anybody if you've got one that
you've thought of that i haven't i haveone here to have a few loose tiles well that's not a house i haven't come ontotiles yet yes oh okay then but lot of tiles are on the roof tiles are on theroof yes go on then you see so so yes to have a few loose tiles there aren't anyloose tiles on that roof no well that's just showing you what tiles are so thereyou can see tiles to have a few loose tiles this is a great expression so thismeans to be a little bit odd or maybe a little crazy ormaybe your behavior is a little strange or maybe you might not be very cleveryou might say that that person seems to have a few loose tile how long it takeyou to come up with that one oh it's
another one go on okay then then thereis two doorstep someone to do it house again there's a doorstep on your housetalking about building when you walk into the house there is a doorstep itdoes that mean to deal with doors tips um if you dog eat there badly no if youjust let me actually say what it is to doorstep someone means that you youactually harris them at their door so you won't leave them alone so forexample if you are a famous actor and maybe you've done something badmaybe the reporters will go to your house and they will doorstep you thatmeans they will go onto your doorstep and they will harris you at your frontdoor are so princess diana famous people
being doorsteps have you been doorstepto mr. duncan i have what your youtube fans around the world i have never beendoor stepped i've had my door kicked in a few times but never i've never beendoor stepped well done for coming up with a few words that i didn't i've gotanother one another one yeah i've still got a pile down here okay then i'll doone more of mine and then you can do yours here's another one put it on theslate they're all to do with tiles andrews no they're not what the doorstepisn't put it on the slate who puts their doorstep on the roof that's not veryeasy way to get into your house so don't put it on the slate of course slates arealso on the roof it's another word for
tiles and they're quite often unlikethose they're flat yes and you can write on them yes and also the tablet anotherword for tile in american english is do you know noshingle chingle chingle so if you if in american english tiles roof tiles areknown as shingles shingles so put it on the shingles then put it on the slate issomething that's used in british english and that's the reason why we say slateif you put it on the slate it means you ask someone to take credit so you don'tpay for something straight away you say can you put it on the slate normallyused in bars or pubs so when you order a drink they will say oh can i have a pintof beer oh and can you put it on the
slate it means i won't pay for it now atthe end of the month i will give you all of the money that i owe you so put it onthe slate so we use that normally in british english so like put it on thebill hmmm but put it on the slate presumably referring to in ancient timeswhere you would literally have a slate like it like that like a thin piece ofrock that you would write things on with chalk yes a slates and write things soyes i can menu well in fact that's what they used to do here so in the bar theywould actually have something where they would put people's names and how muchthey owed literally it was on the slate probably probably a slate welsh slatewhich is a gray dark gray material
useful for putting on roofs of houses soit's flat you don't use chalk and you can write it like a black boy look atexact boards so put it on the slate that's a welder well done well donetaken so now it's your turn the live chat oh you want to look at the livechat ok then we've only got 20 minutes lefthave you got a video to show as well yes i have i've got but we're going to havea look at steve going crazy with his autumn madness i think i thought youwere going to to use a few loose tiles as the wave into the the i've definitelygot a few lose time is this a sentence so here we go then right so philippesays i am going to meet with my
english-speaking boyfriend willcommunicate by google translate probably will have a nice time you do have a nicetime philippe with your english speaking boyfriend and also carragher cara - thatsounds like friend with benefits cara das says shingal is a rectangularwooden tile used on walls or roofs yes so normally shingle is used in americanenglish so i hope that is fine there i hope we all agree on that so steve doyou have something else to show us i do i hope so i have got words nowtalking about building bridges oh ok larry gene so all of these are to dowith bridges all of these are to do with bridges yes yes right so cross thebridge or cross that bridge huh we will
cross that bridge when we come to iti like phrase that we use a lot in the ukit means resolve a problem when it occurs focus on focus on the issues thatneed to be sorted now not things that may or may not happen in the future waituntil the problem comes up and then solve it rather than anticipating aproblem it's often use as advice softer news a phrase for advice to somebody tostop them worrying about something that hasn't yet happened or may not happen sofor example what will i do if i fail the english exam you might ask somebody andthey might reply don't worry cross that bridge when you come to it soyou might not fail the english exam so
don't worry about that now cross that ifyou do fail it will sort something out will solve it afterwards you mightto take the exam again or something like that yes so yes you could say i'm goingfor a job interview oh but what happens if i fail the job interview ah i'm gonnai'm not going to be able to afford to pay the mortgage on my house bubble thatsomebody might say well don't worry cross that bridge when you come to it sodon't worry about what might happen just concentrate on what you can control andwhat you can do now it's a phrase that people use to stop you worrying aboutthings mm-hmm cross that we'll cross thatbridge when we come to it so don't worry
about it now we will worry about it whenthe time arrives that's it so for example i might have said to mr. duncanwell i've got all these words about four bridges and buildings what happens if iif i if i miss out too what will people think you know what will happen and youmight say well don't worry mr. steve we'll cross that bridge when we come toit there we go build bridges oh okay idon't mean literally build bridges so this is again figurative figurative yesmetaphorically not literally that means to build bridges with something orsomeone means to improve relationships between people or groups of people whomay not like each other or may not get
on very well you're bi you might you'retrying to just like you're trying to connect the two sides of a river bybuilding a bridge you're trying to connect two groups of people togetherwho don't see eye-to-eye they don't get on very well they've got a difference ofopinion and you're trying to find a way of finding common ground to could youyou want to get on with these people because if you don't you don't wanna bewarring or fighting all the time no let's find some common ground andbuild some bridges it means finding common ground or something that you canyou can communicate with it that in fact shows that you've probably not thatdifferent after after their breakup john
is trying to build bridges again withhis wife so they broke it up over something and now he's trying toprobably phoning her up sending her letters or something like that trying tosome common ground that they can communicate again so i think at somepoint at some point john must have been in the doghouse that's it well yes it'sa bit worse than that the the the two rival political parties will have tobuild bridges if they are going to solve the country's problems so politicalparties don't get on but there's some important things it needs like brexitfrom poor they've got to build bridges and stop fighting each other becausethey need to solve some problems we can
say that we can say that you you healthe divide here the divide build bridges means you're just finding some commonground yes that's good here's another one a burn bridges orburn your bridges we all do this we all do this or burn your bridge it means todestroy the possibility of ever going back to something or someone by doingsomething and really unforgivable hmm so if you burn your bridges it means youcan never go back hmm you might have a friend you fall outyou punch them in the face break their teeth and they go to a hospitaland you know that's it you're never going to be able to go back again afterthat so here's another i can never work
for that company again i burnt mybridges with the boss when i criticized him openly on social mediayes another way of doing that of course is to just resign from your job so yousay maybe you have a great career and your job is successful in you earn a lotof money and you go oh what a great life and then a new boss arrives and you hatehim and one day you have a fight yeah and you go okay i've had enough of you iresign and you walk out but the next day you kind of regret it you regret sayingthose things but it's too late because you have already burned that bridgecan't go back that's often used as advice isn't it sometimes people willsay hmm yes i don't burn your bridges
with that job becauseyou know make sure when you leave doesn't have to be a job we're using jobas an example you don't like the job you hate the job you hate the boss and allthe people working there so you get another job but somebody says you knowdon't don't leave on bad terms don't burn your bridges because somethingmight change and you might want to go back there in later years that'sinteresting jimmy says just like this live chat weall build bridges between us exactly isn't that great i love it i love thatthank you very much jimmy for that the live chat today by the way is very it'svery busy very busy
can i show another one mr. duncan youmay mr. steve because i will let you water under the bridgeoh yeah it's water under the bridge something has passed and it's notimportant anymore something you can't change it something's happened you can'tchange it but it's not important anymore you can't change it i didn't mean to saywhat i do fall out with somebody fall out with and have an argument and you'retrying to get back together again and you say oh i'm sorry for what i saidplease can you forgive me can't we just say it's water under thebridge let's forget it a bit like saying let's let bygones be bygoneslet sleeping dogs lie yes i didn't mean
what it's just water under the bridgeyou use that as an expression when something's happened but you can'tchange it i but you're trying to you know justlet's get over it let's it's water under the bridge forget itwe had our disagreement let's forget it it's all in the past it's all waterunder the bridge there we go i've got some more but you want to have a littlebreak before we do it we're gonna have a break because steve yesterday went crazycrazy crazy absolutely nuts and loose tiles yeah i think steve definitely hassome loose tiles on his roof yesterday steve went crazy he was suffering fromsomething called autumn madness
yes that looks like a very severe caseof autumn madness yes indeed we are here and it's a verymisty afternoon look at the view at the moment you can see it is very misty outthere steve it is yes so that is a live view at the moment from my studio windowand you can see the sun is starting to set the colors are turning orange theleaves look very or terminal everything is very atmospheric i thinkthat's a good way of describing it so autumn is definitely here it is lateafternoon early evening here in the uk about another hour of sunlight and thenthe sun will disappear and we will also be disappearing in ten minutesten minutes i've got a few more words to
get in before then mr. duncan okay stevei was going to roll naked in that i dunno i actually wanted to do it oh iwanted to take all my clothes off and just roll naked in the leavesthere's something earthy there's something i don't know what is that it'slike that's a strange atmosphere at that time of the year you just want to beclose to nature and sort of roll around in it so i think mr. steve is not somuch a naturalist he's more a naturist show me bits right here we go bricks andmortar okay it's a mortar well a building of course is constructed ofbricks and the mortar like the cement in between holding it all together sobricks and mortar is it's something
substantial what we're referring to hereis something is actually a building something visible substantial has aninherent value to it so for example it's a phrase that you use for example heinvested in bricks and mortar rather than stocks and shares so it means thathe put his money into something solid into a building bricks and mortar wejust literally mean it's a building there's no metaphor there we areliterally meaning a building yes we use it quite often to just describesomething it's solid or something that has massor has structure so we're talking about the actual solid part of something thebricks and mortar so yes you're right
it's it's generally used when we aretalking about buying a house building zone owning a house you own the bricksand mortar it means the house belongs to you yes idon't you you can say as well that the you can just strike describe a companyyou can say that company is a bricks and mortar company it means it has a headoffice a building and branches made of mere buildings as opposed to for examplean internet-based company which isn't brick that's not a b wouldn't describethat as a bricks and mortar company like amazon like amazon but they havebuildings but no but yes they don't have a shop that you go into that's itthere's no physical shop so there isn't
a doorway although having said that insome places there are now amazon shops all right i suppose i should be carefulwhat i'm saying there so when you when you refer to some bricks and mortar inthat way you just literally meter building and you usually say well i'm iwould rather invest in if you've got lots of money to invest somebodysomewhere you've got various choices you can buy buildings with it or you can putit on the stock market or put it in the bank but if you invest in bricks andmortar it means you're investing in buildings have you got a roof over yourhead aa roof farik roof over your head soobviously it's a home a shelter have you
a roof over your head mate literallymeans a house or somewhere where you live you've got somewhere you covered upfrom the element so it's a basic need like food and water having a roof overyour head having shelter is a basic need isn't it so i've lost my job and i'vegot no money to buy food but at least i've got a roof over my head you oftenhear people say things like that i want us to pay for the mortgage on the houseas quickly as possible because then no matter what happensif i lose my job we'll always have a roof over our heads so you just you justmean it's just a phrase that you use to mean you've got some way to live yes ormaybe you offer a homeless person you
offer them a roof over their head yesyou offer to take them in you offer some accommodation for them you want to givethem a roof over their head yes karen asked bricks-and-mortar not castles inthe sky okay not something something definite something that you can see doyou want to put your money into something people say you can't go wrongputting your money into bricks and mortar because it will always be therethat's it whereas the internet sorry if you investin stocks and shares they might plummet in value or your the the if you put yourmoney in a bank the bank might go bust you might lose all your money but ifyou've got your money invested in
property it'll always be safe yes inbrick symbol and also you have a nice place to stay at night you can sleep ina house with a roof over your head we've only got time for baby maybe two moreyes three more oh the last one i'm going to save the last one for right here wego okay then raise the roof oh okay raisethe roof that means to create a boisterous and disturbance and uproar aperformance to raise the roof could be reckless as well oh it's oh no it'sequivalent to raise a ruckus in america they say raise a ruckus ruckus they dolearn to react or protest heartily to something when ronaldo scored thewinning goal in the football match the
fans raised the roofthat means they created so much noise and uproar that the roof was literallylifted off its foundations you don't mean that literally you mean they'recreated so much noise that the strength and power of it could literally raisethe roof off hmm so it's again figurative its figurativethat's right the opera singer raise the roof with her performance so aseamer so powerful she raised the roof but yes it normally referred to largecrowds of people creating such a noise building blocks building blocks okay nowi'm not really a building blocks you could say you're like bricks bricks arethe building blocks of a building the
the most substantial part the basicelements the most important part of something will reduce to its basicconstituents obviously a building is made of bricks mm-hmmthat's that's the the building blocks of a house unless it's made of wood yes thefoundation of something but you can have using it figuratively or not literallyyou can have the the building blocks of life you can describe some things if yousay the building blocks of life you mean or there's various ways of describingthat but if you say what are the building blocks of life you can say theyare sulfur phosphorus oxygen nitrogen hydrogen and calcium carbon sorry carbonso those molecules sulfur phosphorus
oxygen they are the built they are theelements that form all the basic building blocks that form all yourmolecules and everything in your body they form the cells that form the organsthat form everything so we say that the building blocks of life building blocksof life but you can see you can say cells are the building blocks of life aswell oh you can say dna is or the nucleic acids are the building blocks ofdna but it means that them an important constituent that makes up the whole ofsomething so lots of one small thing make up something larger that's it youcan have the building blocks of success so the building blocks of success arehard work and perseverance you could say
so it doesn't have to be actual thingsit can be used in that way as well a company you can say the buildingblocks of this company are there are the talents of the and thepeople that work for us mm-hmm see what i'm saying man that's very goodthe important things are things that make it important so in a minute mm-hmmmr. duncan is going to leave and i'm going to leave and we can use theexpression then elvis has left the buildingmmm-hmm are you with me i'm with you elvis has left the building which is aphrase that means the show's over the party's over everybody go home go and dowhat you were doing before no good
hanging around after mr. duncan sayswhat do you say at the end of your show i normally i normally say off for nowwhy did you ask me however i couldn't remember and you might think well is hereally gone i'll just hang but somebody might come and i might like somebodycould come along and say no elvis has left the building because that what thatphrase comes from is because when people used to go to elvis presley concertsapparently after he left and he's done his encore they kept thinking he wascoming back for more and somebody had to go out and say go home elvis has leftthe building in other words there's no point in hanging around any longer it'sall over show's over it's gone the end
sort we're staying anymore okay time toleave yes it is it is as you can see the clock is saying four o'clock so elvishas left the building and it's a phrase you can use even a party or in it workif there's a meeting and people are hanging around you know you can say youknow that if there's an important person and they leave it's all over you knowthe party there could be somebody who's the life and soul of the party andthey've gone and there's no point hanging around somebody why so elvis hasleft the building he died on the toilet okay elvis he died on the toilet so in aminute's time mr. duncan and mr. steve will have left the building that says sowe are about to leave the internet so
don't hang around waiting for us to comeback as we won't we won't on next sunday we won't come back until nextsunday so we will be back next sunday let's just have a quick look at the timewhen we are here every sunday live english from 2 o'clock uk time so thereit is 2 p.m. uk time by martha every every sunday 2 p.m. uk time also you canmake donations as well on the super chat and also you can donate at paypal aswell a very simple method of making a donation to help this work continueforever and ever and every joe didn't have to paid really didn't have to getrid of anyone today today i think he did yes ok anyway we're going now see youlater steve see you later bye bye bye
bye everybodysteve is leaving the building mr. steve is leaving the building let's haveanother look at mr. steve going crazy yesterday yes it's almost time for us to go therewas mr. steve having fun in the leaves and it's time for me to leave you thanksa lot for your company thank you very much for joining me i hope you'veenjoyed the past two hours of live streaming this is mr. duncan in thebirthplace of the english language of course that is england saying thank youfor joining me today see you next sunday 2:00 p.m. uk time and of course you knowwhat's coming next yes you do until the
next time we meet right here on youtube... ta ta for now 8-)