bedroom wall designs diy

hi! i made that today! i am just so proud of it this is another #nuyu video and today i want to do something that i've been wanting to do since high school which was create my own vision board it's just so pretty to look at, it's so motivating and i like to call it my dream wall
this is my dream wall and i love that it's literally right above my bed where i actually sleep and dream hopefully my subconscious mind starts to manifest all these things i want basically the way a vision board works if you've never heard of it is you take some kind of poster board and you find a bunch of pictures, words, quotes that really resonate with you, that kind of fit in towards your goals, your values and then you glue it all together into a little collage but i always thought that to look a little too tacky and a little bit messy so i wanted to find a cute, clean, kind of tumblr way
of putting this up as room decor and i am just in love with the result and i feel like it's such a cheap easy diy that you can do and hopefully it also motivates and inspires you every time you see it on your wall and if you happen to recreate this diy, please please please send me pictures on twitter or tag me on instagram with the #nuyu and i am just so curious to see what kind of pictures you choose for your dream wall i normally don't do these useful diys i usually do diys that are like "diy pimple cupcakes"
like yay, but i feel like this is actually a legit diy like if you want me to do more useful diys, i don't know i'm very picky with diys because i feel like a lot of times diys turn out kind of cheap because diys are usually cheap but sometimes they turn out pretty okay this was actually inspired by a wire grid that i saw on urban outfitters and when i checked the price of it it was $60 uhh mm no, honey no this wire grid that i got at home depot cost me 8 bucks yeah, and you could also spray paint it to change the color of it
i just kind of liked the metal industrial look of the plain silver doesn't look super clean but i kind of like that, the squares aren't super perfect but i kind of like that that is all for today's video and if you liked it please let me know by liking it uhh funny thing i actually kind of did a video similar to this long long long time ago when i was a fetus, i'm actually in the process of re-doing my room currently so i think tomorrow you guys will get a new video all about room decor i'm gonna go, i'll see you guys very soon, like literally maybe tomorrow