images painted dining room chairs

hi there, it's rosanne here fromcountry chic paint. today i'm going to show you the best way to finish tabletops so they can stand up to a lot of daily usage, so stay tuned so for this tutorial we're going to be using country chic paint's tough coat. we have a16 ounce and a four ounce size, as well as a foam brush and a stir stick. so theproduct i recommend using to finish table tops is tough coat. this top coatis extremely durable and dries to a very hard finish making it unlike anyother top coat on the market one of the things that i like about itis that it doesn't stay tacky for a long time. because it dries very quickly it meansthat less dust can settle into your
finish as it's drying. even though itcures very quickly i would still recommend if you're doing a kitchentable for example, i would still wait a week or so before actually scrubbingyour table. you can still use it after 24 hours or so but don't scrub it until ithas had a chance to cure for about a week or so. tough coat is eco-friendly socleanup is a breeze you can simply use soap and water toclean your brushes. before painting with tough coat you want to make sure youstir it really well. the last thing you want to do is shake your can becausethat will incorporate bubbles into your product and dust into your finish soyou're just gonna use a clean stir
stick and stir it very well so that it'smixed well together. it is very important that your piece has had achance to cure for at least 24 hours before you put on tough coat. do not putit on any sooner than that. you also want to make sure that temperature you'reworking in doesn't exceed 70 degrees fahrenheit or 21 degrees celsiusotherwise you'll find that your finish dries too quickly i'm going to use a foam brush to applytough coat on my table top in long strokes i'm not going to put a lot ofpressure on the brush as this might make it foamy and bubbly. as you can see i'mgoing in one direction and i'm keeping a wet edge you definitely want to avoid going back andforth over a section when it has started
to dry already. tough coat dries reallyquickly so you want to avoid doing that if you go back over it and it has alreadystarted to tack up it will ruin your finish for tabletops i recommendpainting two coats of tough coat for the best protection of your piece. if younotice that you've missed a spot don't worry about it. you'll cover that part when youdo your second coat. don't try to go and fix it as you go please keep in mind that you cannot put toughcoat over top of wax because the wax has oil in it so you won't be able to puttough coat over top. tough coat is water-based so water doesn't stick to oil. if youwant to apply tough coat over a
previously waxed surface you'll want tomake sure you remove the wax first i'd recommend using rubbing alcohol toremove the wax. do not try and sand it while the wax is still on it because you'reactually going to push the wax further into the finish, so that the last thing youwant to do. if you were planning on using antiquing wax to create an antiqueaffect on your piece, instead i would suggest using country chic paint's glaze. we haveseveral different colors to choose from as well as a clear glaze so you can tintyour own in whatever call you wish because the glaze is water-based, you can put tough coat over top of the glaze then you can still get antique look you'reafter
thank you so much for watching thistutorial. i hope you learned something about finishing table tops. if you'reinterested in learning more about our products come and visit our there's more tutorials on the website as well, and ofcourse you can subscribe to our youtube channel for new and upcoming videos. ifyou have any questions feel free to get in touch were always happy to help youwith any questions you may have so thanks for watching and happy painting!