paint ideas dining room chair rail

hi diy nation! it's jeff with home repairtutor, and today i'm going to talk to you about how to paint a wall and to get straightlines every time when you're painting with two dissimilar paint colors. so stay tuned.i've got some great tips. i think you're really going to like them. let's get started.have you ever had your primer or your top coat bleed through your painter's tape—kindof like this right here? if you have, you know how disappointing it is. so what kindof a solution is there for it? well, obviously you have to repaint. but how do you ensurethat that recoat is going to look awesome? so that's where frogtape comes in and alsosilicone caulk. i'm going to use delicate surface frogtapebecause i just painted this yesterday—not
even 24 hours ago. so the yellow frogtapeis going to help me prevent from pulling back the paint that i just painted on this what i want to do is put it on the wall like so. line it up. make a straight line.and i use 2-foot—18 inches—to 24-inch sections of the frogtape. smooth it out withmy hand. and i want to line it up with this neutral paint so that i have a little bitof neutral paint showing so that when i paint over the bleed marks, i'm going to paint overa little bit of the neutral, cover the bleed mark, and blend it in with the orange paint.i'm going to go down the wall every 2 feet with this frogtape. i'm going to go all theway down the wall, again lining it up such that some of the neutral is still showing—notmuch, just enough. and i get down to the bottom
where the base board is and just tear it off.and then go back and smooth it out. smooth it out in one direction. not back and forth,just one direction. with the delicate surface frogtape in place,the next step—and then this is the biggest tip—is to use a clear, silicone caulk toseal the edge between the frogtape and the surface that you're going to be, the caulk that i have here is white, but it dries clear. so, i'm going to take—becausethis is an outside corner. if this was an inside corner, i would just actually caulkit straight on the corner. but because this is an outside corner, i'm going to take thecaulk and wipe it so that it seals the frogtape. once you put the caulk on the wall, what youwant to do is wipe it off with your finger—wipe
off any excess with your finger—or a ragthat isn't going to leave [limp] behind. don't use paper towels 'cause it'll leave shardsof paper towel on the wall, and your paintjob is going to look terrible. so anyway, wipeoff the excess caulk with your finger... and then you're ready to paint. one other tip: do not let the caulk dry. whatyou want to do is, after applying the caulk to the wall into the frogtape, immediatelypaint afterward. and then when you're done painting, pull the tape off the wall so thatthe caulk doesn't have time to dry. all right. now it's time to paint. do that'sall we're going to do. we're just going to paint that edge... get it looking good one extra bonus tip here: make sure you get it back over the small section that youpainted where you had the bleed marks and
use the full width of the roller to blendin your new paint. so the final step is this: pull off the frogtapealong with the caulk that hasn't dried yet. that way, you'll get a really awesome-lookingpaint line. well, that's how you do it. that's how youpaint straight lines on your walls using frogtape and painter's caulk. so i hope that thesetips helped you out. make sure you leave a comment if you have your own tips or yourown two cents—good or bad, i'd appreciate your thoughts either way. and if you haven'talready done so, please visit sign up for the email newsletter because you'regoing to get a ton of great tips every single week. i'd hate for you to miss out on greatinformation that's going to save you time
and save you money on your own diy until next time, have a great day. and i'll see you soon![outtakes] speaking of "one direction"... one directionis my daughter's favorite band. surprise, this is my dining room. and what do you think? is it halloween-ized enough for you?so my daughter was born in this month—really close to halloween—and we celebrate it quitea bit. it's a very important "holiday" for us. so i think that my wife did a great jobmaking this dining room look scary and i hope that you're having a great fall yourself ifyou're watching this in the fall. take care!