decorating your dining room table for thanksgiving

decorating your dining room table for thanksgiving

hello i'm jennifer cail and on behalf of expertvillage i'm going to show you how to set your table for thanksgiving day dinner. now thatwe have decided on the linens i'm going to show you some different ways that you canfold napkins to make it a little bit more interested for your thanksgiving table. firstof all you want to start off with a large square cloth napkin. you can use better qualitypaper napkins but cloth ones are a lot easier to work with. for our first napkin fold youwant to bring one corner over to the other so you get a nice big triangle and the foldeach corner up to make a point. then you fold this in half, fold it in half again and youhave a triangular shape napkin that would hold up on its own. you just place it on theplate. another super easy fold that you can

do just fold it into quarters and then foldit in half, bring each corner about a third of the way in. then you have an ice littlenapkin that almost looks like a pocket square. a more interesting and fun napkin fold isto do is the fan. you see them frequently at restaurants and it is pretty easy to doand it always look nice spread out on the table. so you want to fold the napkin in halfso you have a nice long rectangle. then you are going to fold that about a inch at a timeaccordion style until you are almost at the edge of the napkin. when you get about 2 inchesfrom the edge of the napkin you are going to take the accordion fold, fold it in halfthis way and then take this last part that is back fold it underneath the fold it part.let me show you that again. see how you have

the accordion folded, fold it in half thisway so that the accordion fold is on the outside. then you take the outside corner, fold itin like this and then you let the napkin open so that you have a graceful fan for sittingon your table.

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