decorative dining room chair cushions

decorative dining room chair cushions

alright so today on repairs101 i�ve gota really cool one for you. i�m going to show you how to replace a missing seat orchair back by weaving rope, string, yarn, twine, whatever into this really cool checkerboardpattern. alright? stick around, you�re going to want to learn this as i progressed into this project i remembered all the details i�d forgotten like leaveenough slack in the warp because otherwise it gets so tight that you won�t be ableto finish it and you�ll have to pull it all�re going to need a couple of different sized shuttles to wind your cord onto andi made these out of eighth inch plywood. so just load up your shuttles by winding it around.ok so the warp is the underlying structure

of the weave. start by securing the cord witha clove hitch. if you don�t know how to tie one check out my video �ten plus knotsyou want to know�. ok so this is very important � at the beginningand end of every five turns i wrap a crossbar to make a spacer row in the warp.ok so i learned this skill probably twenty five years ago when i was an outpatient inthe workers� compensation hospital�s vocational rehabilitation program. so i made this oneback then and gave it to my parents as a christmas gift because, back then, um i was pretty muchpenniless and to tell you the truth as soon as the workers� compensation hospital wasthrough with me i was homeless too. although, ok not exactly homeless, i had this garagethat i rented and in spite of the fact that

i was living there and i was months behindin my rent and it was not zoned for residential use - the gentleman who owned the place, don,he um, he was kind enough not to throw me out. ok so the point of my story is: i comeback to my garage after working all day and i kick back on my work bench. so i�m layingthere on my back with a bag of day �old donuts that i bought for two dollars and ifell asleep eating them with the light on. and so a couple of hours later i wake up andi open my eyes and perched here on my chest, right about here, is a big fat hairy rat aboutsix or eight inches long and he�s eating my donuts!use your separator sticks to hold the warp apart in groups and pass the shuttle in betweenthem. and, yeah, you have to weave both sides

for this to hold securely. ok so it�s justa matter of passing the shuttle around through five times, wrapping the sixth as a spacerand then continuing weaving five rows at a time opposite to the next five rows and separatedby a wrap around the crossbar. now as the space gets tighter you�ll beglad you heard what i said about making sure you weave the warp loosely. switch to yoursmaller shuttles and smaller spacer sticks. for your last group of five you�ll probablyonly have room for a crochet hook. then just take a few minutes to space all the cord out evenly.and maybe you want to give it a haircut if you bought the cheapest kind of twine available,like i did.

alright and there you have it: it�s a skillthat�s being lost to mechanization around the world.alright so thanks for watching and don�t forget to subscribe and if you enjoyed today�svideo please share it with your friends. and i was real grateful that he trusted methat way and of course i paid him up in full before i did move on and i thank him for trustingme to do that.

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