dining room area rugs ideas

dining room area rugs ideas

hi it's karla with karla dreyer designand welcome to decor with love tv interior design tips. so today i'm goingto share one of the most common mistakes that i see...your rug size and yes biggeris better. so tip number one when choosing your rug is thefront legs of your furniture should sit on the rug. this one will save you. thefront legs of the furniture should sit on the rug. ideally i'd love it if allthe furniture the whole piece could fit on the rug but i know you'd need anextremely large room for that and an extremely large rug. so just the frontlegs makes a huge difference it really defines the room and opens it up. so tipnumber two and now i'm going to confuse

you here is there is one exception ihave to that legs on the rug rule is if you have an oddly shaped room and youbuy an organic shape of a rug like a cow hide the furniture doesn't need to be onthe rug. it's actually better in a way if it doesn't. these type of rugs workreally well if you have a very small room or a corner room or an odd shapebut again that's my one exception so if it's a cow hide or an organic shaperug the furniture does not have to be on it. and tip number three, please dothis. tape it out. this is what i see is people kind of guess and go i think i need afive by seven or an eight-by-ten or whatever it may be and they don'ttape it out.

get yourself some painters tape andactually tape it out on the floor and move your furniture around. it willreally save you time and money in getting the right rug. i hope this washelpful and will relieve one of the most common design mistakes i see is the rugbeing too small. i'd love to hear from you if you plan ongetting a new rug or some of your rug dilemmas you can leave a comment belowyou can also like this video and please subscribe to my youtube channel where wedo new videos every week. i'd also love if you're able to share with your friendsand family. thanks so much for watching and stay tuned for more decor withlove tv.

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