dining room chair seat fabric ideas

dining room chair seat fabric ideas

my name is judy williams representing expertvillage.com,and today we are talking about different ways to decorate your dining room. i'm going todemonstrate recovering a chair cushion. when i decided to redecorate this room, i stillliked the fabric, which was a just a cotton glow sheen, but i wanted something a littleelegant, which i was just ready for something new. you will notice that basically i havethe same colors; it is just that i put them into a stripe. they are closer together sothey seem more dynamic. so going to this flower to this stripe fabric. all you really needis a staple gun and staples and a screw driver for this job. most chairs just have screwsthat are right here, and you unscrew each one and remove your cushion. and i'm justshowing you how right now where they are located.

now i have cut my fabric; it takes a yardin a half to two yards of 54 inch upholstery fabric to cover 6 chairs. again dependingupon your width and the depth of your chair or the depth of your cushion. this cushiondoesn't require any sewing to redo. what i did is decide which of these stripes is tobe my center. in every cushion i'm placing this blue stripe on the center, that way itis consistent when they are lined up. they look nice, they are repetitious in their look,in the pattern repeat. how do you determine the amount of fabric does have to deal withyour pattern repeat. if it is a flower pattern, when you measure around and add four incheson each end, then you divide that by your pattern repeat and that gives you the cutand length of your material.

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