ideas to cover dining room chairs

ideas to cover dining room chairs

-hi. i??m amy panos from better homes andgardens. you know, spray painting something is about as close to instant decorating gratificationas you can get. so follow our tips for the best possible result. a clean surface insuresthe paint will adhere evenly and smoothly. use a tack cloth to pick up any dust or gritleftover from sanding. apply a thin coat of spray primer with long even strokes. you mightbe tempted to skip this step but don??t. you??ll get a much better result. let it dry completely.paint the underside and any details first so any over spray gets covered by subsequentcoats. use a light touch to prevent the paint from running. if you??re covering a largesurface, be sure to overlap your strokes, this gives you even coverage. use it sideto side motion while spraying and paint pass

the object. remember to release the triggerafter each pass, this gives your finger a quick break and let you spray evenly for longerperiods of time. apply 2 to 3 thin coat of spray paint. complete 1 entire coat includingall the details and the underside before starting the next. allow to dry completely betweencoats. see how easy it is to get a great result from a painting project? go ahead and giveit a try.

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