how to choose furniture for living room

how to choose furniture for living room

hi i'm hannah and this is heather and were from sticks and stones design group. we work together with rykon to design and stage this beautiful show home. we hope to help you today with some tips and tricks for your own home whether you'rebuilding new with rykon or updating your existing space. just create a lot of balance on the shelves. so here we put a couple on this side and a couple on that side. some of them are more personal, we've framed some black and white images and family images and and we've kind of created

a good mixture of our accent colors and different prints and art pieces we have found that we thought co-ordinated well with the home. were here in the master bedroom where we have chosen to showcase the gallery wall so gallery wall is a grouping of frames. areally nice opportunity to showcase your style your personality,rather than having one large piece you can mix and matchdepending on your style. so they don't all have to be the same you can really go eclectic or morecontemporary

just catering to your style in yourpersonal space for instance these all match and if you were to go more eclectic style we could shop around and often we'll go to home sense or local garage sales and diy our own frame make it a part of the styledecore and make it more unique depending on what your aiming for, what your framing and in this room in the master we decided to go very personal with the style

so we framed wedding photos and we co-ordinated that with the frames and make it very light and airy. here we are in the living room just talking about how we can introduce some more colour we often like to suggest that you keep your larger items neutral, such as the sofa the coffee table, those largerinvestment pieces that you really want to spend money onother quality items you want to keep those neutral so that they stay with your theme for a long time. introducing colour with art, accessories, decore, pillows and throws, that's what we like to do

it for sure way to hang on to those items longer and if you wanna swap them out, it's easier to do and often people think that introducing colour you have to paint anentire wall that's not necessarily true. we like to stick neutral with the paint as well and just bring in those colours with those accent pieces that you can swap out with the seasons or if your trends change.

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