how to draw living room

how to draw living room

hello and welcome to my new video, how to draw a city using 1-point perspective, seen from above, from a bird's eye pointof view, the first step in this drawing is todraw two parallel lines across your page, the buildings are going to be above andbelow these two lines and then there are going to be some roads in the middle, next i need to draw a rectangle, whichwill be the top of one of the tall buildings, and all the rectangles that we drawneed to be parallel with the sides of the paper, next i will draw a dot somewhere near the center of the page and that will be my

vanishing point, now i need to find the corners of therectangle and draw lines towards the vanishing point so i've got three lines from the edgesof the rectangle going right to the vanishing point and stopping there next i'll repeat this process higher up,for another top of a building again i read the lines from the edge of this rectangletowards the vanishing point in the center of the page

now, to draw a city i will need to repeat this quite a lot, so i've gotlots of buildings, it depends where you play some how bigthey're going to be, so this one here is quite a large rectangle for this drawing,but the foreshortening at the front facade of the building will be quitetight so these lines come in but i don't youthink too much i just draw them to the point, then thistime there won't really be there because it's parallel to the vanishing point so what i do is so just draw a littlerectangle coming off the main building

then that'd be like a second a lowerdown building and then that will have a line going to the vanishing point next, i'll draw another square or rectangle over here, so it's quite important, i think, at this stage to make sure that they workjust the way we want, later on you can add a lot morebuildings in between the spaces of the first ones but just get the first onesworking around the vanishing point would be really useful so i'll do another one over back here, andsometimes if they're away from the vanishing point, if i'd like, i can drawthe lines going all the way to the

vanishing point and they'll look thattall buildings so i want so range of heights withinthis so i don't have to draw the line actually to the vanishing point, but i can just read it towards the vanishing point and stop the pencil line before it actually getsthere, for this drawing i'm using a 4b pencil and some cartridge paper so now i think we are getting some illusion of looking down onsome buildings next i need to find the base of thebuildings, now these will be parallel to the top of the buildings, the toprectangle that we drew first

and you just read that line cross, thisis quite straightforward for the first buildings, because theystop at the two parallel lines that we drew at the beginning and therefore thebasis of these buildings will be coming off days two parallel lines now i use an erasor to rub out some ofthese lines going straight to the vanishing point, just so that we can see what we got a little bit more and so they look a bit more like buildings ratherthan just and lots of line shooting way to the vanishing point so i repeat the process speed up thefilm a little bit now

so you've got another building here it'sgoing to be quite tall, i will put in the base as we go along i can read it to the vanishing point but alsoi can read off the other lines that have already got in the drawing to make anestimate of where they go and then down here up another one and this will bebehind the earlier building that i've already drawn, so i'm going to stop theline about there, because otherwise there wouldn't be any space that theground wouldn't be there, so you just need to look really and see, what's positioning makes sense for thebuilding to stop, so they'll stop

and the ground is sort of flat, itdoesn't vary too much so rub out the base of that one so youcan see where it stops right now, i will do a few more buildings over on this side and start to really build up a city now of lots and lots of different buildings so you can see sometimes when theyoverlap it will make the tall building look like it's coming forward if there'sa lower building to the side of it, which is behind it, so it's sort ofto the building's behind push the buildings in front forwards, to create more illusion ofspace and looking down

now all of the rectangles, as i saidbefore, are parallel to the sides of the page and also parallel to each other, sothey're all at right angles to each other at all stages, in an older cityobviously there'll be lots of different sorts of buildings at different angles,but just for straightforward simple 1-point perspective you've got all theparallel lines going to the one vanishing point in the center just to make it straight forward andalso probably to make a more dramatic image at the end it's amazing how many buildings you canactually squeeze in and some of them

they just become small parts of abuilding because the hidden by the buildings in front of them so the process has become faster thisstage, so you can actually just place a few rectangles all in one go and then read the lines cross to thevanishing point so it is probably quite a good idea just to think about the scale of thebuilding's now, so i want to make these buildings that very large, so as i placethem in, i'm starting to think about how i will then add some context of scale sohaving to put some cars into the road

that i will placed down on the center of thispicture later on and that will give us some scale and also i'll be able to give it somescale by placing some lines for the windows but in the meantime i just continue doing thesebuildings getting a variety of different shapesand heights to fill the city up that i've got for this video i keep the drawing, the page, still, but probably wasn't filming it i would turn the page around so i could just

get the angle more easily because it's adrawing which should probably work sort of on its side and upside down just as much as it does this way andsometimes straight lines are easier to draw if you can turn the page to the anglewhich is more appropriate for you and obviously could use ruler, i just findit a bit slow to use a ruler and also if you use ruler and you get somethingslightly wrong it shows up a lot more whereas if you'rejust drawing it freehand it has a more sort of organic quality and intheir buildings but

it just has a more oganic quality, so idecided to put some things on top of the buildings they got a lot of flat roofshere which at the top of the buildings and we're looking down like a bird's eyeview so just jumping forward hear a little bit i saved a bit of time and added all theedge buildings now i'm putting some of the floors of the building then startingwith the lines very close when they're near the vanishing pointand as they come towards the roof of the building they become further away andthen i'll put some of the details on the top of the buildings

and doesn't really matter too much whatthey are water storage or coolers or service things or swimming poolswhatever you can just add little things to them i think some of the lines darker to givethe more contrast to the picture make it look a little bit more dramatic so i just keep going with this again andagain and created a view of the city looking down i eraised the vanishing point now becausei don't need it it's sort of goes away and nowi'm going to add some roads

now i've left a big gap with theoriginal two parallel lines so that's too big for one road so i've been goingto put a road system in and they can go between the buildings so i've rubbed out thetwo parallel lines which was the first to lines i drew and now just making up some road system and these are going tobe at right angles to each other or curves and all similar scale to whateverfirst width of road you do so it's more readable there's no real perspective in the roadsit's a bit like just a normal map i think if i do this a little bit more imight want to add not just vehicles but

add some tone to it because the whitecenter road system that i've got quite bright and it's coming forward so if imake it darker in a short while that will create a more depth to thepicture so just adding and a few cars maybe a traffic jam here or there just sort of dotting them around they'renot really cars they are just little marks to represent cars because of thescale you don't need draw and anything toomuch so jumping ahead a little bit i've beenadded a lot more cars and now i'm making the bases just outside the buildings, ican making these bases a bit darker

with the 4b pencil and now i have added some shading and darker areas to the road system so you can see which roads over-lap the other roads, so basically i thinkthat's it for this drawing i hope you liked this drawing and giveit a thumbs up and i hope you also find it useful for your own drawing, please subscribeto my youtube channel, circle line art school, for many many more videos, thankyou for watching and see you next time!

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