india live chat room

india live chat room

[applause] sundar pichai: never gottensuch an applause before. i've done a lot ofthings, but this is the first time i feel likei've done something worthwhile. first of all, thankyou all for being here. shah rukh and i were walkingwhen a bunch of googlers just did a flash dance, andshah rukh joined in the back as well. so thank you all forcoming here today.

we are also live-streamingthis, so it's being watched live in youtube. youtube india islive-streaming it, as well as google+hangouts on air. shah rukh needs nointroduction, but he's one of the most popular andacclaimed actors in india. he has done a lot of things. he's not just an actor. he's a producer.

he's a philanthropist. he has been given the padmashri award by the government. he has starred in over 50 films. started his career in1992 with "deewana." most of you probablyknow this better than me. and he has also wonthe unesco award for all his philanthropicwork as well. they had a greatshow last night. a bunch of myfriends were there.

and shah rukh just toldme it was their last show and so they partiedhard late last night. so he's probably a bit tired,but i'm very, very glad he's here. so let's welcome shahrukh onto the stage. shah rukh khan: this isoverwhelming, first of all. thank you. i love you, too. so yeah.

that's it. when i come toamerica, it's the love and the number of ladieswilling to marry me. and what is surprising isthis time, i'm not saying no. especially everyonehere at google. sundar pichai: i'mworried, because my wife went to your show last night. shah rukh khan: is she back? sundar pichai: she's back.

shah rukh khan:well, thank you very much for having me overhere and all of you. i'm sorry to keepyou waiting, but we were kind of partyinguntil very late because this was ourlast show last night, and we've done six showsall across america. and now, we head back andgo to london, do a show and then back to the promotionsof our film, "happy new year." but it's beenwonderful, and thank you

for having me over here. sundar pichai: well,thank you for coming. i think a lot of people arecurious about what drew you to acting, and howdid the journey start? and for me particularly, oneof the things that struck me is how much youhave a connection with the common person in india. the common man,common woman in india and the connection youhave all over the country.

so can you talk alittle bit about it? shah rukh khan: i never wantedto be an actor, actually. i was wanting to be eithera software engineer, or-- no, really. at that time, it was very new. it wasn't as easilyspoken as now, and so i did give myentrance exam in the it. it seems like a joke, but i did. i look stupid.

i'm not. i'm reallyintelligent, you know? and just to let youknow, i did electronics. i got 98, which is thehighest in india ever. those were the daysof diodes and triodes. it wasn't with thechips and things. sundar pichai: anytime you wantto switch careers, let me know. shah rukh khan: i'd love to. yeah.

and then, i wantedto be in sports. i didn't want to act,in film especially. i kind of-- notlooked down upon it, but never thought i'm cutout for indian cinema. i did a bit of english theatrewith mr. barry john in delhi. i'm from dehli. and then, i hurtmyself-- my lower back. and one thing led to the other. there was a playbeing done and i

know the people, all thegirls from delhi lady shri ram college. so there's a girls' college,and they needed seven boys to act with 85 girls. and i got a job as a principaldancer, not as an actor. i had one line-- annie getyour gun, it's a famous play-- and i got a line in it,which i said, "annie, i have a letter for you." and it started like that.

and i continued with theatre. television became big in india. yeah, television started. i went to get a house on rent. instead, i got arolling [inaudible]. some years later, a yearlater, it became very popular and i got a phone call. somebody said, i'm [inaudible]. i'm like no, this hasto be somebody else.

it's not a real call. and they said, wouldyou like to do films? and i said, no. i'm not interested in films. and then, somethingsad happened. my parents expired. and i said, ok. i want to stay in delhi. i was feeling sad.

so i went over tomumbai for a year. i told my friends,i'm back in one year. i'm going to do five films,get over the sadness. and it's been 25 years. i'm still not going back today. i'm still here. so my growth has been of someonewho has not really thought out that i would be an actor. it just happened.

one thing led to the other. and i don't know if i'ma good actor or not. if i act well, ifi do well or not. but i don't ever describethe process too seriously. i think it's veryboring for people to hear how the art works. i truly believe the art is muchmore important than the artist. and i'm very humble aboutthe fact there are so many people like me, andi'm very, very grateful.

so what i do is itake things from life and just continue acting,have fun, smile a lot, and share a lot. i think acting is about giving. i think somehow that'smade people like me a little more thanthe talent i have. sundar pichai: it explainswhy so many people identify with you, even in such adiverse range of films. what's the most challengingrole you've done?

why? can you talk a littlebit about that? shah rukh khan: it'salways the next one. it's never the onethat i've done. because if i've done it,then it's over and done with. however badly imay have done it, but it's no longer a challenge. but i find the onething that i want to do in cinema forthe last 25 years now,

because i've beenworking and i don't know how to extend andgive back to cinema-- indian cinema, specifically. so i want to makeit technologically a little moreadvanced than it is. so what i like todo is try and do films with a lot ofvisual effects in them. i have a small departmentof visual effects, and i want to enhancefilmmaking in india

so that, technically,we can be at par with international cinema--especially hollywood. and of course, we needto make them shorter and have less songs in themfor people to watch them. ok. so we'll keep them aslong and no songs in them. more songs and longer films now. but for me, thetoughest have been films which i'veproduced, actually.

because peopledidn't think these are the firms that will work. a film like "ashoka." i think a filmlike [inaudible]-- and they all flopped miserably. so let me tell you, they werefilms nobody wanted to buy. there was a filmcalled "," which i made-- which i reallywanted to make so that i could advance thetechnological part of it

and a difficult film to make. and now this one. as an actor, i don't know. no role is difficult,because i don't have a method that i follow. i just take instancesfrom life, meet people. and i meet so many people. i love people. i love the hugs.

i love to kiss them. i love to talk to them. we're doing thekisses afterwards. so i just get to know people. and then somewheredown the line, whenever a role is given tome, i kind of take from life and use it. and sometimes,it's over the top. sometimes, people thinkit's too simplistic.

but i think it reaches out toeveryone, touches everybody's hearts, and peopleidentify with it. so films like"chakde" were nice. swades. there's [inaudible]. i like don. i find him very sexy. sundar pichai: let'stalk a little bit about the work you dooutside of movies, too.

there is shah rukh inc,which announced the whole kkr and how we've donethere, and you've been very successful withred chillies as well. so talk a little bitabout the kkr journey. how did the ipljourney all come about? i know i've alwaysseen you in the video, always there supporting theteam and they've done very well. shah rukh khan: and desperatelysupporting the team. now, like i said, iwanted to be a sportsman.

and this whole thingstarted about leagues. the three things i reallylike-- i like entertainment, i like children,and i like sports. these are three thingsthat really turn me on. nothing else, actually. i'm not much of a sightseer. i'm not much for travel. i'm very boring. i'm very, very boring.

the three things that i like,is like watching films or video games or watchingsports or children. i love children. so whenever there is a thingthat i can involve myself now, because i've kind ofdone well for myself and i have a little extra money. so whenever there's somethingi get an opportunity to invest in, any of thesethings, i always do without thinking ofthe business aspect of it.

so business-wise, i don't knowif they're doing well or not. my team is here. they'll tell you. i have to keep working hardand bringing the money in. but vfx was partof entertainment. ipl was, because i like sportsand i really wanted to play. i wanted to be a footballplayer or a hockey player. and it sounds very pompous. when i couldn'tbecome a player, i

thought-- let me just goahead and buy a team instead. but i did it for my kids. sundar pichai: that'sthe way i think as well. shah rukh khan: yeah. let's go buy a team. my kids liked it. we were sitting oneday and they said, we should have a leagueteam because of the english premiership league and all.

and i just went and bought it. and i remember we were tobid for it the next morning at 11 o'clock, and thebidding was very high. much more than i couldafford or still can afford. all the big carpetswere doing it. i was awake, and i washoping somehow my bid was not accepted, because ididn't have the money. so i just went ahead, andafter i bought it also, we lost so many hoursand so pathetically

that it became very sad. business was bad, and thegame wasn't being won. and it's been aroller coaster ride, but i stuck around with it forthree years now-- five years. and some other thingsi've done, because i truly believe-- and some ofyou are younger here and you shouldknow this-- i don't want to sound philosophical andas if i'm giving you a lecture. but just when you thinkthings are going to go wrong,

if you hold onto them,they kind of turn around. just that last brink isalways the most important one. sundar pichai: youmentioned education as well, and i know you'vedone work there. what do you think aboutwhere education is in india? there's so many youngstudents coming through. how do you thinktechnology can help? this is what a lotof us work on, so. shah rukh khan:you know, i don't

think there's anything moreimportant than education. and i'm very keen that mykids are very educated. and now, with technologyand this accessibility. and you know,education has become-- there used to be a time. and still is, i'm sure, tospecifically specialize in xyz. you have to be a scientist,you have to be a doctor, you have to be an engineer,and those things are important. but i think theoverall development

happens when you can educateyourself in a more round way. and i think technologycan help there. just the fact--i'll be very honest, and i'm sure everybodycomes in and says that. i'm not saying itbecause i'm here. but feel i don't needa teacher or books since google has been there. i find myself somuch more educated in the last few yearsbecause of google.

i've got a yearningfor learning. i really do. and some of it, there's achurch next to my house which says-- whatever answersgoogle doesn't have, god has. and it says that. every day, i pass it. and i think it's oneof the nicest things, and if you guys can extend justbeyond the search engine, which my friend there is head of.

but just being able to givepeople more access to more subjects and topics-- and makeit fun, which you guys are. that floor thereonly [inaudible] to step on those things, icould spend the whole day there. i would never enterinto the office. but i think technology andgoogle, specifically today, can really help educationgo far and wide to areas. especially in india, because theinternet is still not gone out. there are areas whereschools can't be constructed.

and i think for india,especially, it's very important that the youngstersare educated if you want to change the country. because we haveeverything going for us. if we are just educateda little more, or have access to education. so i would request everyonewho is working at google, figure out something specific. because you have the intelligentones, the smart ones,

and the fun ones. figure out some specificthings for indian education so that it reaches deepinside the heartland of india, because we need kids likeyou coming here and ruling the world. sundar pichai: we know youhave a new movie coming out. it's not just shah rukh today. we have two othersuperstars to join us. abhishek bachchan: isit just san francisco?

why are all the guysonly asking for me? even last night, remember? sundar pichai: i was hopingmy name would come up. abhishek bachchan:(screaming) sundar! sundar pichai: so they're here. they're also doingshow-promoting the new movie. it's called, "happy new year." it's premiering for diwali. so maybe you guyscan talk a little bit

about the movie, whatthe movie is about, why you're excitedto be part of it? shah rukh khan: letme first introduce abhishek, who i'veknown since childhood. he's a wonderful, wonderfulco-actor, friend and one of the most deranged andfun person on the set. most distracted,but most lively. and the happiest, happiestperson that i work with. so i thank him.

deepika, as you all know,started with [inaudible]. i like to show off and bepompous and take the credit for the fact that i madeher, which i can say openly. and today,unfortunately, she won't be able to sing becauseher voice is gone. otherwise, she wouldhave, normally. she does a full [inaudible]as soon as she comes, when she [inaudible]. she does a whole [inaudible].

but she wouldn'tbe able to do it. the film is a heist film mixedwith a dance competition. and easier to describeit, though the stories are not copied, thoughpeople will say that. but it's "ocean's eleven"meets "full monty," if that combinationcan ever, ever happen. but farah khanthought of the film where, like aregular heist film, you have one guy-- a mastermind,so to say-- who collects people

with different specialities. someone is a lock breaker. somebody's-- obviously, there'sone-- is it ok to say "nerd" here? sundar pichai: yeah. i'm not one, but they all are. shah rukh khan:or i'll be pelted. you have onehighly-sophisticated, intelligent computer hacker.

and so on and so forth. abhishek has aspeciality which really, really cannot be described,because it's gross. but you'll get to see itwhen you see it in the film. it's gross, the abilitythat he has in the film. abhishek bachchan:special power. shah rukh khan: thespecial powers that he has. and i'll now defer-- i'llrequest deepika and abhishek to tell you a littlemore about what they do.

deepika, as you will hear now,normally also sounds like this. deepika padukone: i didn't thinki had that effect on people. abhishek bachchan: it's ok. it was an apple. [laughing] deepika padukone:i'm really sorry. i can't say much todaybecause i've lost my voice. sundar pichai: i think peopleare just happy looking at you. shah rukh khan: we'lldo it in dumb charades.

we'll do it like-- three words. say, "how are you?" how-- second word? you. how are you? sundar pichai:abhishek, do you want to say a few wordsabout the movie? abhishek bachchan: know thatit's an absolute pleasure to be here.

contrary to whateverybody thinks, we actually haven'tslept all night because we've all beenso excited to come here. but very honestly, justto see all the desis out there is way cool. i mean, i don't mean to soundtoo much of a nationalist, but it's just fantastic to seethat you guys are literally running the world, man. sundar pichai: so wedo take questions,

which people have all submittedboth internally and externally. and the most popular questionwas throughout your career, who has been your inspirationfor each of you, and why? so if you could talk about that. abhishek bachchan: me? audience: [inaudible]. abhishek bachchan: yeah. my eternal inspirationhas been-- so, yes. for me, it's always beenmy father in whatever i do.

anything-- i love him, too. and he's actually veryjealous that i'm here today. he's more of a computergeek than even me, so. actually, he must be bloggingright now as we speak. so yes. it's always been my father. i think for not just hisprofessionalism, but just the kind of humanbeing that he is.

his sense of morals and values. things that i've always admired,and i aspire to be like him. and whatever i do in lifeis always for my parents. and so i think my parents havebeen my inspiration always. deepika padukone: pass. sundar pichai: pass. shah rukh khan: ithink even her dad must be an inspiration for her. mr. prakash padukone, one ofthe greatest, greatest sportsmen

the country's ever produced. deepika padukone: myparents are my inspiration. sundar pichai: there you go. shah rukh khan: and whois your speech coach? deepika padukone: you. since i started off with you. shah rukh khan: (mockingly,with hoarse voice) oh yo yo yo. well, that's very sporting. deepika padukone: youwalked into that one.

this was very good. can you do an[inaudible] take-off? deepika padukone:i-- gee, sorry. shah rukh khan: i get inspiredby-- i've always said this, and it may sounda little strange, but i get inspirednot by special people. i get inspired byordinary people. i find it's not specialto be a special. it's very specialto be ordinary.

and i see peoplewho achieve so much with such littlefacilities at hand. i get very inspired by that. in terms of big people-- ofcourse, my parents died early, but they were verygood teachers. so some of thepeople i've liked may sound a little odd,but muhammad ali. i like the boxer. i really get inspiredby his story.

i get inspired by thestory of mother theresa. and i've never hadthe opportunity to meet either of them, butwhatever little i've read. and i make it a pointto read about them, and that's whymaybe sometimes, i come across a little arrogant. because of muhammadali, not mother theresa. but i like the wayhe has led his life. but more than that, ithink i just get inspired.

i find when i meetpeople, i ask them-- how do you comehere for the shoot? and they say, wewake up at 5:00 am. we take a local train. we've cooked food. we've brought thekids to school. and now, we made ithere at 8 o'clock and when we packup at 8:00, chances are we don't make it back homeuntil 4:00 am again, sometimes.

and i get really inspiredby ordinary people. and that inspiration,i take that. i've gotten unfortunate now,and i'm no longer ordinary. and i should retain thatordinariness around me to be able to achievea little more. sundar pichai: anotherquestion which people ask is about youtube. so how does the bollywoodindustry look at youtube? it's very popular in india.

what do you think about youtube? and there are many peoplewho work on youtube here, so. abhishek bachchan:deepika will speak. deepika padukone: i'mfeeling so useless. sundar pichai: i know. deepika padukone: so sorry. audience: keep smiling. shah rukh khan: i thinkit's very, very cool. i think it's really fantastic.

i get a little frazzled when ihave to put that over-18 thing. that is a little confusing. they have their little-- thatword that you have to type what you can see. with my eyesight, it'sreally, really difficult. it takes me five times totell them i'm 18 years old. please, next time if you findme putting in those numbers. no, i'm more than 18. allow me to watch everythingon youtube, please.

i'm a busy actor. i don't get to pick out thefilms i really want to watch, so i have to watchthem on youtube. but i think it'sreally, really nice. i spend my most funnights, actually, when my kids are back home. they're both grown up now. they're 16 and 14. my daughter and the littleone is still 16-17 months.

but our biggest sourceof entertainment is actually youtube. because they find suchamazing stuff on there. such amazing-- more than movies,and what are they called? the youngsters call them epicfails and the strange things, the comic stuff. some people tryingto sing, dance. as a matter of fact,a lot of it-- a lot of the dancing in the film whenwe were doing "happy new year"

is about dancing from theheart, not being a good dancer. celebrating the fact thatyou don't know how to dance, but you just go ahead anddance, which 99% of people are. we don't know how to dance. we just are happy dancers. and when farah started makingthe film, the first thing i did is collected allthe weird dancing from youtube for inspiration. actually, we wanted tostart the film with that.

so it's really the mostentertaining part of the day when my son anddaughter, they sit down. and my son and his friends havesome strange, strange things that they find on it,which i didn't know. like some poker games andpoker champs, the lifestyles. it's really amazing. i think the most entertainingtime i have is on youtube. so thank you, youtube,for entertaining us. [speaking hindi]

sundar pichai: do youguys use-- everyone wants to know that you usegoogle products, google technology? do you guys like them? and any advice for people here? abhishek bachchan:well, we didn't really know where we were goingtoday, so i was on google maps. and actually, shah, beforewe started the film. like you were saying,as an inspiration,

we were all given this link tothis wonderful gentleman who's made a video of himself,who he basically is an indian villager who thinkshe's spiderman or superman. so youtube is somethingthat we all use. and pewdiepie isthis one youtuber who gives a lot ofentertainment to all of us. it's also nice as actors,because previously, we had to buy our own dvdsto revise our work. you see now, youcan just youtube it.

so youtube, googlemaps are things. and i was just told backstagethat i-- can i have the phone? female speaker: this is yours. abhishek bachchan: this is mine. so i think the greatestthing is you all have almost replaced everydaythings in our lives. so there isn't any daythat you don't actually go to work or just wake upand not use a google product. so yes, thank you.

and we do use alot of your stuff. yes. sundar pichai: very exciting. i know they've[inaudible] us well. i think they have a trailerfor the upcoming movie. so we want to play that soyou all can take a look. [video playback] --[speaking hindi] it was allabout a handful of diamonds. [speaking hindi] happy new year.

-[speaking hindi] [music playing] [end video playback] sundar pichai: i think we havea few more of the cast members here, so i'm going toinvite them onto the stage. hello. good to see you. farah khan: hello. who loves me?

sundar pichai: we can hear fromfarah about the movie as well. farah khan: i've never seenso many cool kids together in one room. sundar pichai: she'lltell us a little bit about the making of the movie. abhishek bachchan:do you have a mic? sundar pichai: do you guyswant to share your thoughts on the movie? i've heard rumorsof an eight-pack.

an eight-pack is on the way. farah khan: do they notwant to ask anything? sundar pichai: why don'tyou share your thoughts about the movie andwhat led you to this? farah khan: my thoughts,right now, i'm damn nervous. we are like, what? 25 days away fromthe release and it's literally like giving birthto triplets all over again. audience: and it looks good.

[inaudible] farah khan: i reallycare about that. audience: [speaking hindi] farah khan:eight-packs, but i don't know if he's goingto show it to you. abhishek bachchan:no, no, no, no, no. guys. you see, this iswhere you realize she was talking aboutboman, not shah rukh.

farah khan: boman doesn'thave an eight-pack, he has a family pack. male speaker: boman [inaudible]? shah rukh khan: no! no! sundar pichai: [inaudible]is one of my favorite movies as well, so why don'tyou talk a little bit about "happy newyear," your role in it? boman irani: well, i daretalk about three idiots

on this stage. but "happy new year,"lucky to be cast. in fact, i was thefirst one cast. farah khan: and let metell you, no casting couch was used in this case. boman irani: look,i'd tell you it was, but then, i don't kiss and tell. that's another story. but it was a privilegeto work on this film.

it was probably the greatesttime of my life as an actor. and it's so wonderful touringwith these wonderful people-- shah rukh andabhishek and deepika, because it alwaysworks out better for me when the crowds are out there. i send them out first sothey can distract the crowds, and then i can makemy way out of it. farah khan knows, so it's ok. audience: what is the bestmovie of your past career?

[inaudible]? farah khan: i think this is. shah rukh? are you going to show? shah rukh khan: no, no. i'm sorry. i'm very, very shyin personal life. i really am. they'll all tell you.

farah khan: yeah, he is. i personally trained him. if you all see thevideo we made of him training to get his eight-pack. shah rukh khan: yeah,it's on youtube. we put it on youtube. farah khan: whilehe was working out, i was personally sittingthere and saying-- come on, you can do it.

shah rukh khan: buti'm very, very shy. ok, i'll try and show it. i'll hide behind. i'll stop blushing and all. farah khan: shah rukh, [audience commotion and applause] i don't know if it's a good orbad thing, but more of the boys were screaming. shah rukh khan: ok.

this is likely to go to thatover-18 section of youtube, then. but i'll show it to you guys. before i leave, i'll show you. i'll come personally,you can touch it, and then you can feelit, and every girl is allowed to nameevery individual ab. you can call it chintoo,bintoo, bulee, pulee, whatever. audience: the show wasawesome last night.

farah khan: thank you. shah rukh khan: thank you. farah khan: bestcrowd ever we had. really. farah khan: best crowd ever. audience: [inaudible]? no, no, no. boman irani: sorry? farah khan: abhishek, come on.

abhishek bachchan: what? farah khan: she wants tohear your [inaudible]. abhishek bachchan: theywant to hear boman sing. farah khan: no, theywant to hear your rap. abhishek bachchan: no, no. they want to hear boman. audience: (cheering) abhishek! shah rukh khan:we'll back you up. we'll do back-up stuff.

sundar pichai:he'll back you up. shah rukh khan: andboman will do the-- sundar pichai: he'll back you. abhishek bachchan: ok. sundar pichai: andif all else fails, i'll back you guys up, too. shah rukh khan:the groupie stuff. farah khan: you want a mic? abhishek bachchan: no.

i'm mic'ed. this is google, man. relax. so we can do-- shah rukh khan: boman,stand behind him so we can be the groupies. abhishek bachchan: my boys. my boys. come on.

farah khan: do you needdeepika to give the [? best? ?] abhishek bachchan: because hervoice is just-- so it says, please wrap up in three minutes. so here we go. b-l-u to the double-f master. let's take it slowgirl, i'm a long laster. yeah, i'm a bad boy. but i'm a good girl. you have to say,i'm a good girl.

boman irani: i'm a good girl. abhishek bachchan: you are. you're a very good girl. boman irani: we'renot going to talk about last night, abhishek. abhishek bachchan: butyou're still the girl. boman irani: i'm still the girl. so b-l-u to the double-f master. let's take it slow, girl.

i'm a long laster. boman irani: buti'm a good girl. abhishek bachchan: out in theclub or on bed or on a rug. abhishek bachchan: myrhymes are laid back, so lay back while idrop the playback. get to my group and then you'llask if you can stay back. you're fine, so fine, i'mgoing to keep you smiling. nice eyes, finefur, pimp styling. boman irani: andi'm a good girl.

sundar pichai: [inaudible]right here, right now. abhishek bachchan: bomsie, sing. sing. boman irani: carefulwhat [inaudible]. please. abhishek bachchan: we'llback you up, bomsie. boman irani: that's whati was afraid of, actually. abhishek bachchan: [humming] deepika padukone: [inaudible].

abhishek bachchan:go for it, bomsie. go for it. boman irani: now,don't go in this ear. ok? this one's damaged for life. [singing in hindi] give me some sunshine. give me some rain. give me another chance, iwant to grow up once again.

farah khan: you couldhave sung something from "happy new year." you know? just saying. audience: [collective yelling] shah rukh khan: they'rebusy dancing together. sundar pichai: whilethis is a lot of fun, we are holding about2,000 people from lunch. this is where googlehas lunch today.

so unfortunately,we have to end this. i'm the most unpopularguy right now at google. but we thank allof them for coming. thank you for everyoneon the live stream. see you all later.

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