latest curtains designs for living room

latest curtains designs for living room

here’s what you need to know for great-lookingwindow treatments. before you buy your curtains, snap a photoof your windows. measure at three different places and make a sketch, marking the largestmeasurement. also mark nearby vents, lights switches, andelectrical outlets, as you won’t want to cover them. the size of your curtains makes a differencein the room’s dã©cor, and there are a variety of sizes available.63-inch curtains usually sit at or just below the sill, 84-inch curtains sit at or justabove the floor, and 95-inch curtains can be pooled on the floor for a regal may need longer curtains if you plan on

mounting the rod near the ceiling.for width, both curtains combined should be at least twice the width of the window andtrim. along with curtain size, the rod size andplacement can make a difference too. for length, rods that extend 2-3 inches beyondthe frame give a traditional look allowing the curtains to partially cover the windowwhen open. extending the rod 10-15 inches beyond thetrim reveals the entire window, making it look wider.don’t forget about the finials. check the package to see if they’re included in thetotal rod length. also, with layered curtains, the double rodbrackets might extend farther from the wall.

so where do you hang the rod? you can hangon or just above the frame for a flush appearance. go 6 inches above the frame for a standardlook, or hang near the ceiling with long drapes to make the room look taller. when you’re figuring the total height foryour curtain and rod placement, remember to account for how the curtain hangs on the rod:hooks, rings, tabs, grommets, or pockets. to install the curtain rod, measure and markthe bracket locations on the wall. double-check the placement by holding therod and brackets in place. have someone help you and check for level. if your marks aren’t lined up with studs,install wall anchors. drill a pilot hole,

install the anchor, then set the bracket anddrive in the screws. rods wider than 4 feet will need a centersupport. take off the finials and install the rod. slide the curtain onto the rod, and tightenthe set screws. finish up by installing the finials. with a little planning, your new curtainswill be a great addition and help transform yourhome’s dã©cor. want more great ideas and how-to’s? go or just click to subscribe. next, learn how to refinish hardwood floors.

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