dining room curtain ideas

dining room curtain ideas

if you've ever been overwhelmed with windowcoverings, particularly the curtains and what to do, and what to choose, then stick withme, i'm going to break down some of my top tips in choosing curtains and window coverings. and make sure to stick to the end becausei've created something really special to help you out as well. my first tip in choosing your window coveringsis you want to bring the window covering as high up as possible. and i say this one because this is one ofthe biggest sort of design mistakes i see out there.

is people will put the rod in the casing orright above the casing. my rule of thumb always is bring the rod ashigh as you can. the reason is, this will really make yourroom feel taller and more open, and the ceilings higher as well. if you don't want to go all the way to theceiling, then a happy medium is to go between the casing and the ceiling. tip number two in choosing your curtains andwindow coverings is you want to think about do you want a plain fabric or do you wanta pattern? and so i'm going to help you out here.

if you have a ton of pattern already in yourspace, say your living room, i would say go with a plain curtain bet. it's going to just bring in the other colorsin the room and not create too, too much pattern. on the flip side though if you don't havea lot of pattern, curtains are a great way to bring that pattern into your room. if you have say a neutral rug and couch, andmaybe a little bit of pattern on your pillows. if you add a pop of punch of pattern and colorin your curtains it can really brighten up a space. tip number three, you want to think abouthow you want the room to feel and particularly

how the curtains feel. so what i mean by this is are you going forkind of a linen look or are you going something more luxurious like a velvet? so what i would say is take a look at theroom you're dealing with. if you've got a bedroom say, and it's kindof more on the traditional, fancy side, you might want to go with something that's a velvetor a silk. on the flip side, if you're in a family roomthat's really casual, i wouldn't say putting those materials in there would be a greatidea. i'd go for something like a linen or a cotton.

go with the look and the feel of the roomin the material that you choose. tip number four, and this is a big one guys. this is kind of like my first tip of bringingthe ceiling up, the rod up so the ceiling looks high. another trick for you is double up on thepaneling. so a lot of times i see these little ittybitty panels on the side of windows and what you can do, a great designer trick is justto order two sets of panels and double it up. it just makes your window look bigger, andit makes it look full, and it adds so much

to your room. so i hope this has helped you and inspiredyou to maybe hang some curtains that you've been left hanging around your house. i know it can sort of still be overwhelmingso i've created a little bit of a cheat sheet for you of how to hang your curtains and differentstyles, and different ways, and you can link to that below. if you liked this video, i'd love it if youcould like it. make sure you subscribe and forward it toyour family and friends. also, if you're not already part of my subscriberlist, make sure to hop on over to karladreyerdesign.com

because i do send a weekly email and i shareall my tips and tricks, and diys and things that i only share with my subscribers. so i'll see you there.

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