dining room playroom ideas

[music playing] color is beautiful. it stimulate yoursenses and emotions. it sets the mood in any room. and conveyshow you want a space to feel. finding color combinationsthat reflect your personal style is simple if you understanda few key color concepts. reds, yellowsand browns are warm colors
which make rooms cozy and inviting. they're ideal for spaces like kitchens and dining rooms,where friends and family gather. cool colors like blue,lavender and lime create a calming atmosphere,perfect for bedrooms and bathrooms. neutral and accentcolors flourish in nature. grays, blacks, and whites mixed with a splash of greenmake a delightful color combination. hgtv home by sherwin-williams
makes color harmonyin your home easy. the colors in each collectioncoordinate with each other so all you have to dois choose your favorites. the color wheel is a great tool for finding gorgeouscolor combinations. analogous colors are those foundnext to each other on the wheel so they naturally relate. complementary colors are createdfrom opposite colors on the wheel such as yellow and purple.
together, they're dynamicand lively. there's nothing averageabout whites. they can be warmor cool but never boring. finding and usingcolors you love is simple. all you need is a little informationand the right color tools to let your true colors show. for more color ideas, pick up our simply color brochureat any sherwin-williams store or visit our website.