dining room staging ideas
i try to tell people when i first walkin the door "guess what? you're not going to like me any more than you do rightnow because i am going to take your home and turn it into a house for sale andthat might not feel comfortable." this is your home right now we're going totransform it and one of the first things we do is when the buyer walks throughthe door they're going to make a decision really quickly as to whetherthey feel that this is going to be a great home for them or not. so what we want to do is make this entryway as inviting as possible. okay now we're walking into your main living area.
and what we want to make sure happens hereis that first of all people feel welcome and the furniture is placed in such amanner that it's inviting to people. and that's why we got rid of the sectionalbecause the sectional was sitting right here and kind of blocking that entryway. would you guys mind helping me move this a little bit? no not at all, it makes alot of sense. maybe we can try a few more configurations. okay great! how do you feel walking into this? this looks a lot more wide open and inviting when you walk in.
the other thing i notice in this room isthat you've got this entertainment center so what we're going to try and dohere is make sure that it's less of a distraction than it is right now becausewe've got a lot of books, a lot of pictures. what we want people to see whenthey first walk in the room is the feature that's staying and that's notthe entertainment center but the fireplace. and you've got a gorgeousfireplace and so we want to downplay that to up play this when we live in the home, it's wonderfulto have our children's artwork shown off. but when we're trying to sell a feature, these shelves, we want to take all these
distractions away. now let's move into the dining room. whatwe're going to do is we're going to take these arts and crafts and we're going toput them someplace else that's not as obvious and not as distracting. welcome to your new master bedroom. mygosh, whose bedroom is this? i don't know what to say,honey you've got the call mature bedroom that you've always been wanting. that'swhat i've been wanting, it's great, it looks terrific. so what we did in your masterbedroom is a couple of things: one is we depersonalized, two is we declutter, andthe final thing is we decorated.
i've always looked at staging as a return oninvestment. yes it is investment in the front and the accessories, furniture, andthe stagers work but on the back side, i think there's a huge return in less timeon the market and higher price when you do sell. i really didn't know how much wecould do with our existing stuff and you know how we could make it blossom and ifjust i think it's fabulous i'm thrilled