dining room decor ideas uk

dining room decor ideas uk

hello everyone! this is andrew from crown academy of english. today we are going to do a vocabulary lesson,and the subject of the lesson is theliving room. so i'm going to take you to a shop and i'm going to show you all the words which are related to the living room. okay so let's get started! here we are,

outside the shop. the name of the shop is ikea...and ikea sells lots of things for the home andthe house.... and we are going to be looking at furniture for the living room. so i think we are ready... let's go in the shop! so, here we are in a typical living room and here we have

a "sofa" and a "sofa" is where two people can sit next to each other... okay. so there are two other words for the word "sofa" - we can also say "settee", and we can also say "couch". now the words "sofa" and "settee", they are common in british

english and the word "couch" is more common in american english. now here on the end of the sofa, we have ... two cushions. so these square items here... they are called cushions .... and we put cushions on the sofa

to make it more comfortable. ok... and here... this item here... this is called a "bookshelf" and we use a "bookshelf" to keep books. so we store books on the bookshelf. okay? so you can see here, there are some

books on this shelf and here there are some books on this shelf. here, in the middle of the room, we have a "coffee table". a "coffee table" is a low table which is in front of the sofa... and on this table, there is a coffee cup and saucer

and here there is a tray.... and on the tray there is a coffee pot.... so a pot of coffee. and... finally, on the floor, there is a "rug". this is a brown "rug". the colour of the "rug" is brown. and this rug is to cover

the wooden floor. so we put a "rug" on the floor to cover the floor... and a rug also helps to decorate the room... and to keep the room warm. and here again, we can see in the middle of the room, there is a "coffee table", a white "coffeetable" this time... and on the left,

there is another "sofa". and here we can see there is an "armchair". so this is called an "armchair". and an "armchair" is a comfortable chair for one person. so one person sits in an "armchair" and sometimes we put a cushion on an "armchair" if wewant to make it more comfortable. and here,

on the left, on the floor, we can see this is in fact a "wooden floor". and here we can see there are some "books" and the "books" are on a "bookshelf". so, we can see, here there are some "books" on the top "bookshelf", and below it, there are some more books on the bottom "bookshelf". now,

in the singular, if there is one bookshelf, we spell it like this - so s h e l f is singular - one bookshelf.... and for several "bookshelves", we say "shelves" and that is spelt s h e l v e s. so it is

an irregular noun. so here we can see, in the middle of theroom, there is a large "christmas tree"... and on the "christmas tree", there are some decorations... and underneath the tree, at the bottom, there are some presents. and on the right we can see the books in

the bookshelf ....and here on the left, there is an armchair.... and on the armchair, there is a cushion. here we can see there are some "curtains". there is a pair of"curtains". now we place "curtains" in front of a window...and we

attach the "curtains" to a "curtain rail"... and we say that we open the curtains ... and we close the curtains. and here is a "television". sometimes we can call a television a "tv". so we watch "television". we watch programmes on the "television."

and we can watch films and watch the news on "television." this television here is a "flat screen television." a "flat screen television" - we can either put it on a stand or we can fix it to the wall. here is a "bureau". we pronounce it "bureau". it is a french word....

and a bureau is a desk which can open and close. and you can see on the floor, there is a "rug" on the floor. here is a "picture". so we hang "pictures" on the wall. so we use pictures to decorate the walls.... and

all around the edge of a "picture", there is a "picture frame". so here, on this "picture", there is a black "picture frame" around the "picture". and in fact this "picture" has three "pictures" - there is a "picture" of some elephants on the left. here in the middle, it is a "picture" of a flower, and on theright,

it is a "picture" of some birds. here is a "lamp". so we use a "lamp" to light a room... and on top of the "lamp", there is a "lamp shade", a "lamp shade". and we use a "lamp shade" to decorate the lamp and also to make the light less bright. here...

we are looking inside the lamp... and inside the lamp, there is a "light bulb". so the "light bulb" is what shines the light.... and here, on the right hand side, this is the inside of the "lamp shade". and here is the "wire" which is coming out of the lamp and

which connects to the plug of the lamp.... and to turn the light on or off, then we use a "switch". so we press the light switch to turn the light on or to turn the light off. here is another view of a "light bulb".

so we connect a "light bulb" to a lamp. we attach a "light bulb" to a lamp. and here are some "blinds". here are some "blinds" in front of the window. the word "blinds" is always plural, never singular. to

open the "blinds", or to close the "blinds", then we pull the "cord". we can decorate the living room withsome "flowers"... and we put the "flowers" into a "vase" ... and then we pour water into the "vase". we can also decorate the living room with some "plants".

so here we have four "plants". on a plant, there are "leaves", green "leaves". so here, we can see, at the bottom-left, there is one "leaf" and here, at the top-left, there are two "leaves". so "leaf" is an irregular noun. in the singular, we spell it l e a

f and in the plural, v e s. in the living room, we can also put a "clock". a "clock" displays the time. on the "clock", there are three hands. the small hand is the "hour hand". the big hand is the "minute hand" and the red hand is the "second hand".

this is a "hi-fi". a "hi-fi" we use a "hi-fi" to listen to music. we can also listen to the radio with a "hi-fi" or a cd. on the left of the hi-fi, and on the right, they are the "speakers". so the "speakers" are where the sound comes from.

decorate the living room with "candles". here there are three candles. one on the left, one in the middle and one on the right. there are two parts of a "candle". the main part is called the "wax" and the part in the middle is called the "wick". so...

that is the end of the lesson. we have finished learning all the words regarding the living room. i hope youenjoyed the lesson. please subscribe to my channel if you would like to have more lessonslike this one. some other videos which might interest you. so this is a grammar lesson on the left hand side. it is all about the words "all"

and "every" and when to use those words. and here on the right, this is a listening exercise. so this will helpyou to improve your listening skills. so youcan click on either of these videos or you canclick on the subscribe button at the top... andalso don't forget you can follow me ontwitter. this is my twitter account here... and every day i give very short

vocabulary lessons or bits of advice about learning english. so you can click on the link in the description if you like.there is a clickable link to my twitter account in thedescription of this video. okay, so that's the end. thank you for watching :-) this is andrewfrom crown academy of english. bye bye!

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