dining room furniture painting ideas

dining room furniture painting ideas

hi there it's rosanne here from countrychic paint. if you've ever tried to paint spindles on pieces like chair backsyou'll know how time consuming and frustrating it can be. i have somefantastic tips to help you get it done in a fraction of the time with verylittle effort. keep watching to learn how for this video i'm going to be usingsome of our all-in-one decor paint in the color cheesecake, a small paintbrushand this painting sponge. it can be very tedious to use a paintbrush in andaround spindles but applying paint using a sponge willmake things so much easier first i'm going to shake and stir mypaint to make sure all the ingredients

are well mixed now i'm going to pour some paint on thisplate to make it easier to dip the sponge into the paint i'm simply go to dip the edge of mysponge into the paint you don't want to put very much on yoursponge as it will spread quite far and we're going for thin rather than thickpaint coats here. as you can see you can push the sponge in between the spindlesmuch more easily than a brush and you'll be able to cover more ground in ashorter period of time. for any areas that you can't get into with your sponge,use a small paintbrush instead. you'll

notice that the sponge applies to paintin very thin layers. if you feel like you're not getting very good coverage,don't worry that's a good thing! you'll likely findthat you can still get seamless coverage out of just two quick coats and applyingpaint thinly will give you much better adhesion i'm now going to let the first coat dryand then we'll come back to apply the second coat in the meantime i've applied a secondcoat of paint to my chair just a thin coat. you can see thatit's not perfectly covered but i'm going to go for a very shabby chic look. i'mgoing to distress it with a fine grit

sandpaper you want to make sure you do that afteryour second coat is completely dry if you're going for a more modern finishand you don't want to distress it then you probably want to give it at leastanother thin coat to give it opaque coverage so here's our finished shabby chic chairwith beautifully painted spindles in a fraction of the time. if you're curiousto learn more about why painting iin thick coats can be bad for your piece stay tuned for our upcoming video injust a couple weeks subscribe to our channel to make sureyou don't miss it. if you liked this

video please leave a comment and clickthe like button. to find out more about our products where you can buy them click the website link on your screennow or in the description below this video thank you so much for watching and happypainting!

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